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9am to 9pm Eastern
12 hours of music every Sunday

Schedule not worked out



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TheDance Concert Series

TheDance Concerts are now on Thursdays at 11:00 pm EDT

TheDance Room New Schedule: 11:00pm EDT Monday thru Thursday
Opening earlier when requested - No weekend schedule, party time


TheDance Concerts Coming Up

For Elvis' Anniversary - August 16, 2007

TheDance will open 9pm Eastern & go until the wee hours.

Week     Date        Artist

  18       Aug 16     Open Mic for Elvis singers & record spinners
                           See permanent Elvis page for Anniversary Elvis singers.
                           Tx Dream (Audrey) to be rescheduled

TheDance Concerts Past

Week     Date        Artist

  01       April 20    David Lane

  04       May 11    ctm601 (Chris) & Unbridled_Melody (Melody)

  05       May 18    MrMikie and jeanniejean

  06       May 25    D Laci (Larry D) See week 13 rescheduled

  07       June 01    jeanniejean and vegasvegas23 (Doug)

  08       June 08    Gospel with onekyrose4u (Rose), Mr Strum (Ray)

  08          not confirmed kenny101 (jim_931 had to cancel due to his upcoming revival week)

  09       June 15    DAVELEEFiELD - To be rescheduled

  10       June 22    Tx-AnGel (Debbie) & DaveLEEFiELD

  11       June 29    Silkey_Tonez and Peace_And_Love46 (Michael)

  12       July 06     broken50 (Ken)

  13       July 13      D Laci  (Larry D)

  14       July 20     Justin087  Unchained Melody Video  Web Site

  15       July 27     Silkie_Tonez (Barbara) Peace_and_Love46 (Michael)
(Joybee Man (Doug)to be rescheduled

  16       Aug 2       Michel Gaudet

Artists still to be scheduled: Evolution_is_here, david gary bear_1, cupido with TheDance, E By Gums Mrs, THE_REAL_ELVIS_1, TxDream, Justa_Voice, jewlena, tonydean_2, jim_931, SnuggleBuddy_NC Don, katiaportugal, GeorgeCameron