

  Hiya! I'm HPWeb's sort-of helper person, and  I'm 14, veggie, and I live in the UK. I enjoy cross-country running, sk8ing, singing and playing computer games! 

I'm in charge of the News section, which is probably why it isn't very full yet!!! I also make the dolls, although you should keep ordering them through Arachnid, because she's in charge of making sure they all get there and organising everything!!! I also do the Special Features, and help out on other parts of the site where I can.

  My part in of the site is still very small, but I have been given more and more responsibility for the site as more of it goes online, and Arachnid gets more stressed about it!!! 

     Check out the site. It's now looking really cool, and there's loads more to come if my stupid computer will co-operate for more than 30 seconds at a time!!! 

  If you want to link to us, click here to chose one of our groovy new buttons and banners, designed and made!


I will try and get new information up as soon as I can. If there will be no updates over a long period of time I shall try and let you know!

Cookie -x-

 Here are some cool sites which have nothing to do with HP, but are well-worth checking out!!!

The Black sheep, the veggiegoth/vegangoth page! Includes recipes and cruelty-free clothing alternatives!

  ESSA - English Schools Athletics Association

The Coalition for Consumer Information of Cosmetics

The Vegetarians International Voice for Animals

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom

Teenage Health Freak - an agony-aunt website based on the books