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Indonesian Songs

All the below listed midi songs was not recorded/sequench but,
manual edited using midi editor

(Standard GM = Percussions/Drums in Channel 10)
You may download the following listed midi songs,
for non-commercial purpose only:

If there are claims from the Author/Composers, the specified claimed songs will be deleted from this site.

all songs are packed in ZIP format unless otherwise specified:

Indonesian songs 1
Composed by Ismail M.Z.
ind1.zip Size=12,456
  1. Aryati
    Lady Aryati
  2. Bunga Anggrek (orchid)
    original title= Als de Orchideien Bloeien
  3. Jangan ditanya kemana aku pergi
    (Don't ask me where i'll go)
  4. Juwita Malam
    Beautiful Evening
  5. Kunang-kunang
  6. Melati ditapal batas
    Jasmine at the border
Indonesian songs 2
Composed by Ismail M.Z.
ind2.zip Size=12,236

Ismail M.Z. Song Lyrics

  1. Ratna juwita
    (Beautiful Ratna)
  2. Rindu
  3. Sepasang mata Bola
    (A pair of Eye balls)
  4. Selendang sutera
    A Silken Shawl
  5. Sabda Alam
    The Nature Utterance
  6. YII
Indonesian songs 3
Folk Songs from the eastern part of Indonesia
ind3.zip Size=19,6 kb

Unfortunately all the melodies of these songs should mainly be played with Hawaiian Guitar but there is no such intstrumen for midisongs so instead I use Fretlless bass and Rhodes to replaced the hawaiian guitar and Ukulele chord accompaniment. Both instrument sounds nearly similar to the replaced instruments.

  1. Buka pintu
    (Open the door)
  2. Huhate
  3. Waktu Hujan Sore-2
    (When rainfalls at noon)
  4. Goro goro ne
  5. Gunung Salahatu
    Mount Salahatu
  6. Sayang Kene
  7. Tanase
  8. Ulate
  9. Midi format


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