By Noelerin

This is a sequel to "Sherwood...Bryn Sherwood". Really, it is. I own nothing because those jerks at Pierson and Alliance are men who don't love this show, refuse to let us have a decent ending, and therefore are jerks. Well, they are. This is a little sappy and a lot reunion with someone special from Doubar's past. I will not go into detail about what happened to her after she left, sorry. (Couldn't figure out a natural way to do that.) Then again, not everything is what they seem. ;-)

Zarah walked away from the Nomad, the eyes of the crew on her all the time. One particular pair was wishing she'd turn around and wave good-bye. He was fighting inside, dying to go after her and bring her back, though he knew he couldn't do that. It wouldn't be fair. Firouz was standing behind the Captain, puzzled by the look of inner struggle on his face. Finally he walked over, fed up with Sinbad's indecisiveness. "That's it?"

Sinbad glanced down at the scientist for a moment, then leapt off the ship and ran after Zarah, catching up with her before she turned the corner. She was startled when a hand suddenly closed over her arm. Before she could react, she was being thoroughly kissed. She melted into him, arms going around his neck, returning the embrace fiercely. One kiss led to another till they finally pulled away and stared at each other, breathlessly. "I love you, Sinbad."

He looked at Zarah in stunned surprise. "What?" He couldn't believe she'd said that, *I must be hearing things.

"I said I love you." She repeated, putting her head on his shoulder.

"Oh, Zarah. I love you, too." Sinbad ran a shaking hand through her silky hair. Their bracelets glowed softly on their arms, but they weren't paying any attention. "You have no idea how much. Must you really go?"

"You know I have to." Her eyes met his and something unspoken passed between them, she smiled. "It won't be for long."

"We'll be back whenever you call." Now that he finally had her, Sinbad didn't want to let her leave his embrace. Dermott shook his feathered head, wondering why it was that Sinbad figured out what out everyone else already knew now that they were leaving.

The crew watched them as if to say 'it's about time!' They left them alone as Doubar issued orders for them to get ready for shore leave.

Finally, Zarah drew away regretfully. "I've really got to go."

"Yeah." But he didn't let her go and she didn't move. He sighed, "One of us is going to have to let go first."

"I know." Zarah dropped her arms as his drew away, letting her go free. She turned to walk away once again. Dermott flew on ahead of her, wondering how far they were going to get this time. She looked at Sinbad over her shoulder. "See you later, Captain."

He reached out a hand, taking hers in his and walking through the town with her.

Dermott sighed and went back to the Nomad, sitting with Rongar. These two had developed a special bond, both able to communicate through mind speak. "Still at it?"

"Not exactly, they are just walking together." Dermott chirped, somewhat exasperated.

Sinbad and Zarah spent that day together, in their own little world. They bought some food and had a picnic in a small hallow by a beautiful spring of such clear water they could see the floor many fathoms below. She told him all about her childhood, her cons and the other things she'd done. He was eager to learn all the tiny, seemingly insignificant details. She talked about how nervous she'd been when she first came aboard, that she felt she had to live up to Maeve's example.

Zarah smiled at him. "It might sound strange, but I did. The way you guys talked about her made me think she was some kind of omnipotent superwoman, capable of taking on the world without anyone to help her. I felt so wimpy compared to her at times, especially during those first few weeks when it seemed as though the crew was trying to test me."

"She was not exactly a superwoman. In fact, I can recall times that she'd fall apart over the tiniest of things. But I will agree that we made her seem larger than life at times, she wasn't. She could be a real pain in the butt at times, never wanting to accept our help in anything. And her attitude could be a real turn off, she treated us all as though we thought women were helpless. After serving with Aiden, I have never limited women to an idea of what I thought they were capable of."

"That's what I thought. When I looked into your eyes, I knew what kind of person you were. What about you? What kind of childhood did you know?"

"My parents died when I was little, so Doubar and I are closer than most brothers." She pressed his hand comfortingly. He then told her about Leah and Maeve, his childhood and experiences at sea, his anger at Harun al'Disar. How confused he'd been when he'd discovered his attraction for Rumina, how awful he'd felt when he couldn't save Dim-Dim. She would occasionally run her fingers gently through his hair as he lay with his head on her lap.

