Look, Kenshin screenshots!

These are all from episode 26, the middle episode of the plot arc with the pirates. The screenshots and descriptions do kind of hint at what happens, so if you haven't seen it yet, be warned.

001 Unconscious Kenshin tied to a big pole thing on the ship
002 Kenshin waking up
003 Kenshin looking around
004 Kenshin looking around
005 Kenshin tied to a small boat
006 Hey, this is the same frame. Oops.
007 More of the same
008 Kenshin with the scary frog/ogre-looking guy
009 More of the same
010 Frog-Ogre shoves Kenshin forward
011 Kenshin looking over his shoulder
012 Kenshin and Shura
013 Kenshin and Shura
014 Kenshin and Shura (with what looks like a sheathed sword)
015 Kenshin and Shura and that evil dude
016 Kenshin (smiling)
017 Kenshin (not smiling)
018 Kenshin with his wrists tied (and Shura's hand in the foreground)
019 Kenshin is surprised Shura cut the rope on his wrists
020 More of the same
021 Kenshin watches Shura walk over to her sword
022 Kenshin
023 Kenshin
024 Kenshin looking at Shura's sword (pointed at him)
025 Kenshin smiling
026 Shura pointing her sword at Kenshin
027 Kenshin talking
028 Kenshin
029 Kenshin
030 Kenshin
031 Kenshin
032 Kenshin (and sakabatou handle)
033 More of the same
034 More of the same
035 Kenshin sheathing the sakabatou
036 More of the same
037 Kenshin (from Shura's viewpoint)
038 Kenshin just standing there
039 Kenshin and Shura and stuff
040 Kenshin opens his eyes
041 Kenshin
042 Kenshin thinks Shura is a nice pirate
043 Kenshin tied to another post
044 Kenshin looking up toward the moon
045 Kenshin talking to the mute pirate kid
046 Kenshin on the pirate kid remembering not to get friendly with prisoners
047 Kenshin thinks he is a nice pirate too
048 Kaoru worrying about Kenshin
049 More of the same
050 Sanosuke on being hit with a dish, part 1 (says "o")
051 Part 2 (says "ro" - thus "oro" - I thought it was funny)
052 Kaoru is still worried
053 Kaoru and Sano look up as Yahiko comes in
054 Yahiko talkin' about stuff
055 Kaoru expressing her opinion of mice in close proximity
056 Yahiko and the offending mouse
057 Sanosuke
058 Sanosuke
059 Kenshin is still tied to that post
060 Kenshin looks up
061 Kenshin looking up
062 Kenshin hears someone coming (ooh, whassat!)
063 Yet another screenshot of Kenshin, how surprising!
064 Kenshin looking pleasant
065 Kenshin is still tied to that post
066 Kenshin talking to Shura
067 Kenshin
068 The exact same frame as 067
069 Kenshin
070 Kenshin saying something
071 Shura
072 Kenshin in profile and Shura's back
073 Ditto, Kenshin is talking now
074 Kenshin
075 Kenshin smiling
076 But still tied to the post
077 Yahiko in the dark on the pirate ship
078 Sano in the same circumstances
079 Kaoru, ditto
080 Sano getting suspicious
081 Kenshin hears an explosion
082 More of the same
083 Kenshin yelling at Shura
084 More of the same
085 More of the same
086 More of the same
087 More of the same
088 More of the same
089 Kenshin on Shura not listening to him
090 Kenshin gathers energy to break loose
091 Kenshin gets untied from the post
092 Kenshin running
093 Kenshin running
094 Kenshin with a weapon thingie
095 Kenshin with a bloody weapon thingie
096 Serious Kenshin
097 Kenshin throws it at Frog-Ogre
098 Kenshin yelling
099 Kenshin rescues Shura
100 Kenshin running with Shura
101 More of the same

More to come whenever I'm not too lazy to upload and add links.