// Mega-TF Entity Set for Qoole // by Jean-Guy Poulin (JGP [SOLDAT]) // Add Barracuda (BTF) // last update 4 dec 2000 (i put BTF aircraft entity) // update 12 may 2000 (Remove angle "45, 135, 225, 315" in path_rotate) // update 14 may 2000 (I carried out changes on info_tfgoal) // I add ammo_shells, ammo_nails, ammo_rockets, ammo_cells, ammo_medikit, ammo_detpack, delay_time and .... // new "effect_duckpond" for mega-tf 2k // new "monster_army" for mega-tf 2k // Check "info_tfgoal" for best choice in your Qoole // Mega-TF QuakeWorld is a trademark of ______ // http://www.BackBlast.com/mega-tf/frameset2.htm include "quake.ent" Class "Mega" Class "MegaEffects" Class "MegaAmbient" Class "MegaItem" Class "BeyondTFclasses" entity "" "Func->" "" { model } entity "" "Trigger->" "" { model } entity "" "Player->" "" { } entity "" "Monster->" "" { } entity "" "Info->" "" { } entity "" "Item->" "" { } entity "" "Misc->" "" { } typedef "spikeshooter" { 1 "superspike" 2 "laser" 4 "rocket" } entity "trap_spikeshooter" "Misc->Spikes Shooter" "trap_spikeshooter" { "origin" notuser "angle" int "Angle the trap fires at" "wait" int "Time between shots" "nextthink" float "Delay before firing first spike (so shots can be skeygered)" "spawnflags" spikeshooter "targetname" str "Its trigger name" } typedef "info_team" { 0 "Single Player Only" 1 "Team 1 (blue)" 2 "Team 2 (red)" 3 "Team 3 (yellow)" 4 "Team 4 (green)" } flagdef "info_turret" { 2 "Retracts into ceiling" 4 "Super Shotgun" 8 "RailGun" 16 "Rocket" 32 "Laser" } typedef "door_angle" { 90 "North" 360 "East" 270 "South" 180 "West" -1 "Up" -2 "Down" } typedef "sound" { 0 "None" 1 "Stone" 2 "Base" 3 "Stone chain" 4 "Screechy metal" } typedef "megasound" { 0 "None" 1 "Creaky Door" 2 "Heavy Metal Door" 3 "Electric Door" } flagdef "sflags" { 1 "Door waits in both open and closed states for trigger" 2 "Door starts open; when triggered, closes" 4 "Does not link action to multiple door brushes?" 8 "Door requires a gold key to open" 16 "Door requires a silver key to open" 32 "Toggle" } typedef "angle" { 0 "East" 45 "North-east" 90 "North" 135 "North-west" 180 "West" 225 "South-west" 270 "South" 315 "South-east" } typedef "angle_droit" { 0 "East" 90 "North" 180 "West" 270 "South" } typedef "toggle" { 0 "ON" 1 "OFF" } flagdef "pc_effects" { 1 "Train is not solid at this corner" 2 "Train is solid at this corner" 4 "Train is invisible at this corner" 8 "Train is visible at this corner" 16 "Train glows with dimlight at this corner" 32 "Train glows with brightlight at this corner (set dimlight also)" 64 "Train stops glowing at this corner" 128 "Train gives off muzzle flash at this corner" } flagdef "flag_disclass" { 1 "No Scout" 2 "No Sniper" 4 "No Soldier" 8 "No Demolition Man" 16 "No Combat Medic" 32 "No Heavy Weapons Guy" 64 "No Pyro" 256 "No Spy" 512 "No Engineer" 128 "No Random Player Classes" -1 "Civilian Only. (Don't check other boxes!)" } entity "monster_dog" "Monster->Dog" { "origin" notuser "angle" notuser "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM THE DOG BELONGS TOO" "gravity" float (1) "Monster's gravity" } entity "monster_fish" "Monster->Fish" { "origin" notuser "angle" notuser "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM THE FISH BELONGS TOO" "gravity" float (1) "Monster's gravity" } entity "monster_bara" "Monster->Barracuda (BTF)" { "origin" notuser "health" int(300) "THE MAX HEALTH OF BARACUDA." "angle" angle "" } entity "monster_helo" "Monster->Monster Helo (BTF)" { "origin" notuser "health" int(300) "THE MAX HEALTH OF MONSTER HELO." "angle" angle "" "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM THE MONSTER HELO BELONGS TOO" "target" int(1) "" } entity "monster_zombie" "Monster->Zombie" { "origin" notuser "angle" notuser "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM