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How To Spot a Raver
01. Ravers can perfectly understand and have conversations with anyone under age of 10.
02. Ravers know where all the best toy stores are (Toys R Us).
03. Ravers get the most milage out of their shoes.
04. Ravers are the only people who don't have their age calculated in months, yet still wear and use pacifiers
05. Ravers always consider every new place they go to a possible location for a party.
06. Ravers hug EVERYONE.
07. Ravers can dance.
08. Ravers understand the art of the bathroom conversation.
09. Ravers can be found dancing everywhere EXCEPT the main dance floor.
10. Ravers choose their clothes by texture, color, and SIZE.
11. Ravers love homemade clothes because they've seen the price tag on a pair of lithium's.
12. Ravers always order water when they go out to clubs.
13. Ravers realize that "Evian" spell "naivE" backwards.
14. RavErs drool whEnEver thEy spot an objEct with an "E" on it.
15. Ravers always know the most likely spot to find other ravers within a one hundred foot radius.
16. Ravers don't bother planning to meet their friends ahead of time, their friends are always already there.
17. Ravers don't say, "nice shoes, wanna fu@k?"
18. Ravers give the best hugs and massages.
19. Ravers have a one track mind. It goes: "thump thump tweet thump tweet thump".
20. Ravers constantly point out the triply visuals in everyday life.
21. Ravers helped Adidas through the "lean" years.
22. Ravers never know the name of their favorite tracks.
23. Ravers know how to sm:)e.
24. Ravers don't disrespect others.
25. Ravers always choose "E" on multiple choice questions.
26. Ravers are good at playing "guess what he's on".
27. Ravers will say "HI" to those people they don't know, yet always see on the bus.
28. Ravers define the style of music they listen to as "good".
29. Ravers plan a vacation around a party in another state or country.
30. Ravers know what to do with a dead glow stick*. * Which is to put it in the freezer in the slim chance it may work another night.