Chinese Temple in Austin and Houston

Austin, Texas
(Located in North Lamar Blvd. close to where I live)

This temple was built recently. It was completed around August 2001.  
The one who built it used to asked in his prayers to have
him safely leave Vietnam and arrive in USA 20 years ago.  
And promised to build a temple as a gratitude for answering
his prayers.

Closer up look

This is what it looks like inside.


Outside, there is a Kuan Yin statue. At night,
the back of Kuan Yin have lights lit up.

Houston, Texas

This temple is located close to the Chinese community in
Houston.  One famous street called BellAire Blvd is
where the Chinese community.  On a Sunday,
this temple is packed with people.  Most people
are from Taiwan. 

Closer look at the Kuan Yin statue.


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 This page was last updated:  Monday, February 4, 2002 0:33 AM