THE ZOMBIE BELONGS TOO" "gravity" float (1) "Monster's gravity" "spawnflags" int "If '1' Zombies set to crucified." } entity "monster_turret" "Monster->Turret" { "origin" notuser "angle" angle "" "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM THE TURRET BELONGS TOO" "spawnflags" info_turret "Type turret" "health" int "If > 0 the glass is breakable by damage." "rotate_type" int "Use 0" } entity "monster_army" "Monster->Army Mega-TF v:2k" { "origin" notuser "angle" notuser "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM THE ARMY BELONGS TOO" } entity "ball" "MegaItem->Ball" { "origin" notuser } entity "ballstart" "MegaItem->Ballstart" { "origin" notuser } entity "sandball_goal" "MegaItem->Sandball goal" { "origin" notuser "team_no" info_team "1 (blue) or 2 (red) team's scoring goal" "frags" int "Score given to team" } entity "item_sub" "BeyondTFclasses->Sub" { "origin" notuser "angle" angle "" "volume" float (0.2) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM SUB" } entity "item_helo" "BeyondTFclasses->Helo" { "origin" notuser "angle" angle "" "volume" float (0.2) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" "team_no" info_team "THE TF TEAM HELO" } entity "item_aagun" "BeyondTFclasses->AAGUN" { "origin" notuser "angle" angle "" "dmg" int (150) "" "angle" angle "" "targetname" str "Its trigger name" "spawnflags" int (196608) "" } entity "effect_burner" "MegaEffects->Burner" { "origin" notuser "spawnflags" int "" } entity "effect_airburst" "MegaEffects->Airburst" { "origin" notuser "spawnflags" int "" } entity "effect_strobe" "MegaEffects->Strobe" { "origin" notuser "height" int "Flash evey 2 + 'height' seconds. ie: 3 would actually flash ever 5 seconds." "spawnflags" int "" } entity "effect_rockfall" "MegaEffects->Rockfall" { "origin" notuser "height" int "120 = 1 second delay befor playing water splash" "spawnflags" int "" } entity "effect_lightning" "MegaEffects->Lightning" { "origin" notuser "spawnflags" int (256) "512 ie: 512x512. Place high in sky." } entity "effect_snow" "MegaEffects->Snow" { "origin" notuser "spawnflags" int "64 ie: 64x64. Place high in sky." } entity "effect_rain" "MegaEffects->Rain" { "origin" notuser "spawnflags" int "64 ie: 64x64. Place high in sky." } entity "effect_duckpond" "MegaEffects->Duckpond Mega-TF v:2k" { "origin" notuser "height" int (45) "" "option2" int (8) "" "option" int (0.5) "" "spawnflags" int "" } entity "path_corner" "Misc->Path Corner" "Used to define path of func_train platforms and of monsters" { "origin" notuser "angle" notuser "targetname" str "Its trigger name" "target" str "Trigger name of next path_corner" "wait" int "Wait time" "spawnflags" pc_effects "speed" int "Train changes to this speed at this corner" "duration" float "Train goes to next corner in this amount of time" "event" str "Targetname to trigger when the train reaches this corner" "message" str "Message to display if an event is triggered" } flagdef "r_flags" { 1 "Use rate based on rotate value" 2 "Use angle based on angle value" 4 "Stop train and wait to be retriggered" 8 "Stop rotating train and wait to be retriggered" 16 "Stop rotating train while waiting to be triggered" 32 "Cause damage based on dmg value" 64 "Set all targets damage to dmg value" } entity "path_rotate" "MegaEffects->Path rotate" { "origin" notuser "netname_team_broadcast" str "Message printed" "owned_by" int "use 1" "rotate" int "use 0" "target" str "Name of target path" "targetname" str "Name of this path" "dmg" int "use 0" "wait" int "time stop move" "noise" str "Name of the sound to play when train stops" "noise1" str "Name of the sound to play when train moves" "speed" int "speed" "angle" angle_droit "" "spawnflags" r_flags } entity "info_rotate" "MegaEffects->Info Rotate" "Used as the point of rotation