CastleKingdom Goals in association with MedievalOnline.Com is proud to bring you the first Interactive Online community of its kind. Our main goal is to bring people together on a human level, wherein the members freely offer each other advice and counsel based on their actual occupations or hobbies in real life. If there's something you excel at, why not share it with others? There are many people seeking the advice and knowledge you have to offer. Why not help someone out?
CastleKingdom offers you the opportunity to meet others in fields of similar interest. When you sign up, choose the Guild that best represents your current status or profession. You will then be listed in our Online Members Directory where you can join an exchange of emails, chat, bulletin boards and other interactive activities. Perhaps you need simple legal advice or are looking to meet a special romantic someone? It can happen here.
Stroll through the Kingdom and visit the various Guilds of Professionals, Academy of Students or the marketplace. You are also given the opportunity to sell your own goods here. This is your Kingdom.

Are You Ready To Rule The Kingdom?

CastleKingdom.Com is new on the web. Therefore, the Kingdom is yet expanding. The FIRST 50 members to sign up will be given ranks, titles, benefits and privileges that allow you to have your own personal Member's Page, post personal articles on this website, influence its development, customize its look and make it your own personal Kingdom. But beware - you must listen to the needs and concerns of the members lest they revolt against you. If enough negative ballots are received that question or complain of the way you're managing this Kingdom, you can be deposed and ousted!
Of course you can choose to be a quiet citizen of the Kingdom if you wish to sit back and reap the benefits of membership without concerning yourself with the concerns of ruling. After all, ruling CastleKingdom isn't for everyone...

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