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LCCIEB's strong links with business and commerce via the International Chamber movement ensure that the comprehensive range of business examinations are up-to-date and relevant for the jobs of today.

Book-keeping and Accounts SECOND LEVEL

Second Level Book-keeping and Accounts takes the Book-keeping process a stage further. Candidates are required to know how to prepare and interpret accounts for sole traders, partnerships, non-trading organizations and limited companies. At this level, a candidate is expected to begin to be aware of the basic techniques used in the interpretation of accounts as well as of the tools used in their mechanical construction.

Accounting THIRD LEVEL

Third Level Accounting is an advanced examination which requires candidates to have a thorough grasp of the entire accounting process. Candidates need to understand accounting information deriving from all sources - manual, mechanical and electronic - and need to be able to prepare accounting statements and data in accordance with basic accounting conventions and current accounting practice. They are also expected to be able to interpret accounting information in a more sophisticated way than at the lower levels.


The aim of these examinations is to test knowledge and understanding of:

The purposes of cost accounting, the terminology used and the methods by which the costs of operations, processes, departments, products or services are ascertained using the absorption principle.

Elementary aspects of the marginal principle, optional techniques and costing systems.

The methods, principles and techniques by which both planned and actual costs of operations, processes, departments, products or services are established.

Responsibility for effective use of resources involving control by variance analysis.

Relevant costs for decision making.

Management Accounting THIRD LEVEL

The aim of the examination is to test the candidate's knowledge and understanding of the basic principles involved in short-term cost behavior, short- and long-term decision-making and short-term profit control, cash management and product cost ascertainment.

Business Statistics SECOND AND THIRD LEVEL

The aim of this examination is to test the candidate's understanding of the nature, sources, collection, tabulation and evaluation of business data, including graphical methods of representation of business statistics and the types of chart most frequently used in industrial and commercial concerns. Emphasis will be placed on the use of statistics as an aid to the analysis of business problems.

Advanced Business Calculations THIRD LEVEL

The aim of the examination is to test a candidate's ability to solve arithmetical problems associated with the financial aspects of business and commerce including stock exchange, company shares, business ownership and bankruptcy.

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