Information on the Net
 Can't find it here? Try the general Information page


Searches All the web
Fastest search engine on the planet - with over 300 million pages and counting.

Cyber411 Search
  Metasearch, but complex searches that require truncation, wildcards, or boolean operators are better done on one engine at a time

University of Washington
  Best way to search among newsgroups, mail lists, web forums (if you register, they will keep you updated by keyword or phrase)

Argus Clearinghouse
Search for the serious; built by U of Michigan librarians as polar opposite of Alta Vista

Open Text
  Best way to search through text only.

Media Finder
Best way to search print media, catalogs, newspapers, periodicals, and experts used by the media.

Best way to search databases.

CIA World Factbook
Best place to get info on any country (demographics, politics, health, resources, economics, environment, geography)

Alta Vista
Best place to get pictures - if you want pandas, type in "image:panda.gif" or "image:panda.jpeg"


Reference Internet Public Library

Reference Desk Connection to media around the world.

Dictionary Don't have to spell correctly - finds related words, also.

Quotations Best way to find quotes.

Strunk and White Online Best help for writers online.

Standards and Specs Connection to ISA, NEMA, ASHRAE, SAE, ASME, etc.