Society of Invalids-Warriors of

Demetre Tavdadebuli

Caucasus, Republic of Georgia, Tbilisi


The society "Demetre Tavdadebuli" provides economic assistance to families of warriors killed in war and invalid warriors living in Georgia; offers free-of-charge medical and legal advise; facilitate social and psychological adaptation; provide vocational training with the purpose of subsequent employment; organizes cultural and recreational activities; and, most importantly, facilitates the implementation of "Peaceful Caucasus" concept and supports restoration the territorial integrity of Georgia.

Information on the Society

"Demetre Tavdadebuli"

Georgian Society of invalid warriors "Demetre Tavdadebuli" is a non-governmental organization, registered by the Ministry of Justice on August 14, 1997 (certificate # 03087).

The founders of the society are warriors disabled in wars for Georgia's territorial integrity and independence. Jemal Arkania has been elected chairman of the society.

The society unites invalid warriors living in Tbilisi and vulnerable group of families of the warriors killed in war, who make up 2% of the Georgian population.

The society has its symbolic in the form of an emblem, featuring lions and an attribute of the coal of arms of the Georgian royal family, the Bagrations – the sling of the ancient Hebrew King David, held to be the guiding symbol of universal human ideals.

The main activities of the Society encompass:

The aim of the society is:

To facilitate and actually participate in: the implementation of the political and diplomatic concept of the peaceful Caucasus;

Combat against ethnic conflicts, aggressive ethnic separatism and genocide; insurance of peaceful and dignified coexistence of the Caucasus Peoples; restoration of the territorial integrity of Georgia.

To attain the above goals, the Society is actively cooperating with governmental, as well as numerous non-governmental organizations, the state Chancellery and Georgian Parliament, Foreign Embassies accredited in Georgia, Georgian and foreign associations of invalid warriors and invalids, Georgian Federation of children, U.S. donor organization "Counterpart Foundation", British international organization "OXFAM", and others. The organization is a member of the Coordination Council of the non-governmental organizations of Georgian invalids.

President of the Georgian Foundation of Science Revival "Intellect", academician of the International Academy of Informatization and Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Georgia, Doctor of Science, Professor, Guram Chachanidze is the chief advisor-consultant of the organization.

Alongside other services, a Women's Department, founded and chaired by Mrs. Manana Mebuke is functioning within the organization. The Department unites spouses of invalid warriors and warriors killed in war. The Department gives a great attention to Charity Know How.

The Society "Demetre Tavdadebuli" has intensive practical contacts with invalid warriors' public associations and private persons of Azerbaijan, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Ossetia and other countries.

The society plans to hold numerous republican and international theoretical and practical conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia, which would facilitate implementation of the idea of the "Peaceful Caucasus" and restoration of the territorial integrity of Georgia. The society has already carried a global-scale work in this direction. In particular, an all Caucasus I theoretical-practical conference of invalid warriors – "Peaceful Caucasus" – was held on May 22-23, 1998 in Tbilisi. An official representative delegation from Azerbaijan – society of invalid warriors "Karabakh", and society "Salam" from Chechnya participated in the conference. The conference materials were published as a book with numerous copies in Georgian and Russian languages. The conference participants adopted an address to Special and Extraordinary representative of the UN Coordination Council on the Settlement of the Georgian-Abkhax Conflict, Liviu Bota.

At the theoretical-practical conference in Tbilisi the idea of holding an all Caucasus congress of invalid warriors was formed.

An all Caucasus I Congress of invalid warriors – "Peaceful Caucasus" – was held on September 12-13, 1998 in Grozno, Chechnya. Public associations of invalid warriors of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Chechnya participated in the work of the congress. Representatives of high echelons of Chechnya participated and made presentations at the congress. They supported the idea of "Peaceful Caucasus", territorial integrity of Georgia and combating against ethnic conflicts and separatist movements.

The congress approved the Coordination Council of the all Caucasus associations of invalid warriors. Chairman of the Society "Demetre Tavdadebuli", Jemal Arkania, was unanimously elected chairman of the Council.


To the Presidents and Heads of Governments of all Caucasus Republics and States, to the United Nations and other International Organizations

On September 12-13, 1998, the first All Caucasus congress of disabled warriors "Peaceful Caucasus" took place in the Imam Sheik Mansur building in the city of Djokhar, Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

Invalid warriors' public associations from all over the Caucasus were invited to participate in the Congress.

The following delegations participated in the Congress:

The Congress was preceded by a founding theoretical-practical conference of invalid warriors "Peaceful Caucasus" held in Tbilisi on May 22, 1998.

Participants of the Congress explicitly referred to the facts of aggressive interference into domestic affairs of free Caucasian states by Russia.

"We, invalid warriors of the Caucasus and participants of the Congress, declare that outside interference and instigation of war among small nations and states of Caucasus leads to ethnic conflicts, wars, ethnic cleansing and genocide of Caucasian nations."

"This practice should be condemned by the international community."

Presentations by the congress participants called for independent state thinking and decisive actions by Caucasian nations and their governments.

At the Congress, invalid warriors voiced their intent to consolidate and unite in all Caucasus association of invalid warriors in order to secure a lasting peace in the Caucasus.

The Congress approved a charter of the international association of invalid warriors "Caucasus."

The Congress elected the Coordination Council of all Caucasus association of invalid warriors. The address of the association is as follows: 79 Chargali St., Tbilisi, Georgia; Tel/Fax:(+995 32)608 723, Fax:(+995 32)941 947;


The Union will plan and implement various activities in compliance with: UN Resolution #48/96 on standard rules ensuring equal opportunities for the handicapped adopted at the UN General Assembly on December 20, 1993; Legislation of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Ichkeria; International legislative and legal norms.

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Address: 79 Chargali St., Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.

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