What is a Volkslauf, you ask? A Volkslauf is a 10K torture run where you pay to foolishly run with teammates through obstacles, mud, and all around misery. IT IS A GREAT TIME!!!

I was first introduced to this insanity back in 1991 when Shane Maxey, Benny Accord, Rebello, and me went to Tustin and participated in the first one I had been dumb enough to be roped into.

Since then, even my wife has been duped into participating with Shane when I was overseas in 1993. She doesn't talk about it much.

So when I was approached at Tanks if I was interested, I swung into action. The team members changed over the weeks leading up to it but we finally scrounged together 4 Marines crazy enough to commit.

From left to right, they are Lt Fusco, Captain Koren, me, and Captain Olson. We finished in decent time and was glad when this picture was taken. The race was over.