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  The Ghosts of November YOU WILL LEARN about the lure of destructive cults that can cause vulnerable people to take their own lives.

YOU WILL LEARN about the necessary, but gruesome job of military mortuary specialists and find out how these amazing men and women handle the stress of collecting the remains of persons killed under catastrophic conditions.

YOU WILL LEARN how the evacuation of the remains of the Jonestown victims was mismanaged by no less than four federal agencies.

YOU WILL LEARN of the long term psychological effects experienced by some members of the Joint Humanitarian Task Force that was sent to Guyana to clean up Jonestown.
  Company Headquarters:
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San Antonio, Texas 78230

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Publisher: Jessie P. Philips

Editor-in-Chief: Jeff Brailey

by Jeffrey Brailey

Published by J & J Publishers (ISBN 0-9667868-0-7). Retail Price - $19.95

Distributed by Hervey's Booklink, Phone (214) 221-2711 / FAX (214) 221-2715.

Must reading for grief counselors, military history buffs, those interested in alternative religions and anyone that wants to know the truth about what happened in Jonestown AFTER its 914 residents perished on November 18, 1978.