for rotatable objects" { "origin" notuser "angle" int "1 to 360" "targetname" str "Rotate name" } entity "ambient_sound" "MegaAmbient->My sound ambient" { "origin" notuser "noise" str "Ex: misc/mysound.wav name of WAV file MUST BE A LOOPING WAV FILE!" "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "effect_randon_sound" "MegaAmbient->My randon sound" { "origin" notuser "noise" str "Ex: misc/mysound.wav name of WAV file NON-LOOPING WAV FILE" "option" int "Minimum delay to wait before replaying sound." "option2" int "Maximum delay to wait before replaying sound." "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_weaponfire" "MegaAmbient->Ambient weaponfire" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_jungle" "MegaAmbient->Ambient jungle" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_diesel" "MegaAmbient->Ambient diesel (truck)" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_chopper" "MegaAmbient->Ambient chopper" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_meadow" "MegaAmbient->Ambient meadow" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_nightpond" "MegaAmbient->Ambient nightpond" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_brook" "MegaAmbient->Ambient brook" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_alert" "MegaAmbient->Ambient alert" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_onboard" "MegaAmbient->Ambient onboard" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_rocket_engine" "MegaAmbient->Ambient rocket engine" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_high_wind" "MegaAmbient->Ambient high wind" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_chant" "MegaAmbient->Ambient chant" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_ocean" "MegaAmbient->Ambient ocean" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_eerie" "MegaAmbient->Ambient eerie" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_lavapit" "MegaAmbient->Ambient lavapit" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_peakwind" "MegaAmbient->Ambient peakwind" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "ambient_flagflap" "MegaAmbient->Ambient flagflap" { "origin" notuser "volume" float (1) "HALF VOLUME Volume is from 0.0 to 1" } entity "trigger_push" "Trigger->Push" "trigger_push" { "origin" notuser "speed" int "Force of the push" "angle" door_angle "Direction player is pushed towards" "targetname" str "It's trigger name (optional)" "team_no" info_team "Push Affect only one team" model } typedef "plat_sounds" { 0 "No sound" 1 "Pully" 2 "Chain" } flagdef "plat_flags" { 1 "PLAT LOW TRIGGER" } entity "func_plat" "Func->Platform" "Platform" { "origin" notuser "height" int "Determines amount plat moves manually (optional)" "speed" int (150) "Moving speed" "soundtype" plat_sounds "Sound it makes (optional)" "targetname" str "It's trigger name (optional)" "team_no" info_team "Push Affect only one team" "spawnflags" plat_flags model } entity "func_door" "Func->Door (with Mega sounds)" { "origin" notuser "angle" door_angle "Opening angle" "speed" int (100) "speed of movement" "sounds" sound "Sound it makes" "wait" int (3) "Delay before closing (-1 never return) (optional)" "spawnflags" sflags "Flags describing the object (optional)" "lip" int (8) "Amount remaining at end of move (optional)" "message" str "Message printed if door is opened by trigger" "health" int "If set, door must be shot open" "dmg" int "Damage inflicted on blocking entities" "targetname" str "Door's trigger name (optional)" "armorclass" megasound "If not none, use Mega sounds for door" model } entity "func_glass" "Func->Mega Glass" { "origin" notuser "health" int (0) "If > 0 the glass is breakable by damage." "target" str "Can be moveable like a train." "noise" str "Start motion sound