DIMENTIONS (not the hair salon tho ^^) Chapter 2 Authors Notes Wow! I accually wrote more! And, incase you were wondering, there's no real plot in this. All the real plots I could think of would change the main story wich is not what I'm aiming for... Anyways, enjoyfullness! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legend Words that are just... words are the narrations (wow, you would have never guessed) "Words that are in quotations are dialogue (Wow!)" "(Words in brackets in quotations are thoughts)" *words between little star thingilings are actions* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Recap: Inu-Yasha and Kagome went through a porthole thing. Wow, what an eventfull chapter the last one was!!** Kagome looked around. They were back in the marsh again. Behind her was the porthole. They had just jumped to the other side... "Wow, this sucks." Inu-Yasha whined "I thought something interesting would happen or something. "Well, no use sticking around here, we might as well just hop on back home and have something to eat!!" Kagome said cheerfully. She turned around and they started heading back. In the village, Kagome and Inu-Yasha wandered into Kaede's little hut-thing. "Hi!" Kaede said bubbilily. "Um...hi?"Kagome said, confused. It wasn't like Kaede to be so...childish. "What's the hell is wrong with you!?" Inu-Yasha yelled in his usual, tactfull way. Kaede's eyes filled with tears. "Why are you mad at me!!!" She asked, sobbing. "Ahhhh...." Inu-Yasha said, dumbfounded. "Okay, I think Kaede needs a little private-time..." Kagome said. The two left the hut. "That was really weird." Kagome said, sitting down. Inu-Yasha sat down beside her. "Stupid old woman's finally losing it." He said. "Inu-Yasha!! You're back!" A small voice said. Kagome and Inu-Yasha looked over, to see Shippou bounding over to them. He jumped right up into Inu-Yasha's lap. "What are you doing, kid!?" Inu-Yasha yelped. "What's the matter? I always sit in your lap!" Shippou said. "No, you don't..." "Yes!" Shippou laughed, obviously thinking this was a game. "Gahh!" Inu-Yasha sat up, and Shippou fell down, hitting his head. "Ow! What's going on!!!" Shippou said. "Inu-Yasha!"Kagome scolded (wow, good scolding, eh? Bet it took her a long time to come up with that!! Okay, I'll stop now ^^;) Suddenly a loud male scream filled the air. Inu-Yasha and Kagome looked up to see... none other than themselves. Only different. Although they looked the same, they bore opposite expressions. Inu-Yasha looked shocked and scared, but Kagome looked agitated and angry. She pulled out her bow and aimed an arrow for Inu-Yasha and Kagome. "What the HELL is going on!!" Inu-Yasha yelled blatantly. "You tell me, demons!" the other Kagome yelled back. (I don't sense any evilness in them...) The other Kagome thought. She sighed and relaxed a little, but still kept her weapon pointed towards her 'twin' "Ahhh... maybe we didn't just jump through that porthole..." Kagome said. "What are you talking about !?" "Maybe we landed...*double voice* IN ANOTHER DIMENTION!" "Woa, how did you do that!?" Inu-Yasha asked. "Amazing things start happening when Kimiki starts writing fanfictions late at night." "Oh." Inu-Yasha said. Suddenly, Shippou spoke out. "There are alot of portholes around that will transport one to the alternate Dimention...where everything is the opposite of the regular dimention. Every person at least." "Woa!" Kagome said, "It must be, 'coz our shippou would have never said anything like that!!" "'coz?" Inu-Yasha asked kimiki "It's late!!" **OFFTRACKFULLNESS** "Anyways..." Alternate Dimention inu-Yasha (we'll call him ADInu-Yasha) said bubbily, "This means we can be friends and not fight!" "Ahhhh!" Inu-Yasha screamed in horror, "What's wrong with me!!" "Shut up, Inu-Yasha!" ADKagome said, wapping ADInuYasha over the head with her bow. "Owy!" ADInu-Yasha complained. "This is too weird, I'm going home." Kagome said. She turned around to leave, but Inu-Yasha grabbed her arm. "We could probably kill Naraku here, easily!" Inu-Yasha said. Kagome sighed. "You really have a one track mind, don't you." Kagome asked. "No... But think, If everyone's opposite, than Naraku must be really stupid, slow and weak!" "But why would you want to kill someone like that?" "Because... I don't know." "That's always good." "Shut up, wench!" "Ahhhh! Stop talking like Viz Inu-Yasha!!" "Oh, sorry bitch." "That's better." After Kagome and Inu-Yasha's little outburst, there was an odd moment of silence while everyone looked at eachother. "Well, honey, let's go to bed, It's getting dark." ADInu-Yasha said. "HUH!?" Inu-Yasha huhed. "Okay..." ADKagome said. Then the two walked away holding hands. "I'm going to puke!"Kagome yelled boistrously. "That was a little too much information!" Inu-Yasha yelled. ----- Hi! Okay, so that was weird and I just wrote myself into a complete corner. My excuse? It was late and I was tiered. Good one, eh? Now if you'll excuse me, I have school t'morrow... As always, tell me what you thought!- kimikiness@yahoo.com