// you can put this file in quake/fortress // update 5 juin 2000 (file size max.=8k) // use command "qwsv.exe +gamedir fortress" in quake directory // put the good Qwprogs.dat in quake/fortress to play game Mega-TF 6.1.99 or old version Mega-TF or Team Fortres only //hostname "Your name server" // Sets the name of the server that appears within the qPlug and QWFE interfaces. //localinfo motd1 "Hello" // message on your server. //localinfo motd2 "Good player" // message on your server. hostname "Serveur Mega-TF JGP [SOLDAT]" localinfo motd1 "Bienvenue sur le serveur" localinfo motd2 "de JGP ΣΟΜΔΑԟ" setmaster // the master(s) you register with. (your local host). maxclients 8 // Sets the maximum number of clients that can join a server. maxspectators 4 // Sets the maximum number of clients that can join as spectators. The maxpectators variable cannot exceed the value of the maxclients variable. //deathmatch 1 // is normal deathmatch, all items, weapons, and powerups can be picked up and respawn. Ammo respawns after 30 seconds. Deathmatch 1 is the server default. //deathmatch 2 // leaves weapons on the map. You can only pick up a weapon once. Ammunition, artifacts and armor do not respawn. deathmatch 3 // combines deathmatch 1 and deathmatch 2. You can pick up a weapon only once. Ammunition respawns every 15 seconds. All other items respawn normally. teamplay 0 // is straight Deathmatch, your shots hurt everyone-- including yourself. //teamplay 1 // allows you only to hurt players on a team other than your own. You cannot hurt yourself or your teammates. //teamplay 2 // allows you to hurt anyone. If you kill yourself or a teammate, you lose a frag. //teamplay 3 // is a combination of teamplay 1 and 2. You cannot hurt your teammates, but you can hurt yourself. This option is usually used on Threewave Capture the Flag servers. //teamplay "variable" // The teamplay options can be set using the teamplay variable, which is also a bitfield, as follows: // Bit 1: Teamplay On. // Bit 2: Team-members take 1/2 damage from direct fire. // Bit 4: Team-members take No damage from direct fire. // Bit 8: Team-members take 1/2 damage from area-affect weaponry. // Bit 16: Team-members take No damage from area-affect weaponry. // Bit 32: Team Equalisation : give advantage to team with less members // Bit 64: Team Equalisation : give advantage to team with lower score //For QSpy to be able to sort your server, make sure you put "?TF" after the teamplay variable. //For example, if you wanted to have teammates take 1/2 damage from area effects, No damage from direct fire, and full team equalisation, you'd set "teamplay 109?TF" (1 + 4 + 8 + 32 + 64 = 109). fraglimit 100 // if anyone reaches this many frags, the map changes. timelimit 30 // timelimit a game will last, after 30 mins. the map changes. password "" // sets the password required to joint he server, "" is none. spectator_password "" // sets the password required to be an observer, "" is none. rcon_password "JGP" // sets the password required to to issue remote console commands. localinfo team1 Bleu // Assigns a 4 character string as the players team 1. Default=Blue //localinfo t1 Bleu // Abbreviations (team1) localinfo team2 Roug // Assigns a 4 character string as the players team 2. Default=red //localinfo t2 Roug // Abbreviations (team2) //localinfo team3 yell // Assigns a 4 character string as the players team 3. Default=yell //localinfo t3 yell // Abbreviations (team3) //localinfo team4 gren // Assigns a 4 character string as the players team 4. Default=gren //localinfo t4 gren // Abbreviations (team4) serverinfo admin "Your name" serverinfo admin1 "Other name" serverinfo ICQ "00000000" serverinfo E-mail "Your E-mail" serverinfo Website "Your.web.com" //serverinfo rj 6 // would make a rocketjumper fly 6 times higher than in normal QW!. serverinfo sg on // SpyGrapple on or off. serverinfo footsteps on // footstep