if moveable." "noise1" str "End of motion sound if moveable." model } entity "func_movewall" "Func->Mega movewall" { "origin" notuser "dmg" int "If > 0 Damage inflicted on wall." "targetname" str "Can be moveable like a train." model } entity "func_rotate_entity" "Func->Mega Rotate entity" { "origin" notuser "toggle" toggle "allows the rotation to be toggled on/off" "start_on" toggle "wether the entity is spinning when spawned. If TOGGLE 0, entity can be turn on" "deathtype" str "this is the message that will appear when a player is killed by the train." "rotate" int "is the rate to rotate." "target" str "is the center of rotation." "speed" int "how long the entity takes to go from standing still to full speed & vice-versa" model } entity "func_bobbingwater" "Func->Mega Bobbing Water entity" { "origin" notuser "speed" int "ex:3" model } typedef "info_sound" { 1 "Medieval (default)" 2 "Metal" 3 "Base" } entity "func_rotate_door" "Func->Mega Rotate door" { "origin" notuser "dmg" int "specifies the damage to cause when blocked. Defaults->2 Negative->no damage" "speed" int "specifies how the time it takes to rotate ex: 2" "sounds" info_sound "target" str "Trigger name" "targetname" str "Rotate door's name (optional)" "rotate" str "ex: 0 -35 0" "angles" str "ex: 0 -55 0" model } entity "func_rotate_train" "Func->Mega Rotate train" { "origin" notuser "dmg" int "specifies the damage to cause when blocked. Defaults->2 Negative->no damage" "speed" int "specifies how the time it takes to rotate ex:2" "sounds" info_sound "target" str "Trigger name" "targetname" str "Rotate train's name" "path" str model } entity "rotate_object" "misc->Mega Rotate object" { "origin" notuser "target" str "Trigger name" "targetname" str "Rotate name" model } typedef "info_effect" { 4 "BRIGHTLIGHT" 8 "DIMLIGHT" } entity "light_move" "MegaEffects->light move" { "origin" notuser "target" "move1" "PATH_CORNER TO MOVE TO" "effects" info_effect "speed" "1024" "SPEED TO TRAVEL AT" } flagdef "impulse1" { 1 "Off - ClasSkin" 2 "Off - ClassPersistence" 4 "Off - CheatChecking" 8 "Off - FortressMap" 16 "Off - RespawnDelay [off,off] No Respawn delays, [on,off] 5 Second respawn delay" 32 "Off - RespawnDelay [off,on] 10 Second respawn delay, [on,on] 20 Second respawn delay" 64 "Off - AutoTeam" 128 "Off - Individual Frags" } entity "info_tfdetect" "Info->TF Detect" "Entity that marks a map as a TF map" { "origin" notuser "broadcast" str "version string" "impulse" impulse1 "Toggleflags status" "message" str "Commands to be executed at the begining" "ammo_shells" int "Number of lives for each player in Team 1 (0=infinite)" "ammo_nails" int "Number of lives for each player in Team 2 (0=infinite)" "ammo_rockets" int "Number of lives for each player in Team 3 (0=infinite)" "ammo_cells" int "Number of lives for each player in Team 4 (0=infinite)" "ammo_medikit" int "Maximum players allowed on Team 1" "ammo_detpack" int "Maximum players allowed on Team 2" "maxammo_medikit" int "Maximum players allowed on Team 3" "maxammo_detpack" int "Maximum players allowed on Team 4" "maxammo_shells" flag_disclass "Classes disabled for Team 1" "maxammo_nails" flag_disclass "Classes disabled for Team 2" "maxammo_rockets" flag_disclass "Classes disabled for Team 3" "maxammo_cells" flag_disclass "Classes disabled for Team 4" "hook_out" int "If 1, the grappling hook cannot be used on this map" "display_item_status1" int "When someone does the FlagInfo command, displayItemStatus of this GoalItem" "display_item_status2" int "When someone does the FlagInfo command, displayItemStatus of this GoalItem" "display_item_status3" int "When someone does the FlagInfo command, displayItemStatus of this GoalItem" "display_item_status4" int "When someone does the FlagInfo command, displayItemStatus of this GoalItem" "team_str_home" str "Mess Disp. to owners of an Item in an ItemStatus if Item is at it's origin" "team_str_moved" str ".... if Item is not at it's origin." "team_str_carried" str ".. if Item is being carried by a player. Player's name is appended to mess" "non_team_str_home" str "String Display to everyone except the owners (see team_str_home)." "non_team_str_moved" str "String Display to everyone except the owners (see team_str_moved)." "non_team_str_carried" str "String Display to everyone except the owners (see team_str_carried)." "team_broadcast" str "String that replaces the team menu" "non_team_broadcast" str "String that is displayed in the Map Help command." "noise1" str "String that replaces the Class Menu for Team 1." "noise2" str "String that replaces the Class Menu for Team 2." "noise3" str "String that replaces the Class Menu for Team 3." "noise4" str "String that replaces the Class Menu for Team 4." } typedef "mess_1" { 1 "Give the GoalItem in 'items' to every player who spawns here" 2 "Display the 'message' to every player who spawns here" } entity "info_player_teamspawn" "Player->TF Teamspawn" "Spawnpoint for team player" { "origin" notuser "angle" angle "Direction spawning player faces at" "item" int "Give this item to player" "message" str "Show this string to player" "goal_activation" mess_1 "Is only given/displayed to the first player who spawns here" "goal_effects" int "If 1, the spawnpoint removes itself after a player has spawned here" "netname" str "The name of the Goal" "team_no" info_team "Only this team start from this" "activate_goal_no" int "Activate Goal number" } typedef "items" { 131072 "Silver Key" 262144 "Gold Key" 524288 "Invisibility Icon" 1048576 "Invulnerability Icon" 2097152 "Radsuit Icon" 4194304 "Quad Icon" } flagdef "goal_activa" { 1 "Carrying Player glows" 2 "Carrying Player moves at half speed" 4 "Item is dropped when a player with it dies" 8 "Item is returned when dropped" 16 "Item is returned when removed from players by a Goal" 32 "Item is returned due to pausetime" 64 "Only activated (picked-up) if AP fails Criteria" 128 "Enable pausetime removing" 256 "Players keep this item when they die" 512 "If this Item isn't being carried, it glows dimly" 1024 "Don't remove the results of this Item when it's removed from a player" } typedef "goal_res" { 2 "Goals activated by this Item don't apply bonuses to the AP" 16 "If the player are being applied to is a Spy, reset his/her skin and color" } typedef "goal_eff" { 1 "Power-Ups. Items give the players a powerup. Check _finished variable" 2 "Items given/removed by another GoalItem when it's picked up are not removed/given" } typedef "playercl" { 1 "Scout" 2 "Sniper" 3 "Soldier" 4 "Demolitions Man" 5 "Medic" 6 "Heavy Weapons Guy" } entity "item_kill_l" "Item->Kill_l Item (BTF)" "USED TO BLOCK HELICOPTERS FROM ENTERING UNWANTED AREAS" { "origin" notuser } entity "item_kill_s" "Item->Kill_s Item (BTF)" "USED TO BLOCK SUB FROM ENTERING UNWANTED AREAS" { "origin" notuser } entity "item_kill_m" "Item->Kill_m Item (BTF)" "USED TO BLOCK MONSTER_HELO FROM ENTERING UNWANTED AREAS" { "origin" notuser } entity "item_kill_b" "Item->Kill_b Item (BTF)" "USED TO BLOCK MONSTER_BARA FROM ENTERING UNWANTED AREAS" { "origin" notuser } entity "item_tfgoal" "Item->TF Goal Item" "TF Goal Item" { "origin" notuser "netname" str "The name of the Goal" "owned_by" int "The Team that own this entity" "goal_no" int "Unique ID number of this goal" "group_no" int "Group ID of this goal" "items" items "Icon to be lighted. Bitfields." "impulse" int "Activate this goal after returning the item" "skin" int "Choice skin if mdl uses several skin" "pausetime" int "How long the item may lay dropped" "angle" angle "" "mdl" str "The mdl used. None - invisible goal" "noise" str "The vaw