Old Bridge, NJ

Last Updated February 9, 2000

What You will find here:

General Information

Information for New Witches

Advice for Witches (and Non-Witches)

Views and Musings

About Us


I know that there are literally thousands of web pages out there dedicated to Witchcraft and Wicca. Why did I feel that another one was needed? I have my e-mail address posted on several networking sites specializing in witchcraft and paganism. Lately the amount of e-mail I've received has become significant, and I find myself answering the same questions over and over again. One of the most common ones is, "What do I need to do to become a witch?" Most of these people don't seem to know the first thing about witchcraft, but they are ready to sign up. Many because they have seen a movie like The Craft, and think it would be cool to become a witch. I can answer everyone's questions more effectively in this forum. Please feel free to e-mail me questions and I or my colleagues will answer them. This forum also accommodates the person who doesn't want to receive e-mail on this subject for fear that it will be read by someone else in the household. This way they can send me questions and then see their answer posted on this page. Go to the "Questions Section" for more details on this.

This site is primarily to provide information. We are intentionally refraining from fancy back grounds and lots of graphics. These just slow down the page as it loads. We don't care if the site isn't as flashy as many of the others out there. All you will find here is a clearing house of information on witchcraft. It is provided by witches who are both successful and been practicing for many years. We hope that this will be a place that people can go to get the truth about Witchcraft, and have their questions answered.

I wish to also address on this site the needs of parents who are confused. Many may stumble onto their child's witchcraft items and books and need to have this all explained. I welcome inquiry from concerned families. In fact I welcome questions from anyone who is just curious. Please ask me anything about Witchcraft you like. We will endeavor to answer everyone who asks in good faith. If we can't answer your question, I'll try to steer you to someone who can. Correspondence that comes from people who are obviously mocking me, and my religion (yes Witchcraft is a religion, more on this later), or people trying to save me and convert me to their religion, will be ignored. Please don't waste your time or mine.

Please sign our Guest Book

Hits since Beltane 1998

Please E-mail us at

Graphics Credits

If you like the graphics on these pages, I'd like to take credit for them. Alas, I cannot. These have been generously provided to the pagan community by some talented artists. For a listing, and links to their web pages, click here.

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