This page I dedicate to the memory of my dog Shadow.
She was a very large

part of our family for 15 years.

Shadow was given to me by some people, that had abused her severely.
She was two years old, and very few

people could get near her for a long time.
After about a year though she became more trusting
but only with women

to her thinking men were still the enemy.
There came a time when she allowed a few to get close to her,
but she was very cautious.

Shadow and my daughter Mandy became the best of friends
they always played together, and no one dare touch my daughter
with Shadow watching her.

Shadow was very patient over the years, as many animals have passed
through our door, nearly all had been abused.
It was as if she understood that they needed my

help as she did years before.
She formed strong attachments to some, and just tolerated others.
She never started a fight with any animal brought into our home.

Although she would if one just wandered up into the yard.

Shadow had somethings she loved other than her human/animal family
She loved swimming in the river.
She loved to steal bread.
She loved more than anything a

snowstorm, she would roll in it, catch and eat all snowballs.
If it was deep snow she would stick
her face in it as far as she could, and hold it there.

She was a wonderful dog in all respects.
She was loved very deeply by our whole family.
She is greatly missed by us all.


If it should be that I grow

frail and weak

And pain does keep me

from my sleep,

Then will you do

what must be done

for this - the last battle -

can't be won.

You will be sad I understand

But don't let grief

then stay your hand.

For on this day,

more than the rest

Your love and friendship

must stand the test.

We have had

so many happy years,

You wouldn't want

me to suffer so.

When the time comes,

please, let me go.

Take me to where

my needs they'll tend,

Only, stay with me till the end.

And hold me firm

and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree

It is a kindness you do to me.

Although my tail

its last has waved,

From pain and suffering

I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must now be you

Who has to decide this thing to do.

We've been so close -

we two - these years,

Don't let your heart hold any tears.

This poem was sent to me from a very dear
and caring friend Joni.

Thank you with all my heart

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