Objection to learning proper Bible Interpretation:

"Having rules in Bible Interpretation will take the Bible away from the common or not highly educated Christians."

Some Christians don't believe that there are certain rules that they need to apply in Bible interpretation other than just reading and praying for guidance.  They feel that such rules will take their right to be able to understand the Bible on their own, and that they will have to depend on scholars or experts to explain the Bible for them.  Quite the contrary.  First, proper interpretation only requires more time studying and a little common sense.  An average Christian who can read and follow simple instructions can understand and apply the principles and guidelines of proper interpretation.  

Second, these guidelines and principles will give everybody the right to question and make an educated criticism on different interpretations of the Bible today, even those made by Bible experts.  You will no longer be forced to follow a doctrine or a teaching that you feel is not an accurate interpretation of the Word of God, just because it is being taught by a "teacher" or  an "expert". Without standard guidelines of proper interpretation, a person in authority and those with higher education can claim that their interpretation is always better or more accurate than those that have less authority or education.

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