"Leah, was my childhood sweetheart. I could tell her things I've never been able to tell anyone. It was a loving, comfortable relationship. Maeve brought out a lot of passion within me, mostly in arguments, but nothing else. Until I met you, I didn't realize that you should have that comfort but the passion as well. I get both in you, why do you suppose that is?" He sat up and looked at her, this woman who completed him on so many different levels.

She thought for a moment, head tilted to one side. "I don't know. I suppose it has something to do with our being friends. We started with that foundation, learning to trust each other and work together, that led to love." Zarah started to smile but stopped at the look in his deep blue eyes. He stood up and held out his hands; she went into his arms willingly, it was like coming home.

He wondered how he should say this, words had always come easily to him around her because she knew him so well. But this was something he wanted to do right. "Zarah, I want to ask you something." Her confused statement made him pause for a moment, searching for the right words. He gave up and said, "Marry me."

She looked at him, stunned. "Sinbad, you don't have too..."

"I know, I want to."

Sinbad pulled a pearl anklet, that was shaped like a heart from within a small bag he'd kept with him ever since meeting her. "Shortly after leaving Baghdad, I felt impressed to bring this. It was my mother's and meant for my future bride, a woman who would love the sea as much as I did. It was meant for you and I wish that you would accept it now." She did accept, with tears in her eyes. He knelt down and placed it tenderly on her left leg. She kissed him deeply, letting her heart speak to him. Then they walked slowly towards the Nomad, she left the next day with Dermott.

"She's only been gone a week." Sinbad reminded himself for the umpteenth time as he and his crew unloaded and prepared to take these silks and jewels to market. "It seems like so much longer."

"She'll be back, little brother." Doubar told him when he found out that Sinbad had spent every night for the last three months up on deck. The whole crew knew he was worried about Zarah, they all missed her. She was unique, not as bold or as outspoken as Maeve but she had a way of getting things done. "Zarah doesn't understand that what she did in the past isn't as important as what she will do in the future."

"Do you mean that she's confused?"

"In a sense. I think that she found out some things about herself that shocked her, knocked her off balance. I think she's really trying to find her way through that mess, she already knows the truth. I don't know if she feels she can still do what is right."

"Zarah isn't a coward!' Sinbad snapped at Doubar, appalled that he would even suggest such a thing,

"I never said she was, but a part of her might be afraid that she will let us all down." Doubar replied.

"I know, I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just that I..."

"Love and miss her quite desperately. We all do." Doubar smiled at his little brother, "I know what it is like to love someone and not be with them. She'll be back." He thought of his wife and kids, it had been so long.

"I know, it's the waiting that's the hard part."

Zarah and Dermott walked many miles into Ingra, helping others as best they could. The separation wasn't easy for her either. Many nights, Zarah fell into an existed sleep only to dream of Sinbad sailing into a fine breeze, hand extended towards her. His blue eyes filled with laughter and love. "Come back, my love. Can't you hear the sea calling?"

She would suddenly wake up, longing for home, and him, in every part of her. *No one told me that loving someone was so hard.

Dermott chirped softly, sadly at her. He was wondering how much longer she could go on like this, it had been almost six months since they left.

She stroked him, gently. "You think I'm doing the wrong thing?"

Dermott looked at her, "I have never thought about it. All I know is that you are unhappy and unfulfilled. You seem to be looking for an answer outside of yourself. Are you really that torn apart?"

Zarah thought for a moment, thinking back. "No. I think I finally understand, my past has given me the skills to use in the life I truly want to live. Knowing who I am, what I've done, doesn't change what I've become."

Zarah sent Dermott to find the Nomad, they were finally going home. After journeying for a few days, she met a lovely woman who had with two children. Actually they were more like young adults. "Excuse me?" The woman said in a pretty voice. Zarah turned and smiled at her. "My name is Reya."

"Reya? Doubar's wife?" Zarah asked in disbelief.

