The Path Not Taken: The Sequel
By Noelerin

I found that I couldn't put the second half of this story with the first half, it is now another story entirely. So, for those who read the first part, yes it does end kind of depressingly. As always, I thank you for your patience and valuable feedback. It keeps me going. Also, the characters of AoS aren't mine, they just inspire me.

This story borrows heavily from the episode, "The Voyage to Hell" of the second season. I give credit to the writers of that episode for my inspiration. And now, I will stop typing and let you get on with my story. :-) Tell me how I'm doing.

Several years passed for Bryn and Sinbad, slowly their time together faded from their minds as experiences molded and shaped them. But every once in a while, on a clear, starry night, they'd stare up at a twinkling star and think wistfully of what might have been. They both wore the bracelets Dim-Dim had sent them.

It was on a clear, sunny spring day that they met once more. Sinbad was in town, trying to help a troubled youth named Timur. This boy was troubled by his father's notorious past, and relished in following his footsteps. This worried many in the little town, it couldn't handle another influx of robbers and their ill gotten gains.

Bryn came up behind them, overhearing part of their conversation. This boy's problem hit her hard because it was a story similar her own. She turned away and walked down to the beach to think, trying to decided what to do. Bryn saw Timur, felt his pain because it was like her own and made up her mind. She joined the group.

Timur was speaking to the men, defiantly. "My men are mine to control."

"Your men are cowards. Which makes them neither men nor yours." A new voice entered their conversation.

The crew looked up in shock to see the new comer, a tall brunette standing beside the confused young man, Timur. Sinbad knew the voice and the face was familiar to him, but he couldn't place it. She wore a forest green shirt and a pair of pants in the same color. On her left wrist was a rainbow bracelet like his. Doubar looked at her. "Bryn."

"Can it be her after so long?" Sinbad asked, half hopefully but half in doubt.

"It has to be. Dim-Dim made those bracelets for you two." Doubar replied.

"Who's Bryn?" Firouz asked. They shook their heads in reply Firouz knew that meant they'd explain later.

Timur looked at the newcomer in surprise. "And what of it? At least they do what I want them to."

She arched an eyebrow. "What you want or what your father wants?"

He flushed red. "It's one and the same!"

"Is it? I don't think so." She stated plainly. "You are a young man who is on the verge becoming all that he can be yet you are stubbornly resisting it. You are desperately trying to be your father, trying to win the love and approval of a man who will never give it to you!"

"What do you know of it?" He asked, as if he doubted she could even comprehend what he was feeling.

"Plenty!" She responded, bitterly.

Sinbad knew that he was finally going to hear her story, he prepared himself for the worst. Yet he knew that knowing the truth wouldn't change a thing, they were friends. He looked at Doubar and knew he felt the same way.

"My father was an evil sorcerer named Turok. I desperately wanted to win his love and admiration. I did whatever he asked me to! I was feared, hated by all who felt the power of my spells, still it was not enough for him. It was never enough, he seemed to delight in my pain. He asked me to do more, so I shoved my conscious aside for years trying to be what he wanted me to be. I envied my older sister, Rumina, because it was so easy for her. She revealed in her actions, did whatever dad wanted. I was always fighting with myself because I didn't want to hurt people, I was plagued with an inner voice that screamed at me to stop. Every time I hurt someone, I died inside! Every time I was asked to curse a city, it felt like I was killing myself!"

Bryn's words burned in Timur's mind, there was no escaping the truth in her story. "Then my father came to me with a very important job. Finally, I thought, dad trusted me. I thought that finally I'd won his love." She laughed, bitterly. "I never saw the truth. When I was ten, my father sent me out on an important mission. I was sent to kill a young boy because of his goodness. I nearly killed a young boy because of this desperate need for his affection." She paused, reliving that moment.

Timur quietly asked, almost as if he was afraid of her response. "What stopped you?"

"The boy." Bryn stated simply.

