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Random pieces of work I've composed over the years...

"Thanks For The Compliment!!!"

Matt "GimmickMan" Bishop holds up a sign during a taping of SmackDown -- Joe Louis Arena, 8/10/04

Raw Satire Archives
(The Raw Satire is written by Online Onslaught's Matt Hocking -- I have "guest-hosted" on a handful of ocassions. For a full archive of Matt's work, click here.)

Wrestling With The North -- my review for the Slam! Wrestling Movie Database

A Look at WWE's Niagara Falls Superstore

Looking Ahead To WrestleMania 23

Canadian Bulldog  Ive always wanted to know this.... how did you manage to get two heated rivals on the phone with each other during those `one on one segments, without either of them yelling or swearing at each other? Or hanging up?

Bill Apter: Due to my affiliation with Total Wrestling, Im not free to discuss any deep facts about the companies that I worked for. (And that is a VERY deep fact.)

Canadian Bulldog  Dont you think the Internet has ruined wrestling for everyone?
And what ever happened to Matt Brock and Eddie Ellner?

Not for everyone, no. The only negative aspect of the internet seems to be people who knock everything. It appears to me that once someone gets on the internet they feel its their job to look at something negatively. its okay to be negative but it would be nice if these same people pointed out the positives, of which there are plenty. There is also a way say something when you are critiquing where it doesnt have to be vicious as so much of the internet "reporters" seem to style their writing.



Taken from a Slam! Wrestling chat with journalist Jon Waldman:
Canadian Bulldog  What do you think the chances of up and coming wrestler Stuart Stone making it on the indy circuit?
Jon  Im not familiar with Stone. If anyone in the chat can add insight into his abilities, please feel free to do so.

In general though, anyone can theoretically "make it" in the indy scene. Its just a matter of how dedicated they are and how much theyre willing to put on the line. Guys like Mike Modest, Chris Daniels and countless others have made successful careers on the indy scene by working and training like crazy.
Canadian Bulldog  Do you think weve seen the last of Big Sex Killer Kevin Nash in the ring. Or what?

As much as we all would hope that to be the case, it most likely isnt.

Nash is one of those guys who will hang around no matter what. Promoters think he has drawing power, and will keep him going. Even if McMahon lets him go after his contract expires in Feb. 2004, I expect TNA to bring him in.

Canadian Bulldog  Do you think that Triple HHH is burying people because hes married to Vince MacMahons daughter?

Triple H is doing the same thing a lot of wrestlers did in their position - doing their damndest to stay on top. Hogan did the same thing, refusing to wrestler or put over guys like Dibiase or Hart because he knew they were better than him.

I think that the marriage has little to do with Triple H burying people, it just means he can whisper suggestions to Stephanie a little easier than he could before they started dating.

Canadian Bulldog  Why did Hulk Hollywood Hogan quit NWA T and A last week?

Jon  I hadnt heard that he had quit TNA.

From what I know, Hogan is getting surgery done, i believe on his knee. Hell be out of action for quite some time




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