Courses offered

Attorney CLE
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Courses offered
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International Interviewing and Interrogation, LLC (III, LLC) offers a full line of instructional seminars to train participants in the art and sciences of tactical behavior assessment, interviewing strategy, and elicitation (non-coercive interrogation). In each course (except the one-day class), III, LLC uses two highly skilled instructors combined with video, computer presentations, and audience participation to create a lively learning environment. We train in manageable size groups and custom design the practical exercises for the audience, using case facts from their own experience to enhance the relevance. Let us custom design a course for your employees based on these three areas of knowledge!

Topics that are available

Tactical Behavior Assessment - Learn how to tell when someone is lying to you. There are very recognizable and easily learned verbal and non-verbal signals that are common to deceptive people in every culture. These signals have been validated world-wide by our highly trained and experienced instructors. We promise that you will not watch TV "news magazine" shows or have serious conversations the same again after attending our course! Before you leave our seminar you will practice and validate your learning using videos of actual interviews.

Strategic Interviewing - While many believe they are capable interviewers, few are as good as they can be. We will show you simple strategies that go far beyond the who, what, where, how, and why questions that most courses cover. Learn when to effectively use presumptive and prescriptive questions, and how the use of negative questions assures what answer you will get - usually a deceptive one!

Elicitation (Non-coercive interrogation) - We almost hate to use the term interrogation because of its negative connotation. We can teach you to "pick their pocket" and still leave the guilty party with their dignity. This has many advantages - from court acceptability to follow-up interviews. Our instructors have over 100 years of combined experience in law enforcement, national security, and applicant interviews. It is remarkable how many serious admissions are made during our "interviews" yet the person leaves thanking the interrogator. When was the last time you got a serious admission after a two hour "interview" only to have the guilty party thank you for not interrogating them?


Our most popular course designs

Tactical Behavior Assessment, Strategic Interviewing and Elicitation (three days) - This has quickly become the favorite course for police officers and corporate security professionals.  The class combines the three critical skills needed for successful interviews and confessions and provides the student an opportunity to gain familiarity with the techniques taught.  It is a dynamic, fast paced, hands-on seminar. (Maximum 40 participants)

Tactical Behavior Assessment and Ethical Elicitation (two days) -  This course is specifically designed for attorneys and has been accredited for CLE, including ethics credits, in over twenty states. The class has received exceptional acclaim from every participant who has ever taken it. We teach the important "human factor," material that law school left out. (Maximum 40 participants)

Tactical Behavior Assessment and Elicitation (two days)- A course designed for law enforcement and private or corporate investigators who need to determine who the guilty party is and then obtain a confession from them. Our technique is an innovative approach for many investigators, but one which is clearly superior. If you are open-minded and want to be more successful in obtaining information, even from difficult subjects - let us show you some new tools to add to your arsenal. (Maximum 40 participants)

Tactical Behavior Assessment and Strategic Interviewing (one day) - This course is designed for managers and human resources personnel who want to be more effective when they are conducting interviews. Let us show you how to tell when someone is lying in an employment interview and how to ask questions for maximum effectiveness. You'll be pleasantly surprised what you will learn from applicants and employees that they never intended to tell you! This course is also helpful in dealing with "problem employees" who like to fudge the truth. (Maximum 75 participants)

Note: We do not conduct "open invitation" seminars, preferring instead to work with specific groups. If you don't have enough personnel to justify a seminar, don't despair, we can help you sponsor a seminar for others in your situation. Being the sponsor of a seminar often allows you to send your personnel for a reduced price. We can also custom design seminars for your specific needs. Call us to see how!


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