Malaysia's Leading Resume Center

Good Day!

More than 10,000 resumes have been posted in Pick And Post!

Pick And Post is one of the leading resume center in Malaysia. We are currently actively looking for fresh graduates and job seekers to post their resumes in the web site. If you are one of those who eagerly looking for jobs, then this is the web site for you.

You can post your resume in the web site for FREE.

All you have to do is fill up the following details and submit the form online.


1.   First of all, you must be a Malaysia citizen. Foreigner’s resume is not accepted.

2.   If your resume has already been posted in Pick And Post, you may just leave the page.

3.   Fill up the following form in complete details.

4.   After submitting the form, the staff from Pick And Post will check and verify the details that you have submitted.

5.   The staff will contact you by phone and will make a brief interview with you. This is in order to make a better resume to be posted in the web site. So you MUST include your contact number in your resume.

Fill up the following details: (All fields are required)

Personal Details

Applicant’s Name (Full Name):


Home Phone Number:

Mobile Phone Number:

E-mail Address:


Educational Background

Highest level of education:

Field of Study:


Grade / CGPA:

College / University Name:


Date Completed (Month and Year):

Work Experience (Latest) (If you are fresh graduate with no work experience, please state 'FG' in the field of Company Name.)

Company Name:



Industry / Specialization:

Date Joined:

Date Left:

Work Experience (Previous) - Please write in the following text area with information required as above.

Computer Skills / Other Skills

Other Information

Position Desire:

Expected Salary:

Date Started to Work:

Language Proficiency:

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Let the employers from all around Malaysia find you!

Web site: http://www.pickandpost.com.my