Brooklyn is the smallest little community in the world, or so it seems at times. The high school feels the same way. Brooklyn High School is 400 people, so we all know each other. And if you all know each other, the rumors are going to FLY!

Manly, my friends are from the band, or from my honors classes. I have had to say good bye to a lot of my friends, as they graduated, but I think it is defiantly been the hardest when this years seniors had to leave, because I am closest to them, one of them a friend, I don't know if it was a curse or a blessing, has been through everything with me, and always sitting next to me, pointing EVERYTHING missed thing in my music. :)

We always say we hate the bubble, but I think that we all secretly love it, as we love BHS, but we just don't want to admit it. But the Bubble is going downhill and fast. The teachers are dislexic, and they are no longer there to teach, only to pick up pay checks. Even Stanton was there to teach, as much as an ass as he was, he was there for us. Urig is stupid, and a cry baby, Sullivan couldn't find his own ass with two hands. There is only three real teachers anymore, and the only two which I am sorry I had to say good bye to soo soon. Frau, Verba and Heimburger. :) I KNOW I will come back to talk to them, when I need help!

Well, here are all of the people who are my friends, many of them have graduated, some of them are seniors this year, and there are a few underclassmen. It scares me to think that Nathanail, Tracy, and Billy are JUNIORS already! But hey I AM A SENIOR!!!! Woo hoo! :)

I am going to be going to Tri-c next year, insted of BHS. I am going to be coming back for band, because I refuse to let anyone get inbetween me and my music, expecially any chances to march!! :) (bandie, and proud of it!!!!)

Ok, here are the pages that are going to be up! You can tell if they are up, because they will be as a link… you know, blue, underlined, with the stupid hand pointer thingie. :) I will try and put up the pages, then get the backgrounds up! Of course, best friends go up first :)

I know that I have done a lot of work on my website lately, and you are looking at in improvement. I have decided, that the links at the end of the pages is too much for as many links as I have for BHS. I have therefore decided to split the sections up. Each class gets their own page! The BHS page will be linked to the class pages, and then there will be separate little links to each individual person. Example:

You are trying to find Alicia’s page. You hopefully know that she is a senior at BHS. You go to the BHS page, you hit Seniors. In the seniors’ page, there will be a link to Alicia’s page. At the end of Alicia’s page there will be links to the other seniors, and then links to the other classes pages as well.

It’s not that hard to grasp, once you get going! Have fun, there is a lot of stuff in this section, and a lot of construction also. Becareful for down links, I have not had a chance to troubleshoot this section much!

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The cool grahpics are from Moyra's Web Jewels