crocus sativus

action antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, appetizer, balsamic, cardiotonic, carminative, emmenagogue, expectorant, gastrotonic, narcotic, nervine, sedative

common name autumn crocus, saffron, spanish saffron

contains B vitamins, hydrochloric acid, vitamin B2

family iridaceae

range east europe, egypt, europe, france, iraq, japan, java, spain, turkey

use spice

used to treat arthritis, cancer, cataplasm, common cold, cough, fever, hepatomegaly, insomnia, measles, melancholy, menstrual troubles, sclerosis

This is a very expensive herb, and is the best emmenagogue known. It helps arthritics eliminate uric acid, which holds the calcium deposited in the joints. Also, reduces lactic acid build up. It contains a poison that can damage the kidneys and is fatal in large doses (more than 10 grams).