"it's all over"

bulletin archive february 2000

bulletin 00008

the country und western issue

well fiddle-de-de
if it isn't the little ole country und western edition of that there Purdy Laydy

(that's more than enough, Country speak-wise,
you get the overall gist)

what have we for your consumption this week?

there are MORE devastatingly gorgeous snapshots
making our gallery selection FOUR pages
in depth!
now that's luxury

we have the Channel 4 taster reviews for
The Divine David Heals
in the "reviews" compartment of the
he heals in high heels sectsssion

und a new article-ette for perusal in the

Count Lovely und Spike make a right pair of
country und western stars
of themselves this week for the finale

bulletin 00007

oh yes... as if you needed reminding, it's
und what treats lie deep within the grease soaked bag that is Pretty Lady this week?
we'll tell you


those of you who have been absolute angels und fed our pet listbot will already have received their first little electronic informative reward...
don't be left out, sign up today in the alloted sectssion of the main index page

we also have, by beautiful coincidence, fish related art sent to us by the lovely alex-x
it nestles, oven hot, in postbag's art sectsssion!

please note also that Channel Four are to repeat
from Wednesday 23 February

an informative finale for you this week

we're late
we know it
it has been an absolute pisser of a week things to be done wise
apologies to all of you who sent in oddments, be assured that they now grace the following pages
und those who have yet to receive answers to their beautiful mail...
please be passsient, we shall get round to it soon, oh yes

we've also acquired a pet list bot
(see main page)
simply enter your e-mail address, und a few optional details into its mechanics und et voila!
you'll receive sparkling Pretty Lady news as und when it breaks!
oh yes

bulletin 00006

the ART issue

und a brief scan of the news page this week will show you why

we've had a great deal of... mail
you know how much we enjoy your contribussssions
Pretty Lady
is proud to present
sent with love
the arousing
the beautiful
the intoxicating
Miss Darvas
the delectable
Urd Guurd
go to postbag, und look under art

the gorgeous Groc has been kind enough to answer of our celebrity squares quesssstions
you can view his opinions on all things The Divine David-shaped
a la
Celebrity Squares

 That's Entertainment
sectsssion contains two more reviews thanks to the delicious gassjack, who has sent us his review of our icon's show at Headless Chicken Voodoo Lounge
und the gorrgeous Gary, who tells all re the Ugli Sisters event
all of this can be poured over in the
that's entertainment
area of the site

ever fragrant Miss Darvas has also been gorgeous enough to send us TWO oddments for our MEDIA sectsssion... oh yes, go there immediately to witness the FLUX interview (carried out by none other than the lovely Chloe Poems) und a webzine piece...
you can see the visage which adorned the cover of said tome, und the pictures harboured within it's pages in the gallery

we've been 'at' the links, again!
adding, weeding und updating!

see Count Lovely und Spike's
"ART und how to get it"

bulletin 00005

well, after this week just gone's stunning
"The Divine David Heals"
what else can we say but
come in, pop yourself down und enjoy... are you warm enough or would you like another bar on?
it's the
elderly und infirm issue!

following the vast popularity of last weeks finale
[a testube holocaust in 11 acts]
we've set up a new sectssssion wherin you will be able to view all our performance pieces both past und present
we've called it the
pretty lady arts centre annex
...how lovely

the fragrant Alex-x has sent us some art
for our postbag... a beau-ti-ful rendering of The Divine David, medium pen on cardboard

we've set up the helpdesk in its own little niche
done the walls over with beige hessian, little bowl of pot pourri on the teak effect desk...

which brings us nicely to this weeks finale, a photographic piece entitled
"what's next I wonder?"

back to yesterday's news index