Terms of Bible Interpretation

The process of interpreting the Bible.  This is what we are learning in this website.  It includes all the rules, principles, theory, and methods of interpreting the Bible.  It covers the process from trying  to understand the original meaning of the verses to what it means to us today.

This is the process of interpretation where you are trying to find the original meaning of the verse.  It is finding out what was the message that was heard by the original recipient of the Bible.   Example:  Paul told Timothy
"stop drinking only water, and use a little wine...(1 Tim. 4:23 NIV).  Exegesis would attempt to find out what it really meant to Timothy (not to us today). The original message was given to Timothy under a specific circumstance.  The background may involve issues that are evident to both Paul and Timothy but are not mentioned in the Bible.

Application of the Bible passages to modern times.  This is the process that most of us do will do with the verses of the Bible.  It is trying to find the application or relevance of the Bible message for us today. It is the process that follows exegesis.

So here is the relationship of the terms with each other: To understand the Bible properly we practice hermeneutics by first applying exegesis because we want to find out the original meaning of the Bible.  Secondly, we do an exposition of the text because we want to apply the message to our lives today.
   Notice that exegesis is
very important because that is how we learn and understand the original meaning of the Bible.  If you misunderstand the original meaning, I doubt that you will have the proper application of the Bible in your life today.

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