A Scientist In LA, Or; I Have No Life, But I Did Meet Megadeth!

Jonathan's Deli
I went to graduate school in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology at UCLA from 1991 to 1997. During that time, I did approximately two billion minipreps, watched Married With Children twice a day for years, learned to surf badly at Malibu, 'acted' in Dance With Death (it's on HBO sometimes) and I have my name in the Brews Cruise Hall of Fame in Toe's Tavern in Redondo. I've learned to SCUBA dive, shot at the Beverly Hills Gun Club, seen an America's Cup race, a soccer World Cup quarterfinal, an OP Pro and I would have seen Picabo Street race at Mammoth but it was snowed out. I haven't yet been to Spago, Disneyland, Florence and Normandie or a Rose Bowl Parade. In the course of my adventures, I have met some celebrities, and had a camera with me some of those times. If you want to skip ahead, see me with:

I love Married With Children. If it's on, I'm watching it. If not, I'm on the newsgroup. So when Amanda Bearse (Marcy) came to UCLA on National Coming Out Day to receive the One of the Darren's from Bewitched but I forget which one Award, there I was. I told her I watch the show every day. She said, 'Great, I need the job.' She was really nice, posed for some pictures, and I was on E! News that night.
Me with Amanda Bearse

Every year, I go to see the new Warren Miller ski movie in Santa Monica. Warren always introduces it himself, which is very cool. Unfortunately, the movies get worse every year. Oh well, I can always go home and rent Steep And Deep or Beyond The Edge again.

Me with Warren Miller

How cool are the ladies in Shonen Knife? I mean, beyond being the greatest band ever? Well, after my roommate Steve and I saw them at the Roxy in December 1995, and raved about them for weeks, our friend gave us a promo poster of them. I mailed it to an address in Japan on one of their albums asking for their autographs. Four months later it came back, signed, with a note from Naoko apologizing for folding it and cutting down the tube to meet Japanese postal regulations. Steve, who used to work at SST records, declared that they're by far the nicest band he had ever heard of. This picture is from an appearance at Aron's Records in LA.
Me with Shonen Knife

Coming soon! Pictures from Shonen Knife's in-store concert at Newbury Records before their Boston show! As soon as I finish that roll of film....

Megadeth celebrated the release of Youthanasia at the Hollywood Tower Records. Naturally, everyone had to stand in line for hours, although it was amusing to see all these rockers taking bathroom breaks on the wall of Spago. Dave Mustaine was very friendly and seemed pleased when I complemented him on the band's awesome web site. The other guys weren't overly sociable, though.
Me with Megadeth

Actually, most of the celebrities I've encountered have been really nice. Even Dennis Conner, who has an awful reputation, was totally cool. I was down in San Diego to watch the second America's Cup race. When I went into the Team Dennis Conner store, there he was, signing his name on anything within reach - boxer shorts, bags of coffee. On the other hand, after I bought an America3 (women's team) poster, I ran into two of the crew who were absolute bitches and totally refused to sign it - or even talk to me.
Me with Dennis ConnerMe with the America's Cup
And here I am with the Cup:

I'll be adding more stuff soon. Please send me your comments.

Jon Singer

Meanwhile, play TiC Doom levels and Angband on a Macintosh, read Dilbert, ski like hell, use Qiagen, crank some Ramones, bake brownies, drink Zima (and keep an eye out for the web page they've promised me at their site...) Avoid Rollerblades, GeneClean, cilantro and Microsoft products (except maybe Word 5.1).

Take a look at my other pages:

KDE on PPC - binary packages for MkLinux/LinuxPPC

My doctoral research

The Jon(athan) Singer Page - other people with the same name as me!

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