played" "goal_activation" goal_activa "Activation flags" "goal_effects" goal_eff "Effect flags" "goal_results" goal_res "Results flags" "has_item_from_group" int " " "team_no" info_team "Only player from this team can activate" "items_allowed" int "Player must have item with this ID to activate" "playerclass" playercl "Only players of this class can activate" "target" str "Activate goal/trigger with this name" "message" str "String printed to activating person" "broadcast" str "String printed to all but activating person" "distance" int "If all GoalItems in this GoalItem Group are being, activate pain_finished var" "pain_finished" int "... in the GoalItem Group specified in the distance var, activate this Goal" "speed" int "... in this GoalItem Group ..., activate the Goal in the attack_finished var" "attack_finished" int "... in the GoalItem Group specified in the speed var..., activate this Goal" "noise3" str "Mess print to all members team that own this GoalItem whenever it returns" "noise4" str "Mess print to everyone except all members of team that own this item returns" "team_drop" str "Print to all members of team that own this Item, whenever this Item dropped" "non_team_drop" str "Print to all members not in team that own this Item, whenever this Item drop" "netname_team_drop" str "Broadcast to all members team, prepended by name of player who dropped item" "netname_non_team_drop" str "Broadcast to all not members team, prepended by name of player who drop item" "team_broadcast" str "Message centerprinted to players on the AP's team, except the AP" "non_team_broadcast" str "Message centerprinted to players not on the AP's team." "owners_team_broadcast" str "Gets centerprinted to all the members of the team that own goal/item" "netname_team_broadcast" str "Broadcast to all players on the AP's team, except the AP" "netname_non_team_broadcast" str "Broadcast to all players not on the AP's team, prepended by the AP's" "_finished" int "If=0, the players get the power-up while item is still carried." // "goal_min" str "Size of a GoalItem ex: '-16 -16 -24' -> low corner x,y,z" // "goal_max" str "Size of a GoalItem ex: '16 16 32' -> high corner x,y,z" // "ex_skill_min" str "If skill <= x remove this item" // "ex_skill_max" str "If skill >= x remove this item" } typedef "activa" { 1 "Activated when touched by a player" 2 "Activated when touched by a detpack explosion" 4 "Only activated if the AP fails Criteria" 8 "If this bit is set, then activate this button/door only when it's hit by eng." 2048 "If this bit is set, the Goal/Item drops to the ground when it first spawns" 4096 "If this bit is set, any player carrying this item can drop it using dropitems" 8192 "If this bit is set, the GoalItem is Solid while not being carried by a player" } typedef "effect" { 1 "AP's is affected" 2 "Everyone on the AP's team is affected" 4 "Everyone not on the AP's team is affected" 8 "Everyone except the AP is affected" 16 "Radius effect (see t_length) does not go through walls" 32 "If is not in the same environment as the Goal, don't affect him" 64 "If this bit is set, then instead of just applying this Goal's results" } typedef "result" { 1 "Goal is removed after activation" 2 "Goals activated by this one apply their results" 4 "Display scores and end the level" 8 "GoalItems given out by this Goal don't apply their results" 16 "If player these results are being applied to is Spy, reset his/her skin and color" 32 "forces anyone affected by the goal to simply respawn." } typedef "item_1" { 1 "Team 1 (blue)" 2 "Team 2 (red)" 3 "Team 3 (yellow)" 4 "Team 4 (green)" } typedef "item_2" { 1 "Kevlar" 2 "Wooden" 4 "Blast" 8 "Shock" 16 "Ceramic" } entity "info_tfgoal" "Info->TF Goal" "TF Goal" // 50 max { "origin" notuser "goal_no" int "Unique ID number of this goal" "group_no" int "Group ID of this goal" "goal_activation" activa "Activation flags" "goal_effects" effect "Effect flags" "goal_result" result "Results flags" "goal_state" int "The initial state of this entity 1:Active, 2:Inactive(default), 3:Removed" "remove_goal_no" int "Remove this Goal" "restore_goal_no" int "Restore this Goal" "remove_group_no" int "Remove all Goals in this GoalGroup" "restore_group_no" int "Restore all Goals in this GoalGroup" "mdl" str "The mdl used. None - invisible goal" "team_no" info_team "Only player from this team can activate" "items_allowed" int "Player must have item with this ID to activate" "goal_min" str "Size of a Goal ex: '-16 -16 -24' -> low corner x,y,z" "goal_max" str "Size of a Goal ex: '16 16 32' -> high corner x,y,z" "playerclass" playercl "Only players of this class can activate" // "maxammo_shells" item_1 "All members of this team are affected" // "maxammo_nails" item_1 "All members not of this team are affected" "t_length" int "Everyone within this radius is affected. Also see bit 16 in goal_effects" "count" int "Score given to team" "frags" int "Score given to player" "noise" str "Wav file played hen this Goal is activated" "target" str "Activate any Goal/Trigger with this targetname" "targetname" str "Name of this Goal activate with Goal/Trigger" // "ex_skill_min" str "This entity is removed if skill <= x remove this item" // "ex_skill_max" str "This entity is removed if skill >= x remove this item" "message" str "Message centerprinted to AP" // "broadcast" str "Message centerprinted to everyone except the AP" "team_broadcast" str "Message centerprinted to players on the AP's team, except the AP" "netname_non_team_broadcast" str "Broadcast to all players not on the AP's team, prepended by the AP's" "impulse" int "Activate this goal after returning the item" "health" int "Added to APA's health" "armortype" str "APA's armortype is set to this value, 0.3 Green 0.6 Yellow 0.8 Red" "armorvalue" int "APA's armorvalue is set to this value" "armorclass" item_2 "APA's armorclass is set to this value" // "ammo_shells" int "Add shells, use negative values to remove ammo" // "ammo_nails" int "Add nails, use negative values to remove ammo" // "ammo_rockets" int "Add rockets, use negative values to remove ammo" // "ammo_cells" int "Add cells, use negative values to remove ammo" // "ammo_medikit" int "Add medikit, use negative values to remove ammo" // "ammo_detpack" int "Add detpack, use negative values to remove ammo" // "ammo_" int "Added to APA's ammo supply" // "gravity" float (1) "Gravity" "delay_time" int "Goals to delay their activation for a specific amount of time" "no_grenades_1" int "Added to APA's number of type 1 TF grenades" "no_grenades_2" int "Added to APA's number of type 2 TF grenades" "items" int "Goal gives this GoalItem to APA" "axhitme" int "Goal removes this GoalItem from APA that has it" "wait" int "Goal stays ACTIVE for this amount of time, in seconds (-1 once only)" "activate_goal_no" int "Activate this Goal" "inactivate_goal_no" int "Inactivate this Goal" "increase_team1" int "Increase the score of Team 1 by this amount" "increase_team2" int "Increase the score of Team 2 by this amount" "increase_team3" int "Increase the score of Team 3 by this amount" "increase_team4" int "Increase the score of Team 4 by this amount" "has_item_from_group" int " " "remove_item_group" int " " // "invincible_finished" int "Number of seconds of invincibility APA gets" // "invisible_finished" int "Number of seconds of invisibility APA gets" "super_damage_finished" int "Number of seconds of quad APA gets" "radsuit_finished" int "Number of seconds of radsuit APA gets" // "all_active" int "If all Goals in this GoalGroup are ACTIVE,act. Goal in last_impulse var" // "last_impulse" int "If all Goals in the