Application Contact:

Henry F. Malin
Director of Admissions
Dartmouth College
The Amos Tuck School
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
1995 企業排名 12 錄取者GMAT平均 660
1995 學術排名 14 錄取者GMAT範圍 500-780
學生人數 363 錄取者GPA平均 3.4
女性百分比 31% 錄取者GPA範圍 2.3 - 4.0
外籍百分比 19% 錄取率百分比 17%
兼職學生 none 錄取者註冊率 50%
平均年齡 26.9 平均年起薪(美金) $95,500
學費(一年) $21,225 生活費(一年) $9,000
TEL:603-6463162 FAX:6646-1308
學制:兩年,六個 quarters
PROJECTS 20%    
John K. Shank / accounting
Clyde P. Stickney / accounting
Scott A. Neslin / statistics
Vijay Govindrajan / cost accounting
Rohit Deshpande / marketing
David F. Pyke / operations, strategy of operations
Frederick E. Webster / marketing Robert Hansen / marketing
Phil Anderson / technology James Seward / finance
Absolute devotion to the career which one selects, and to the interests of one's superior officers or employers. The desire and determination to do more rather than less than one's required duties.
Perfect accuracy and promptness in all understandings, and absence from one's vocabulary of the word "forget". Never to vary a hair's breadth from the truth nor from the path of strictest honesty and honor, with perfect confidence in the wisdom of doing right as the surest means of achieving success. Altruism is the highest and best form of egoism as a principle of conduct to be followed by those who strive for success and happiness in public or business relations as well as those of private life.-- William Jewett Tucker --October 12, 1904


位在新罕布什爾州(New Hampshire)一個只有美國總統初選時才會上報的小州(美國總統初選一般由該州與愛荷華州開始)內一個純新英格蘭式鄉村風貌的小城漢諾佛(Hanover)的一個常常被遺忘掉的常春藤八校中唯一一個以學院(college)為校名的大學(Dartmouth College),塔克學院(Tuck School)是目前世界上最老的B-School。

若是你認為頂尖的B-School中一定有白熱化的競爭和壓力,你是不知道有塔克。即將走過歷史的一百年,他始終『溫、良、恭、儉、讓』一如當初。這裡的校風和他的環境一般純僕,這裡的人臉上的笑容和內心的思緒一般純真。至今仍是top 10中唯一沒有Ph.D.課程,因此就連教授之間也很少因為學術研究上的競爭而翻臉。課程一向不特別強調硬梆梆的理論和沉重的定量分析,但重視人與人的溝通和軟性的管理技巧,所以學生很容易將惡性競爭昇華為良性合作。


塔克一個年級只有170名學生,是UCLA的一半,哈佛的五分之一。終身職的全職教授只有四十人,比華頓一個財務系的教授還少。這麼小的環境難免給人『籠中鳥、淺水龍』的感覺。不過也就是因為這樣,你除了學會與人共事兼認真讀書之外,你還真是無處可逃!達特茅斯學院的大環境也是這樣的。漢諾佛機場只能飛螺旋槳小飛機,街上『行人寥落車馬稀』,而最近的都會區是車程兩個半小時外的波士頓。除了鎮上Nugget Theatre 或 Hop Center有歌劇或音樂節目上演外,沒有人還會在天黑後出門。

位在達特茅斯學院邊緣的 Tuck School,依傍著康乃狄克河,由五棟連在一起的喬治式建築組成。無論走地下通道或地上的長廊,即使天寒地凍的冬天,你都可以穿著拖鞋和睡衣由宿舍走到任何一棟大樓裡拿份報紙再窩回餘溫猶存的被窩中。

將近一百年的歷史裡,建校的老塔克先生(一位全國知名的律師與國會議員)正欣慰於這所高等學府陶冶出的 MBA 學生,個個都有著來自常春藤名校的大家風範,卻沒有貴族學校的逼人傲氣。如同前面所述,塔克是top 10 B-Schools中唯一沒有博士課程的。這個事實反應在他的課程裡,就是非常實際而不以學術研究為重。因此,塔克的學生能與教授保持十分密切的連繫,教授也不會因為沉重的研究壓力,而疏忽了教學。

塔克的課程架構很單純:一年三個學季,每個學季修四門課,一共修滿二十四門課就畢業。這裡不需要你花腦筋去選擇主修,塔克提供的是一般管理(general management)。想修點別系的課?請趁早打消這個不實際的念頭。塔克的學制和達特茅斯學院的學制並不一致!

別因此認定這個學校封閉又保守。塔克的外交遍及全球。第二年的學生可以申請以交換學生的身份到日本的國際大學(International University)修課一學期。其他的機會還有英國倫敦的LBS、西班牙巴賽隆納的IESE、法國巴黎市郊知名風景區楓丹白露的Insead .... 等等。

和其他top 10名校(例如:哈佛)不同的是,在塔克學院你可以從容鎮定地選課、選了課也不用怕教授藉故偷懶或課務行政人員顢頇官僚。若是某一門課選修的學生大爆滿,塔克的教授絕對願意再加開新班,或為選不上的學生自願補課。這個現象換在哈佛,絕對是『銘謝惠顧,明年請早』。

塔克的教學品質、師生情誼、就業準備 .... 等在商業週刊的排名上一向遙遙領先,他又是全美最早開張的B-School,應該在吸引企業求才上佔盡『天時與人和』才對。不過由於受限於所在地的偏遠以及program本身的小規模,塔克吸引不了太多大企業到此做校園徵才。但在比例上,塔克畢業生於畢業前每人仍然平均獲得三個以上的工作機會,和號稱企業界最愛的西北畢業生並無二致!


I chose Tuck because I wanted a first-rate B School offering a challenging, well-integrated, relevant curriculum for managing today's multinational businesses. I sought a personalized program that emphasized teamwork and fostered frequent student/faculty interaction. I came to Tuck because it attracts fun-loving, interesting students with different backgrounds, personalities, and goals. The small size of the School has given me the opportunity to really get to know my classmates and develop some very close friendships. The open, cooperative environment makes Tuck a very special place.

When I sat down to make my final decision about which school to attend, I began calling alumni from the various schools I was considering. After calling five from each school, I was amazed that only the Tuck alumni were unanimous in their unequivocal support and enthusiasm for both Tuck and Hanover. Thinking I had a "bad sample," I called 20 more. All of them declared that Tuck had prepared them extremely well, both professionally and personally. I now know what they mean and am happy to be able to share the message.

In my country everybody knows about Harvard and Stanford, but discovering Tuck was a wonderful surprise -- its small size, the supportive atmosphere, the dedication of its teaching staff, the beauty of the place. When I visited Hanover and the campus, I was thrilled to find that the reality more than matched the expectations I had formed from my readings and conversations with alumni.

Northwestern, I sent only one application -- to Tuck. Had I not been admitted, I would have just waited another year and tried again. It was the best decision I have ever made.