Welcome to the Romanian phonecard page!
List of phonecards issued by Romtelecom (Romania)

List of phonecards issued by Moldtelecom (Republic of Moldavia)

Versiunea în limba românã

The images in these pages are for the private use of the visitors. They cannot be used for any other purpose. They cannot be used for commercial purposes without the permission of the author of these pages.

This page is permanently under construction.

I would appreciate receiving information about any new cards or any cards that are missing from my lists.
If you are interested in Romanian phonecards, please contact me at: iuadau00@student.umu.se

Mirror sites

Romanian banknotes

The information in these pages was collected mainly through personal efforts. Information supplied by Sergiu Cusnir (Chisinãu), Francisc Ambrus (Bucharest) and Daniel Cinipariu (Cluj-Napoca) was also included.
Page modified on 23.10.2000