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                    My Favorites:


Personality: Hazrat Mohammad (sm), Nelson Mandela, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam

Nelson Mandela

The Leader of South Africa.

Mahathir Muhammad

He gives the birth of new Malaysia.

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

He leads India to have Missile and Rocket power

Color: Sky blue

Food: All foods prepared by my mom

Dress: Casual and comfortable dress

place: Sea-Beaches , Saint Martin island

games: Volleyball, Football, Cricket,  Basket ball

        Sports person: Steve Waugh, Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, Adam Gilchrist, 

                                Michael Jordan                                                                        

Teacher: Prof. M.M. Shahidul Hassan (BUET)

Actors: Amitabh Bacchan, Shahrukh Khan, Amir Khan, Russell Crowe, Mel

             Gibson, Harrison Ford, Keeanu Reeves. 

Actresses:  Aupee Karim, Kajol, Aishwariya Rai, Preity Zinta, Meg Ryan, Natalie


Movies: 1. Bengali: Bachelor, hotath brishti

               2. Hindi: Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge , Dil Chahta Hai, Kal ho naa ho

              3. English: The Matrix trilogy, Brave heart, Gladiator, Sweet November,

             Roman Holiday, Mission Impossible II etc.

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Below  there are some of the pictures of my favorite films................