Girls on the left and boys on the right
Please join hands, but don’t squeeze too tight
Skip around a circle and here we go
Not too fast, but not too slow

Now, come to a stop for a patty cake
Don’t fall asleep, stay awake
Clap your hands and make a sound
Don’t push anybody down

It’s a very fair, very square
Very fair square dance
It’s a very fair, very square
Very fair square dance

Make up a step that makes you feel glad
Now, get your mom and dad
Don’t forget your grandma or your grandpa too
But don’t tell the other folks what they should do

Now, here’s a step that’s part of the game
Stomp your feet and say your name
Get brother and sister and show ‘em you care
We all can dance, it’s only fair

It’s a very fair, very square
Very fair square dance
It’s a very fair, very square
Very fair square dance

Find somebody’s shoulder, but don’t you fight
Always do what you think is right

Make a circle and look around
Stretch right up and take a deep bow
Take four steps in and four steps out
When you get back in place, give a big shout

Up real high, you’re looking neat
But, don’t step on nobody else’s feet
There’s lots of room for everyone
Don’t be mean, let’s have some fun

Take your partner and twirl around
When you get tired, fall right down

It’s a very fair, very square
Very fair square dance
It’s a very fair, very square
Very fair square dance