"What?" His eyes widened in surprise, the others looked at each other but they didn't dare interrupt her story.

"I arrived and saw him on the beach, just staring out at the sea. He didn't know I was there, I stood in front of him. His eyes met mine, in them I saw everything that I'd hungered for. Love, pure and simple. Though his eyes held a deep sadness and loss, there was a sense of family he had, something I so desperately wanted."

She ran a shaking hand through her hair, Sinbad and Doubar ached to comfort her but didn't interrupt. "In that moment, through his eyes, I saw what I really had-an empty home and an even emptier heart. I had traded my freedom and self respect for something that I could never have, my father's love."

Methana listened, her heart aching inside for her son and hoping that this woman could reach him. "Listen to her, Timur."

Unfortunately, another more sinister pair of eyes was upon them. "She is a danger to our cause. She must be stopped!" The figure turned towards a shadow by his side. "Go!"

Bryn put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't you see, Timur? That is what you are doing, giving up the riches you have for something you'll never get. Your mother loves you, the people here care about you, they want you to be free. That is more than I ever had till I met Sinbad and Doubar one day a few years later, they accepted me even though they didn't know my story or who I truly was. If you follow your father, you will lose your life and never get anything from him in return." She left them alone to think about her words, somethingtold her to get to Methana's place.

Timur thought about her words, marveling at how these strangers seemed to care for him. "Who was that?"

Sinbad answered. "That's Bryn, she's a childhood friend." Timur sat between them and they talked long into the night. Doubar and Sinbad both worried about their young friend, she had disappeared so quickly but knew that she could take care of herself.

She walked in and saw the poor woman stuck inside the wall, "What happened?"

"Punishment from Hades for trying to save my son." Methana said, painfully for the wall was trying to close over her face. Bryn stopped the upward movement of it.

"From what?" She asked, "Or should I say, from who?"

"There's no time, you must get back to him before he's taken." Bryn nodded, then reluctantly but quickly ran back to Timur. Suddenly, in front of her was a large thing with a creepy face, kind of like the face of a nightmare but much worse. It raised a pale, thin fingered hand and stopped her. "You go nowhere." It said in an unearthly voice.

"Get out of my way you badly dressed, uncouth creep!" She decked the garishly dressed thing in the face, or would have if it hadn't moved. The force of her punch knocked her to the ground.

It said again, in another eerie voice, that sounded as though it was ripped from the crypt. "You go nowhere!"

"Excuse me? But I didn't hear you say please. And who are you to tell me where I may go." She said as she got up from the ground.

"The master wants you to stay here." It intoned.

"I think not." With no other warning than that, she froze it into a solid block of stone. "Next time, try saying please." Then she left and saw the form of a ghostly man materialize beside Timur. "No!" But it was too late, they disappeared.

Firouz ran over, "Gone! What'll we do?"

"Methana will know!" She ran back to the cottage, without stopping to consider, they followed her and introduced themselves on the way. "I was too late." Bryn said sorrowfully.

"It is all right." Methana replied, smiling compassionately at her.

"How do we save him?" Sinbad turned to Methana.

"By going to the Devil. I can send you down to the Underworld, I can bring you back."

"How do we protect ourselves there and fight dead men?" Doubar asked.

"Even in Hades, the magic of Dim-Dim will keep you." She looked at Sinbad and Bryn, "Hold up your arms." They joined hands and looked in amazement as their bracelets began to glow brightly.

"She has the light and goodness within her and you have the courage." They all then touched swords to the light and felt a sudden strength pour into their blades.

"Stay with her, Firouz. If anything were to happen to her, we'd be stuck down there forever."

"I understand." Firouz nodded, then looked at Bryn. "You heard her story, do you think it's wise to trust her?"

"You heard what Methana said. Besides, I know her better than anyone else, she's as trustworthy as you and I." Firouz nodded.