"You knew my husband?" She asked in surprise, taking in her youth in a disbelieving glance.

"Knew him? I work with him." Zarah and Reya sat down with Ali and Deanna.

The woman went deathly pale, her breath started coming in sharp gasps. "That's impossible, I haven't been able to feel him in such a long time."

"He thinks you're dead." Zarah explained, "If both of you have closed your hearts, it is no wonder you can't feel the other anymore."

"Yes, there always was this unusual bond between us. I suppose it sounds crazy." Reya smiled at the younger woman.

"Not really." She held up her arm, "I know exactly what it's like." Zarah smiled softly as she thought of her Captain. "Would you like to come with me? I should be meeting them in a few days."

"If you're sure we wouldn't be intruding?" Reya asked. "But wait, I work for the Roman army, how shall I get out of service?"

"Piece of cake." Zarah grinned. "And I'd love the company." So, after conning the Captain, the foursome went off and soon came to the sea where the Nomad was docked.

Doubar saw her and smiled, turning to go below when he saw the woman with her. He stood stock still then jumped off and ran towards them. "Reya!" He picked his wife up and passionately embraced her, tears running down their cheeks. He kissed his children, though Ali tried to pull away saying that was mushy stuff, and turned towards Zarah. "Thank you."

She just nodded, looking around anxiously for Sinbad. Firouz correctly interpreted her gaze, "I made him take a nap. He hasn't slept much since you left. But I think it's time he got up."

Zarah smiles gratefully and goes to the Captain's quarters. She gently shakes his shoulder and he opened his eyes, blinking sleepily. Then he saw her and hauled her into a tight embrace, kissing her senseless. "Welcome home." He said.

"I love you." She teasingly kissed him, then pulled back. "Get up, you have some visitors who haven't seen you in a few years."

"They've waited this long, they can wait a bit longer." They were in the middle of a very satisfying embrace when the door was pounded. Sinbad reluctantly pulled away, leaving both of them breathless. "Why am I not surprised?"

They got up and opened the door, Ali and Deanna bounced in. "Uncle Sinbad!" He joyously said, "Surprised you, didn't we?" She hugged him, "We did."

"You certainly did. Did you know about this?" Sinbad asked Zarah, she smiled widely. "There is a punishment for withholding information from your captain you know."

"But I was withholding information from my future husband, not my boss." She defended herself, but her protests were overruled as he mercilessly tickled her. Then they went out for a happy family reunion, though during the midst of the party an odd ringing began in Zarah's head. She lifted a hand, massaging her head and moved out on deck for some fresh air. She felt the bump that was beginning to form there.

"Bryn? Are you all right?" Sinbad's voice came from behind her but sounded far away at the same time. She focused and heard him ask again. "Are you all right?" She looked into her Captain's concerned blue eyes and tried to shake off the remnants of her dream

"Just a goose egg." Bryn answered, accepting his hand, sighing. It was going to be a hard journey, obviously someone wanted Dara dead and wouldn't allow them to arrive safely at the Sultan's. But they underestimated Sinbad and his determination to see justice done.

In his home with Maeve, Dim-Dim sighed. "Well done. Everything is once more as it should be, Maeve."

"I still don't understand. Why couldn't she know about who she truly is? And poor Scott."

"He will know because I will send him a dream of her and what she said. As for the other, it would pollute the time line. She might accidentally change some things that must happen because of her knowledge."

"It is a shame though, Sinbad finally figured it out only to loose her, through no fault of his own." Maeve observed, "Will we forget?"

"Not until we leave this place." After one final glance at the ship below, they turned away and began her lessons.

Later that night as Bryn stood on the deck, she thought about the puzzling dream she'd had earlier. It had seemed so real and some of the things were wonderful but others had just plain shocked her. She glanced over to where her Captain stood talking with the crew, he smiled and waved for her to join them. She blushed hotly, *I have a feeling I'm going to be doing that an awful lot around him.

The End. Evil ending, don't you think? Feedback please, or I'll write a sequel and have Sinbad making goo-goo eyes at Maeve.

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