Application Contact:
Kathleen Riehle Valentine
Director of Admissions
University of Pittsburgh
The Joseph M. Katz
Graduate School of Business
276 Mervis Hall
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260

學生人數 986 錄取者GMAT平均 603
女性百分比 30% 錄取者GMAT範圍 450-750
外籍百分比 30% 錄取者GPA平均 3.2
兼職學生 506 錄取者GPA範圍 2.4 - 3.9
平均年齡 26 學費(一年) $22,800
錄取率百分比 47% 生活費(一年) $11,000
錄取者註冊率 50% 平均年起薪(美金) $46,250
TEL:412-6481700 FAX:412-6481693
學制:十一個月(六個 modules)
PROJECTS 10%    
Robert Atkin / human resources mgt Ken Lehn / finance
Dan Smith / marketing Yuhchang Hwang/ accounting
Madeleine Carlin / accounting Thomas Satty / operations
John Grant / strategic planning Time Heath / marketing
Robert Nachtmann / finance  

The entrepreneurial spirit is essential to success in business today, and the Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh has been getting that message to its students. Today, more than ever, large firms acknowledge the need for entrepreneurial skills in their management structures. I believe that the University's Graduate School of Business is one of the best schools in the country at advancing those skills.

-- Joseph M. Katz --Founder of Papercraft Corporation
A distinguished Pittsburgh entrepreneur and the Katz School Donator

全新的課程、全新的出發、仍舊只要一年!匹茲堡大學的 katz MBA Program 將過去三個terms(每個term十四週)再細分成六個module(每個module七週),使得原先就緊湊的課程變得更加緊湊。不變的是:學生今年夏天入學,明年夏天就畢業,十一個月取得一個top 30 MBA。

Katz School不論外觀還是內涵,都可算是全美國效率最高、最現代化的一所B-School。從外觀上,它像電影裡高科技公司(high-tech corporation)的總部一般現代感十足,在內涵上,無論入學新生在大學裡唸的是什麼,進了這個現代化MBA工廠,限時十一個月就得光榮出廠!這裡不灌水、也不通融,若你自知會犯『消化不良』,當初就不該來此!

八月初,當你的朋友們在海之濱、山之巔郊遊烤肉享受人生的時候,你已經準備奉召入營。一入營再見天日,就是明年此時。倘若一年內僥倖生還,明年此時當你的朋友還在另一所 B- School裡水深火熱,你已經被大企業高薪延攬,踏上企業生涯的坦途。

在高科技公司的總部,最熱門的主修理所當然是管理資訊系統(Management Information Systems)。Katz一百門選修課中,管理資訊系統方面的課佔了最大比例。如果你熱愛唸書,十一個月集中營式的修課還不能滿足你的求知慾,你可以選擇MS- MOIS雙主修,這樣除了十一月的MBA集中營,你還能再深入選修十個月的管理資訊系統。Katz的雙主修除了MS-MOIS,還有國貿(修業兩年)、國際事務(二十一個月)、保健行政(兩年)和神學(修業年限由神學院決定)。

選修課中的 Project Courses 類似其他B-Schools的暑期實習。在這門課裡,學生有機會直接參與診斷大企業的營運難題。例如:過去曾參與柯達公司的消費者娛樂行為動向調查、協助Bar -clays Bank 設計一套完整的資訊管理系統、最近的一個 project

原先的小週末(星期三沒課)現在改在星期五,是所有社交活動和小組討論的一天。除了有機會和大企業的總裁面對面討教外,還有各類 Workshops 的舉行和影片的放映。匹茲堡當地的企業資源取之不盡、用之不竭,根植匹茲堡的Katz School則是理所當然的『第一順位受益人』!

雖然 Katz 的畢業典禮在七月底,早已過了企業求才的旺季(一般在五、六月),但是仗侍著Katz校譽和學生的素質,仍然有不少大企業願意保留名額,虛位以待。即使在不景氣的一九九四年,超過八成的畢業生還是順利進入了就業市場。一名九四年畢業的外籍學生這麼說:『即使多花半年的時間在求職上,我還是能比同時入學但唸了其他學校的人提早半年進入職場!』這句話充份表達了Katz School的現代化與高效率。


Japanese companies are becoming more global, including my company and my company's clients. Studying at the Katz School has helped me build up a global sense and an understanding of different cultures and different business practices through the lectures and discussions in classes and through daily conversations with other students.

Overall the student culture is close-knit. Students are very friendly and very much into helping each other out. It is not cut-throat. We are competitive because we want to success, but not at somebody else's expense.

Overall, I believe Katz offers an excellent program. However, the frenzied pace of an intense one-year program sometimes impedes learning subjects of interest in depth. There literally is no time to dig deep. Nonetheless, the material taught, the faculty, and the practical application opportunities are excellent.