They moved to the circle drawn on the ground, joining hands as the yellow light swirled around them. Before they fully disappeared, Methana called after them. "Don't let my son suffer for the mistakes of his parents."

"We won't. I promise you." Sinbad's voice comforted her. Then they found themselves in the Land of the Dead. There was a warm sunshine and bright colors around them. Many of the residents wore happy expressions and were laughing and talking amongst themselves, no one bothered them. "Is this the right place?" Sinbad asked in surprise.

Bryn nodded, "We're facing the wrong direction. This is the Elysian fields, paradise. We have to go farther in and down deeper."

"After you." Sinbad gestured, Bryn shrugged and took the lead. She led them past this bright land into the darker realms. Here they could smell the sulfur and felt the cloying sense of despair that filled the place. Many called out warnings as they went in further and across a narrow cliff with thousands of hands sticking out of the walls and the floor.

They saw a couple of lost souls float by, Bryn shuddered. "We've got to cross this path."

"That's brimstone, right?" She nodded, "Would you mind doing something about the heat? Or would you like to become part of a barbecue?"

"A barbecue sounds lovely but we don't have the time right now, love. Brace yourselves." She stood in front of the flames and concentrated, suddenly a cold wind blew past them, chilling them to the bones.

"Stick to the path she's cooled!" Sinbad called as they followed his lead across. "Way to go, Bryn."

In the throne room sat a figure dressed in a gray robe that completely concealed his face. There was an aura of absolute power and assurance that what he did was the right thing and never mind who got hurt. The other man in the room was Timur the Elder. On the table in the other room was the boy, Timur, asleep. "When are you going to let me take possession of his body?"

"When I say so. Besides I think it might be more appropriate for you to take Sinbad's body, you'd have your skills and his plus his ship and crew. And you might even be able to persuade that little sorceress to help you, she's very powerful."

The cold air reached them, "My precious brimstone! I worked so hard to make that warm and inviting for them. Cerebus! Go make them feel more at home."

The huge black, two headed dog leapt to its feet eagerly and ran out the door, past the doubting other man. "A dog? You sent a dog to stop Sinbad?"

"Not just any dog, my dog." The figure said dryly. "Don't question me, I know what I'm doing."

"I wonder if you do.?" Timur the Elder muttered under his breath, careful not to be overheard.

The crew and Bryn arrived at a pair of large, hellfire bound gates. Doubar and Rongar tried to bend one of the bars, Sinbad began to climb towards the thin bar when Bryn warned. "Something's coming from the other side of the gate!"

"Then I'm glad the gates are closed." They creaked open as Doubar's sentence finished. "I had to open my big mouth."

The huge dog blocked the entrance, "Anyone have any ideas?" They looked at Bryn.

"You're the Captain, aren't ideas to save our hides your job?" She responded to their looks.

"Right." He murmured. "Well then, I'll distract him and you guys sneak past him."

They nodded. "Good luck, little brother. "

"I'm going to need it." Sinbad smiled at them, then climbed a top a little edge along the wall. The others scattered, encouraging Cerebus to come after them. Cerebus ran right up to where Sinbad was, he leapt on top of the large beast who tried to shake him off. "This is not one of the smartest things I've ever done."

"Is he always like this?" Bryn asked Rongar, he nodded. "I should have known. Hey, aren't you the one who helped us out with that nasty man?"

"Yes." He signed. "Thought I recognized you."

"Would you two pay attention, please." Doubar snapped.

They looked at him in surprise, but waited for the perfect moment. They quickly escaped beyond the gates, watching Sinbad anxiously. He was holding onto the Cerebus, trying not to fall. "There are times I'm glad I'm a sailor, this is one of them."

"I know I'm going to regret this." Doubar ran forward and whacked the dog with his sword as hard as he could. The sword's protective magic

did its work and Cerebus stopped to tend his wound, Sinbad jumped off and they shut the gates. After pulling the bar over, they left Doubar holding the gates closed.

