Triple H Logo

Character Name: Triple H (Hunter Hearst Helmsley) A.K.A. "The Game"
Real Name: Paul Levesque
Birthday: July 27th
Height: 6'4"
Weight: approx. 246 pounds
From: Greenwich, Connecticut
Finishing Move: Pedigree
Updated 3/15/02

Click here to see Triple H's WWF entrance video

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Triple H pictures from Site logo and background are mine and cannot be used without my permission.

My commentary:

Triple H (HHH) has a HUGE muscular body with gigantic arms and has a great stage presence. He also has proven to be a great leader in the WWF due to his awesome stamina for Hell in the Cell matches and even hour long Ironman matches... he'll be bloodied and beaten and will still get back up for more almost as if he is just addicted to pain. His superior performance abilities and intellect are demonstrated in his long speeches in the ring, making the "heel" role believable (most people love to hate him because of the bad guy he plays).

Triple H's involvement in the WWF took a dramatic leap forward when he "married" the WWF boss's daughter, Stephanie. They stayed "married" for about 2 years, I think, until they "got a divorce" in early 2002. Through much of 2001, Triple H was out of action due to a severe quadricep injury (the quad was torn off the bone), but he fought back and worked every day to bring himself back to the thing he loves - being a phenomenal wrestler.

Note: Although I am a big fan of Triple H, please do not send me anything meant for him. Unfortunately, I do not have any contact information for him and cannot forward any messages.

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