It's Valentine's Day
By Noelerin

Author's Notes:It's Valentines Day and someone has hit upon a brilliant plan to win Bryn's heart. Will he succeed? Or will Sinbad figure it out in time and rescue her? Read it, cause I ain't tellin'. (Haha!) "Some Things I Know" is from LeeAnn Womack's album of the same name.

The crew of the Nomad was enjoying a well deserved vacation at Sinbad's house, there was a special feeling in the air. The smell of the salty sea air drifted into Bryn's room, gently waking the young wiccan up. She stretched and yawned, opening her sleepy eyes to greet the new day. Bryn stood up and walked into the next room. The door opened quietly behind her and a figure crept in, placing something on her vanity before sneaking out.

Bryn dried her face and walked over to brush her hair, she was wearing a loose green dress. As she sat down, she was startled to see a scroll sitting beside her brush. "What the?" She picked it up and unrolled it, surprised when a pearl anklet fell onto her vanity and read:

Good morning, beautiful. This is for you, though it can't really compare with your loveliness.

She blushed, there was no signature on it. *I wonder who this is from? There must be some mistake, something like this can't really be for me. She reluctantly put the anklet back in the scroll and put it aside, walking quickly to the door trying to ignore the temptation to wear the anklet. She met Sinbad at the top of the stairs and smiled at him, he glanced at her curiously, there was something different about her, and held out his arm which she took. Together they walked into the dinning hall, talking softly.

Doubar grinned up at the couple. *They look so right. I hope Sinbad figures out how to win her heart before she walks out on us.

Bryn sat at her chair, looking around at her family. She was so relieved that she had found them and that they accepted her as she was. She felt a twinge of regret about lying to them in the beginning but how was she to know that they'd have accepted her checkered past and all? Something fell into her lap and she picked it up.

Dearest. Why aren't you wearing my gift? Don't you like it? Or did you think it had been meant for someone else? Bryn, it was made especially for you. Do you believe me? I would do anything to prove it to you, you know you're the one I've dreamed of for so long. And you are wonderful.

"What's that?" Sinbad asked, pointing to the note in the flustered girl's hand.

She handed it over. "I'm not sure."

He read it, "Seems someone has a secret admirer. Anyone we know?" He teased lightly.

Bryn blushed even brighter. "I haven't the slightest idea. May we talk about something else, please?"

Sinbad shrugged nonchalantly, but sighed inside. "Why don't you go put the bracelet on anyway? Maybe the person will give themselves away when they see you wearing it." She did as he suggested, putting the notes together on her desk.

Later, as Bryn walked around the grounds around Sinbad's home, she puzzled over the notes. The bracelet felt strange to her, it fit perfectly and she knew that whoever gave it to her and wrote the notes had to know her very well, so that ruled out everyone on the crew except for Sinbad, Doubar, Rongar, and Firouz. But she knew it couldn't be any of them, after all they didn't see her in that way. She shoved the memory of Sinbad's kiss away, that hadn't meant anything to him.

Yet, she didn't think it was anyone from her past. None of the people she had worked with would have done something like this. They didn't know her that well and there would be no point. That was the cardinal rule of their thievery ring, no personal entanglements on pain of torture and death. It made things too complicated for them if any of them ever got caught and they all abided by the rules strictly. Well, except for Autolocus and his wife, but they were the exception.

She was walking along, so deep in thought that she almost missed the note that fluttered by. Bryn stopped and looked around, trying to see who had tossed this at her but couldn't see anyone. She opened it up and wondered what surprises were in store for her.

Why the sad, contemplative look, love? On such a beautiful day, you should be smiling and you have such a beautiful smile. Though I could watch you in all your moods and still love you. Have you figured it out, who I am? Don't try to hard, the answer is before your very special green eyes, if you would only open them and see the truth. Meet me tonight on the balcony on the east side of the house at sunset, please? I want to see you so much and, though I'd wait forever for you, don't make me. There is a surprise in your room for you to wear, don't keep me waiting.

Bryn smiled happily, never noticing that there was a figure in the shadows watching her intently. He smiled when he saw the look on her face, then melted away to prepare for that night. Bryn entered her room and stopped when she saw the large box on her bed. She walked over and cautiously opened it up.

Inside was a dress in the most gorgeous shade of emerald green she'd ever seen. She handled it carefully, marveling at its silkiness. She slipped it on and looked at herself in the mirror. The dress fit her like a second skin, in the box were also twin clips for her hair. She brushed it loose and pulled it up with the pearl clips. She caught her breath when she saw the final result. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she could look this good, this womanly and desirable. It was with a great deal of trepidation that she made her way towards the balcony on the east side of the house. *What if I meet one of the guys? Oh, they'll laugh at me for sure. Maybe I shouldn't go, this is all some kind of mistake. But it was too late to change her mind, a hand closed over her arm and pulled her out into the open. At first she was to busy taking in the beauty of the scene before her to notice her partner.

The panorama of the starry night sky stretched before her eyes, dazzling her with their beauty. She took in the candles and roses surrounding her and wandered through them, drinking in their lovely smells. Her companion just watched her for a moment, then walked over to the table and sat down.

"There's some things I know to be true
Snow is white and the ocean is blue
Rain is wet when it falls from the sky
And the stars come out every night
And just as sure as the sun will rise
The love is real you see in my eyes
Plant a seed and it will grow
Some things I know."

Bryn paused and turned towards the voice, it was very familiar to her, a voice she heard often in her dreams. As she focused on the direction of the sound, his voice continued to sing to her but she couldn't see who it was.

"There's some things in life I need
Water to drink, air to breathe
When I'm hungry, food to eat
As sure as I need the Lord above
That's how much I need your love
I need shelter from the cold
Some things I know
There's some things in life I want
A house with a porch, trees out front
Someone to talk with, someone to hold
And walk with as we grow old
And I want all my dreams to come true
And I want them all with you
And I just had to tell you so
Some things I know
There's somethings I know to be true."

His song ended and he asked, "Will you?" and waited for her answer. He wondered if he'd waited to long to speak.

Bryn listened with her heart and knew who it was. She walked over and answered, reaching out her hands for his. "Yes, Sinbad."

He stood for a moment, hardly daring to believe her answer was true but the look in her eyes was like his and he reached out, pulling her into a crushing embrace, kissing her till they were both senseless. He showered kisses over her hair, caressing her and loved how she responded to him. "Thank goodness." He breathed into her hair. "There were times when I doubted this would happen."

"Why?" Bryn asked him.

"You never looked at me as though you saw me as anything but your friend and captain." He explained, smiling innocently down at her.

She lightly hit his chest for that look. "You're one to talk, all those women."

"Yeah, well. There's only one I want and, from the way you're holding me, I'd say I got you." Then he kissed her to stop any further conversation between them. He pulled reluctantly away, "Dinner is going to seem rather anticlimatic."

They sat down for the first of many dinners together, her laughter floated down the hall and the crew smiled. "About time." They agreed and drank a toast to the couple.

The End. :-)

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