The gates groaned as Cerebus pushed at them. "Now I know why I'm a cat person." He smelled the dog's breath and grimaced. "When was the last time you brushed?"

Sinbad, Rongar, and Bryn pressed forward. In front of them was a triple strand rope bridge. Two were used for arm holds, the third was the bridge they were to walk across. They walked forward, a task made more difficult because they couldn't quite coordinate their movements for a while and then the bats appeared. "I hate bats!"

"Now you tell us!" She replied as they weaved around the bats while trying to retain their balance on the shaky rope bridge. Rongar just shook his head, exchanging a smile with Sinbad.

The worst lay ahead, a shadowy figure appeared and began to cut one of their anchor lines. "Careful." The rope broke free, Sinbad and Bryn fell forward. Rongar lowered the other rope and Bryn grabbed hold, pulling herself up.

"Grab this." With their combined weight, Rongar and Bryn were able to lower the rope for Sinbad to grab. The thing continued to hack away at the other rope, Rongar aimed his dagger and let it go, barely missing it. He aimed once more and this time the being fell.

"You dare use the power of goodness in my realm!" The dark figure said to them. "You have overstayed your welcome." He tried to knock them down, but was stopped. "Divine intervention, how fortunate for you."

"We believe in having friends in high places." Sinbad remarked. "It helps out in sticky situations."

"Let's see how well they will serve when you arrive to duel for Timur in my playpen." He disappeared. "Do not fail me or your fall will be permanent this time. And as an added incentive," the floor split in two, revealing the pit of no end (courtesy of my brother, Adam, who lets me use his computer).

Timur the Elder gulped. "I will not fail."

Meanwhile, Rongar had stepped off the bridge. "You stay here, we'll need this bridge to return. Are you ready?"

"Can't I just stay here?"

"No." He said simply.

"Thought not. I'm more than ready." They headed down the only path there was entering a semi large room. "Timur!" Bryn said, surprised to see him in the center of the room. They headed for him but were intercepted by the two duelers, Timur the Elder dueled Sinbad while the shadow guy attacked Bryn.

They fought all around, flirting with the opening many times. Luckily for us (and especially for the writer of this work because she's done one to many pieces of depressing and loopy fiction lately), good triumphed over the nasty bad men after a few minor, but heart stopping setbacks. They were able to reclaim Timur and leave the dead behind, to quote our hero.

They were on their way back to the surface when Sinbad took his crew aside. Bryn and Timur went on ahead, deep in discussion. (What they talked about is between them and that is all that I will say about their talk.) They were warmly greeted by a now free Methana, who hugged her son.

The villagers threw them a party near the edge of town by the beach. The wine and food flowed freely, all partaking of the treats offered. Everyone was out and about, this was not just a celebration for Timur, it was also about the end to Timur the Elder's curse.

Methana held a glance high and toasted the Nomad crew. "For bringing my son back."

"For bringing us back." Doubar toasted her.

Bryn started to leave when Sinbad came over to her. "What are your plans now?"

"Well, I'm staying here till Talia comes. She's taking me on as a new shipmate." Bryn said as they walked along the outskirts of town.

"Do you know of Talia's reputation?" He curiously asked, giving her a glance out of the side of his eye.

"Yes. Did you know that she works for someone else, recovering stolen articles?"

"She told you that?" Sinbad asked in disbelief.

"Nope, I did some research and found this stuff out. Why?"

"I just wondered if you would consider joining us on our adventures." He casually said.

Bryn didn't even think about it. "Love to. But you know who I am now."

"It changes nothing. I also think I know why you could never bring yourself to tell me, back then I would never have understood about your family connection. Old prejudices may die hard but I've learned a few things since then."

"What about the others?" Bryn was concerned about their reaction, they knew who she was and she knew what her family had done to them.

"I talked it over with them, they are willing to give it a try." Sinbad smiled, then walked over to Timur who was looking at a lone bird circling in the heavens.

