When I can think of things to do to help you out, I'll put them here. If you need QuickTime software for your system (Win 3.1, Win 95/98/NT, MacOS) please visit the apple site at quicktime.apple.com
- 2-D Motion Help--This QuickTime movie will help you see how the velocity vectors of a falling object change in the x and y directions. Requires QuickTime plugin and QuickTime software installed.
- Newton's Second Law Help--This QuickTime movie will help you see how force and acceleration depend on math. Requires QuickTime plugin and QuickTime software installed.
- Friction Help--This animated gif file demonstrates how friction acts upon a body being pushed.
- Terminal Velocity-- This QuickTime movie demonstrates the relation between air resistance and gravitational forces that results in the phenomena of terminal velocity. Requires QuickTime plugin and QuickTime software installed.
- Energy Help--This QuickTime movie demonstrates the conversion between kinetic and potential energies as a ball rolls down a hill. Requires QuickTime plugin and QuickTime software installed.
- Momentum Help--This web page has some lecture material on momentum, force, impulse, and collisions. Use it as a lecture that you can listen to at your own pace.
- Circular Motion Help--This web page has some lecture material on circular motion and universal gravitation. Use it as a lecture that you can listen to at your own pace.
- Pressure Help--This animated gif file demonstrates Pascal's Principle in action.