Kennel Club, London 1994

GENERAL APPERANCE - Noble and dignified expression, characterised by solemnity, wisdom and power.

CHARACTERISTICS - Possesses in the most marked degree every point and characteristic of those dogs which hunt together by scent (sagaces) Very powerful, standing over more ground than is usual with hounds of other breeds. Skin thin and loose, especially noticable about the head and neck where it hangs in deep folds.

TEMPERAMENT - Affectionate, neither quarrelsome with companions nor with other dogs. Somewhat reserved and sensitive.   


HEAD AND SKULL - Head narrow in proportion to length and long in proportion to body, tapering slightly from temples to muzzel, thus when viewed from above and in front having the apperance of being flattened at sides and of being nearly equal in width throughout entire length. In profile upper outline of skull is nearly in same plane as that of foreface.  Length from end of nose to stop not less than from stop to back of occipital protuberance. Entire length of head from posterior part of occiputal protuberance to end of muzzel 30cm (12 ins) or more in dogs and 28cm (11 ins) or more in bitches. Skull is long  narrow, with occiputal peak very pronounced. Brows not prominent although owing to set of eyes may appear to give that appearance. Foreface long, deep and of even width throughout, with square outlines when seen in profile. Head furnished with an amount loose skin, which in nearly every position appears abundant, but more particularly so when the head is carried low; skin then falls into loose pendulous ridges and folds, especially over forehead and sides of face. Nostrils large and open. In front lips fall squarely making a right angle with upper line of foreface; whilst behind they form deep hanging flews, and being continued into pendant folds of loose skin about the neck, constitute the dewlap, which is very pronounced.   


EYES - Medium sized, dark brown or hazel, neither sunken or prominent, the lids being oval in shape and meeting the cornea - front window of eye- perfectly without any irregularity in there contour. Eyes should be free from any interference from the eye lashes.

EARS - Thin and soft to touch, long, set on low and falling in graceful folds, lower parts curling inwards and backwards.


MOUTH -  Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. Upper closley overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

NECK - Long.

FOREQUARTERS - Shoulders muscular and well sloped. Forelegs straight, large, round in bone with elbows well set in. Pasterns strong.

BODY - Ribs well sprung, chest well let down between forelegs fprming a deep keel.  Back and loins strong, the latter deep and slightly arched.

HINDQUARTERS - Thighs and second thighs very muscular. Hocks well let down, bent and squarely set.

FEET - strong and well knuckeled up.

TAIL - (Stern) Long, thick, tapering to a point, set high with a moderate amount of hair underneath. Carried scimitar fashion, but not curled over the back or corkscrew  anytime. When moving carried high.

GAIT/MOVEMENT -  Elastic, swinging free.

COAT -  Smooth, short and weatherproof.

COLOUR -  Black & tan, liver and tan, (red and tan) and red. Darker clours sometimes interspersed with lighter or badger coloured hair and sometimes flecked with white. Small amounts of white are permissable on chest, feet and tip of tail.


Height: Adult dogs 66 cm  (26 ins)

Adult bitches  61 cm  (24 ins)

Dogs usually vary from 63 - 69 cms (25 -27 ins)

Bitches usually vary from  58 - 63 cms  (23 -25 ins)

Mean average weight: Adult Dogs 41 kg  (90 lbs) in fair condition

Mean average weight: Adult Bitches 36 kg  (80 lbs) in fair condition

Dogs attain the weight of 50 kg (110 lbs)

Bitches attain the weight of 45 kg  (100 lbs)

Hounds of Maximum height and weight preferred, providing that quality, proportion and balance combine.

FAULTS - Any departure from the foregoing pionts should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to it's degree.

NOTE -  Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


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