all_active GoalGroup are ACTIVE, activate this Goal" // "activate_group_no" int "Activate all Goals in this GoalGroup" // "inactivate_group_no" int "Inactivate all Goals in this GoalGroup" // "lives" int "Added to APA's lives" // "killtarget" int "Remove any Goal/Trigger with this targetname" // "owned_by" int "The Team that own this entity" // "else_goal" int "If the AP fails the Criteria, then attempt to activate the Goal with ID" // "if_goal_is_active" int "This Goal must be in ACTIVE state" // "if_goal_is_inactive" int "This Goal must be in INACTIVE state" // "if_goal_is_removed" int "This Goal must be in REMOVED state" // "if_group_is_active" int "All Goals in this Group must be in ACTIVE state" // "if_group_is_inactive" int "All Goals in this Group must be in INACTIVE state" // "if_group_is_removed" int "All Goals in this Group must be in REMOVED state" // "if_item_has_moved" int "This GoalItem must not have moved from it's origin, and must not be being" // "if_item_hasnt_moved" int "This GoalItem must have moved from it's origin, or be being carried" // "return_item_no" int "Return this GoalItem, if it's not being carried" // "non_team_broadcast" str "Message centerprinted to players not on the AP's team." // "owners_team_broadcast" str "Gets centerprinted to all the members of the team that own goal/item" // "netname_broadcast" str "Broadcast to all players, prepended to the AP's name" "netname_team_broadcast" str "Broadcast to all players on the AP's team, except the AP" "netname_non_team_broadcast" str "Broadcast to all players not on the AP's team, prepended by the AP's" // "netname_owners_team_broadcast" str "Broadcast to all members of the team that own this entity the AP's" // "deathtype" str "Death message appended to the AP's name and broadcasted, if the AP is kill" // "remove_spawnpoint" int "Remove the spawnpoint with this goal_no" // "restore_spawnpoint" int "Restore the spawnpoint with this goal_no, if it's in the REMOVED state" // "remove_spawngroup" int "Remove all spawnpoints with this goal_no" // "restore_spawngroup" int "Restore all spawnpoint with this goal_no, if they're in the REMOVED state" // "display_item_status1" int "Display the Item Status of this GoalItem" // "display_item_status2" int "Display the Item Status of this GoalItem" // "display_item_status3" int "Display the Item Status of this GoalItem" // "display_item_status4" int "Display the Item Status of this GoalItem" // "team_str_home" str "String Displayed to the owners of an Item in an Item Status if the Item.." // "team_str_moved" str "String Displayed to the owners of an Item in an Item Status if the Item.." // "team_str_carried" str "String Displayed to the owners of an Item in an Item Status if the Item.." // "non_team_str_home" str "String Displayed to everyone except the owners of an item in an Status..." // "non_team_str_moved" str "String Displayed to everyone except the owners of an Item in an Status..." // "non_team_str_carried" str "String Displayed to everyone except the owners of an Item in an Status..." } typedef "g_effect" { 1 "Illegal for Timer Goals" 2 "Illegal for Timer Goals" 4 "Illegal for Timer Goals" 8 "Illegal for Timer Goals" 16 "Radius effect (see t_length) does not go through walls" 32 "If is not in the same environment as the Goal, don't affect him" 64 "If this bit is set, then instead of just applying this Goal's results..." } entity "info_tfgoal_timer" "Info->TF Timed Goal" { "origin" notuser "netname" str "The name of the Goal" "goal_no" int "Unique ID number of this goal" "search_time" int "Period between Timer activations" "goal_effects" g_effect "Effect flags" "target" str "Activate goal/trigger with this name" "ex_skill_min" str "If skill <= x remove this item" "ex_skill_max" str "If skill >= x remove this item" }