Land Hermit Crabs - Species List
Taxonomy of Land Hermit Crabs | C. clypeatus | C. brevimanus | C. rugosa | Crab Care Sites

This website is a link from the HermitCrab Red Cross.  It is a continuing collection, updated regularly with information on the different species of Land Hermit Crabs.     

For those who come to view these pages, please feel free to contact us with any corrections you believe could be made.  This site is not static, but ongoing as we continue to gather more detailed information about all species of Land Hermit Crabs.
For those of you who have contributed, I have noted the contributors at the bottom of each page.  There is no such thing as only one contributor.  If you have more information, please e-mail it to me. 
Thank you very much for your time, dedication, intelligent research, and help. 

Here is a picture of a Carribean Land Hermit Crab, C. clypeatus, with its beautiful purple pincer in full view.



Click here to link to HermitCrab Red Cross

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