Questions about Spells and Divination

Question 1

Can you actually perform spells that work?

Yes we can. Read the section on what is witchcraft on our home page for a little further light on the nature of spells. As you gain experience you start to notice that things start to happen when you perform spells. This continuously increases as your experience does. We are lucky, since we all have energies and personalities that harmonize with each other in our coven. This makes spells performed by the group even more powerful. Its hard to explain, unless you've experienced it. This has also increased our psychic bond. I just instinctually know when one of my coven mates has a grave problem, even if they are 100 miles away. We believe our spells work, though we don't get what we want 100% of the time. Well, I guess that's life.

Question 2

Are there certain days that you must do spells in order to make them black or white?

Please read the section on "What is Witchcraft" for explanation of white and black magic. Remember that it is how the magic is used that makes it white or black, not the day of the week that matters. Sometimes different days of the weeks are used for different kinds of spells, but this is not required.

Question 3

I've been reading one of Scott Cunningham's books, and I'm a little curious about casting runes. Is there any information you can give me about them?

Runes are a form of divination, like the Tarot. The most popular text, solely devoted to the subject, is The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum. Silver Ravenwolf goes over them in her book To Ride a Silver Broomstick, as do others on our Suggested Reading List. This method of divination uses stones, wooden chips or tiles with rune characters painted on one side of each. Each rune has a meaning and the are drawn and laid out. The reader then interprets the meaning of the layout. Although it usually isn't considered as intricate as the Tarot, it can be quite involved. Most witches are proficient in at least one form of divination. The runes are not a bad choice of a form of divination to pursue.

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