"I now know how he feels." Timur murmured.

"And how is that?"

"Free." He simply stated.

"It's the only feeling worth living."

"And I intend to live it." He looked over at Bryn, who was watching the bird as well. "That must be how she felt when she decided to turn away. What courage she has, I envy her really." Then he walked to his mother.

Sinbad glanced at her, then at the bird. "Dermott?" The hawk flew over and landed next to Bryn. Sinbad came over and saw the note. "It's from Master Dim-Dim!"

Bryn smiled widely. "How is he?"

"He and Maeve, who was a member of my crew who went to stay with him, are fine. He says that you should come with us, even if we have to drag you aboard kicking and screaming."

She gasped, a sound that was part outraged and part laughing. "Does not!"

He held the letter above his head, shaking his head. "On my life, that's what he says."

"Oh, really?" He should have been warned by her smile, instead he was charmed and never saw it coming. They had been walking by a lake and she shoved him into it. She grabbed the note and stepped away, grinning. She read it, chuckling at the stunned look on his face. "It says that you should bring me along. Then he says that I should take care of Dermott."

He got up while she was reading and threw her into the water, Bryn grabbed his wrist and they both landed in it. Doubar, Rongar, and Firouz saw them as they walked towards the town, dripping. "Well, lass, I think you've been properly welcomed to our little family."

"That I have, Master Doubar." She smiled and hugged him. So, Sinbad got his wish and Bryn joined the crew. Later on, Bryn stood and looked up at the starry sky. *It's strange, she mused, *how my life seems to have come full circle. It truly started the moment I saw Sinbad and now continues with him by my side. She smiled and stroked Dermott softly.

"How are you feeling?" Sinbad asked, coming up behind her.

Dermott sensed that something was going to happen and wisely flew away.

"Happy. It's so good to see you again, I missed you."

"Same goes for me." He sighed and put his arm around her shoulder. It just felt right. "Can I ask you who the boy in your story was?"

"Sure, it was you." She said, a little ashamed of herself.

"I thought so." Sinbad replied. "It seems that many of the events that dramatically change your life involve me. Why do you suppose that is?"

She thought for a moment, then rejected her first thought. "We're just lucky, I guess."

"I guess." They sat in silence for a moment, watching the shooting stars, his arm around her shoulders. "But that is not what you were going to say to me."

"Oh, really? You think you know me that well?" Bryn pulled away and looked at him.

"Sure. I've spent more time with you than with any one else, that includes Doubar and my crew. We've always been connected somehow, I felt your presence that day on the beach, and often when I feel alone, I know you're right there beside me. We have grown so comfortable with each other that we can share our deepest thoughts. You're my best friend." He smiled.

"All right if you're so clever, what was I going to say?" She challenged.

"That you love me." Sinbad said, she looked at him in surprise. "And I love you."

"You do?" Bryn was surprised.

"Very much. You're a true friend, someone I can fight with yet count on to come through in a pinch no matter what, a valuable partner, who I rely heavily upon, and I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that." he answered.

"Neither would I." She agreed.

"So we won't." He agreed softly.

She shook her head, "No." Bryn sighed. "Well, goodnight." She started to walk away, then turned around suddenly and kissed him. Then she turned and walked towards the door.

He stood for a moment, stunned, heart pounding before he followed her. Sinbad pulled her back into his arms and kissed her, long and deeply. She returned his embrace with all her heart and soul. There are many kisses on record as being the most romantic, the most passionate, the most pure-this one blew them all away.

"About what we said earlier, forget it." Sinbad murmured before kissing her again. Bryn said nothing, for she was in complete agreement with him. And soon wedding bells were ringing aboard the Nomad. But that is another story. :-)

The End.

(Borrowed that thing about the kissing from "The Princess Bride." Awesome movie, I highly recommend it for all of us Hrs out here in AoS land.)

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