Word Meaning

Some words have more than one meaning, while some we don't know the meaning at all.  Understanding the true meaning of the words used in a passage is very important in proper interpretation or exegesis.  The first thing we do to know what a word means is to read in its context. This, however, is sometimes not enough, for a context can sometimes take on different meanings for a particular word.  This has caused varying interpretations among Christians.  Remember, the real meaning of a word is the one intended by the author.

Many teachers will find the intended meaning of a certain word by studying its roots or original meaning.  This process can give us new insight to the meaning, but at the same time it can lead us to misunderstanding.  Understanding the word's origin and original meaning doesn't necessarily lead us to the meaning of a word as used by the author. 

A better way of understanding a word's meaning is to understand what it means at the time it was written.  Words change meaning as time goes by, and we cannot always put the same meaning we have today on a same word that was used centuries ago.  By reading other older writings of the same period that uses the same word will give us ideas on the meaning of the word.

Some word we just don't have definitions because we don't use them such as the words shekels, ephahs, talents, etc.

Finding word meaning using an outside tool is often necessary.  A reliable commentary or Bible Dictionary would be helpful.


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