Maitreya Fire #13
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270. Side by side with the mechanization of life the study of higher energies must go on. Ther term "sacred pains" ought to direct attention to the heart that has contacted the finest energies.
271. Refinement of thought provides a passageway to refinement of life.
274. People hope to conceal their opposition under a mask of hypocrisy. For correctness of appraisal it is neeful to realize Brotherhood as the lever of the world.
276. It is especially useful if instead of new knowledge the child be helped to recall what has already been implanted in him.
277. Who then, if not a Brother, shows the Light of indestructible toil? In space grows each sprig of labor. It is possible to populate Infinity with beautiful forms. A formidable mind may shudder, but the tempered manifested warrior of labor sees before himself not a chasm but the radiance of Infinity. True blessing is in the ever-presence of Infinity.
278. Let people not forget that they are messengers and a bond with the distant worlds. Such a consciousness in itself beautifies everyday life.
279. Not so dangerous is the increasing number of mankind as it s poisoned condition. The dates approach when the cooperation of material and finer forces must be formulated, otherwise mankind will begin to poison itself with unrealized energies.
281. In each and every condition man can create the goodly.
282. The domain of Brotherhood is the field of cooperation. From Earth up to far-off worlds woman succeeds in weaving wings of Light. She knows how to preserve the Chalice in different atmospheres. When We speak of cooperation, We always point to the achievement of woman.
283. He who hinders forges shackles for himself. The loftiest sage considers himself a messenger.
284. Hardness, avarice and cruelty are not on the threshold of Brotherhood.
285. Dispassion is not heartless or indifferent. Only aborningness, not littered by the confusion of the recent past, can enable one to think rationally. And it brings active dispassionateness, a facet of justice.
286. In everything one should abandon the outlived.
287. Let us be together, let us stand steadfastly for life's unfolding. Only thus are we as if in impenetrable armor.
288. The natural development of finer energy is an excellent prophylaxis to irregular influences.
289. Suppose a messenger sets out upon the path with a definite mission and then forgets it, what should he do? Should he hope that his memory clears while on the way, or should he hasten to inquire of the one who sent him? Knowing how to inquire already is an attainment.
290. The meaning of Brotherhood is contained in the unification of the primary energy. Only in friendly communion is it possible to secure the fruits of unified energy. Only broadening of consciousness helps realization of energy-harmony. It has been stated enough that the heart aspiring to higher quality conducts finer energy. The heart is a most independent organ--it may be set free toward good and it will hasten to be filled with energy.
291. It is especially difficult to perceive the instantaneousness of action of the subtle body.
292. From childhood one should be accustomed to assimilate beautiful sound. Especially when the world is quaking from hatred, it is indispensable to make haste in opening the ears of the young generation. Without realization of the significance of music, it is almost impossible to understand the sounding of nature. Can people accomplish their ascent without song?
293. In Brotherhood, firstly, the members hearten and inspire one another with affirmations of beauty. Often a single contact is enough for the eyes to perceive forever the beauty of color; still, an enlightened touch is needed.
294. The danger of insanity is growing via various poisonings. Mankind should be urged to take measures so that cities be not poisoned by benzine and petroleum.
295. To affirm solemnity means to sing songs to the rising sun. Let us not think that exalted concepts manifest as exaltation only, for they also constitute salutary means that strengthen the organism.
296. If Aum is a symbol of the higher energies, can they possibly be limited?
298. Realization of unity is based upon realization of infinity.
299. Many shocks and much trepidation have compelled hearts to shudder and begin to resound.
300. He who is conscious of rhythm loves his work. The magnet of love is not easily intensified--without it reprobation and repulsion arise, without it loss of quality and waste of time and materials result. Each Teaching is firstly concerned with quality, thus each task must become a lofty one.
301. So many embryos of attainments can be strangled by killers of knowledge. If in the accumulation of knowledge there enters the bondage of egoism, then not joy but rancor boils up. No true path is misanthropic. Cooperation of different fields requires an identical lofty quality. Opinions may be diverse but their quality ought not to be ugly.
303-4. Certain disciples know that eventually each disciple must manifest himself in daily labor and undergo the attack of chaos. This is not so agreeable for the light-minded. What happens if they are told that after the difficult comes the still more difficult? Whither can they depart?
306-8. Jagged is egoism, broken up with envy and savage malice. But to await with the heart calmly is already to have a premonition. There occurs an instant of calm before the arrival of the higher messenger. But can puffed-up egotism sense this most blissful moment? The ancients called the heart the guide. For solemnity purity of heart is needed. Compassion has its roots in the heart alone.
309. The heart is called the reflector of Brotherhood.
314. Only a very refined organism can sense, as it were, a call.
315. It is not easy to gather together a brotherhood in full concordance. Let it be a group small in number but without contradictions; it is easier for a small group both to convene and to separate. If only three, yet their concordance is stronger than the vacillation of a hundred.
An evil seed can remain concealed for years and years. The feeling of the heart whispers the better intimations. Too lightly do people handle a higher concept, and only a few know how to guard it in full love, indissoluble heart devotion.
316. The manifestation of Brotherhood is as ozone amid poisoned ruins.
317. The bearer of finer energy does not wish to strike anyone, nevertheless the primary energy sends off discharges when a hostile force opposes it.
318. Man should continuously feel himself to be in the two realms of physical and subtle labor--both asleep and awake they can take part mentally in the most uplifting tasks.
319. Being filled with lofty issues, man prepares himself for corresponding domains. By degrees he so accustoms himself to this orientation that he begins to belong entirely to an equally beautiful life in the finer realsm.
321. Only steadfastness and aspiration to the Highest can further the ascent. He who strives toward something beloved does not count the ladder steps.
323. Kriyashakti (creative-thought-energy) in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. Nowadays the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery.
330. One should not allow man to become scatterbrained, that is to say, irresponsible.
331. The ignorant cannot understand fiery purification, yet what can be more beautiful than this when there is no fear?
333. Clear thought toward the subtle realm--then it is possible to cross the great threshold in full consciousness.
334. Each self-sacrificing expenditure of the aura calls forth a strengthening of the primary energy.

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