sound. serverinfo airscout on // allows AirScout to jetjump or not. sv_spectalk 0 // Controls spectator chatting capablity. If 0, spectators messages are echoed to all players, if 1, spectators can only talk to other spectators. Default is 1. sv_gravity 800 // gravity (normal 800). serverinfo autoteam off // If it's ON, players who join will automatically be assigned to the team with the lowest number of players in it. //serverinfo a off // Abbreviations (autoteam) serverinfo teamfrags off // If it's ON, player's frags will always be equal to their team's score. //serverinfo t off // Abbreviations (teamfrags) serverinfo spyinvis off // If it's ON, Spies become invisible when they go undercover. If it's OFF, Spies change their skin/color when they go undercover. //serverinfo s off // Abbreviations (spyinvis) serverinfo grapple off // If it's OFF, players will never have access to it. If it's ON, players will have access to it on maps that don't forbid it. //serverinfo g off // Abbreviations (grapple) serverinfo respawn_delay 10 // 10 Seconds (You can set the delay to any numerical value you like. High Respawn Delays aren't much fun.) //serverinfo rd 10 // Abbreviations (respawn_delay) //serverinfo temp1 1600 // (64+512+1024=1600) = (Autoteam+SpyInvis+Grapple=on). (Class Persistance 1, Respawn Delay "5 sec." 4, Autoteam On 64, TeamFrags On 128, SpyInvis On 512, Grapple On 1024, FullTeamScore 2048, Flag Emulation On 4096, Use War Standard On 8192) //exec standard.cfg // Put your standard command in standard.cfg and execute this file. //--- I don't see this in Mega-TF //localinfo cr_scout 3 // No more than 3 scouts on a team //localinfo cr_sniper 3 //localinfo cr_soldier -1 // No soldiers on any team //localinfo cr_demoman 3 //localinfo cr_medic 3 //localinfo cr_hwguy 3 //localinfo cr_pyro 3 //localinfo cr_spy 0 // Redundant. (infinite spies allowed) //localinfo cr_engineer 3 //localinfo cr_random 1 //localinfo cr_sc 3 // Abbreviations //localinfo cr_sn 3 //localinfo cr_so -1 //localinfo cr_de 3 //localinfo cr_me 3 //localinfo cr_hw 3 //localinfo cr_py 3 //localinfo cr_sp 0 //localinfo cr_en 3 //localinfo cr_ra 1 //--- //serverinfo exec_class on // ????? //serverinfo sv_aim 1.0 // ????? //localinfo use_standard on // ????? //localinfo birthday on // ????? //localinfo clan on // ????? //localinfo zombietime 2 // ????? //localinfo welcome "effects/haunted/welcome.wav" // ????? pausable 0 // Server pausable by players (0=no, 1=yes). //gamedir "map_pub" // tells the server to use the physical directory "map_pub" //sv_gamedir "fortress" // tells the server to pass the variable "fortress" to the the client, which will then use the appropriate gamedir on their local drive. exec listip.cfg // lists the current banlist (cheat), don't forget the command WRITEIP before close server. You must execute this command to save any bans you wish to be permanent. samelevel 0 // controls is the same map is started again when a map change happens, 0 means next map. //samelevel 1 // repeats the level (Use this with serverinfo n 0). //samelevel 2 // is the same as noexit 1-- it kills a player attempting to exit the level. //samelevel 3 // is the same as noexit 2-- it kills a player attempting to leave the level unless the level is start.bsp. serverinfo n 1 exec "/qwmcycle/map1.cfg" // specifies the map the server starts on. //map 2fort5 // Specifies the map start, if not use map rotation. //example map rotation //in quake/fortress/qwmcycle // /map1.cfg // timelimit 30 // map vote40 // /map2.cfg // timelimit 20 // map 2fort5 // /map3.cfg // timelimit 30 // map JGPcity // /map4.cfg // serverinfo n 0 //to return map1.cfg // The "n" serverinfo key stores the current map number in the list. If you want to jump around the levels, you can just set the key to (desired level number - 1). // e.g. if you wanted to jump to map 3 in the list, enter this: "serverinfo n 2" and then end the level.