
Part 1: Betrayal

I walk home late from school. Damn that Miss Hinako keeping me after class like that. And Ranma didn't wait for me that insensitive prick.

My mood brightens at remembering that Kasumi is allowing me to help with supper. But it darkens when Ranma's ever present voice in her head starts to insult her cooking. "Why is it that it hurts more coming from him than anyone else?" I ask my self.

'Because you are cooking for him and you lo-'

I hammer that voice into submishin and yell at in my head. 'It is true that I am cooking for him but only to prove to him that he was wrong. And I don't love him.'

Even as I say that to myself I know it to be wrong. I do love that insensitive, perverted fool and I can't admit it to anyone but myself. Even P-chan my most loyal and trust friend hasn't been told these inner-most thoughts. I can't admit my feelings because I would be married within 12 hours if I did, and I am not ready. The other reason I keep my feelings to myself and mask them with anger is that I fear Ranma doesn't feel the same way. I use the word fear with anger and disgust, a martial artist shouldn't fear something like that, but it is the right word because it also describes the emotion I feel when I think about a life without Ranma.

I enter the house and walk toward the kitchen to begin to help Kasumi. I forgo my usuall custom of anouncing my presence because Ranma would try to get me to tell him what Miss Hinako said to me, and I don't want to want to see him right now. If he was here and in my condition I would crack like a walnut in Ryoga's clenched fist if he said any thing to me, nice or insulting.

I enter the kitchen and gasp in fear as I notice my sister laying prone on the kitchen floor. I want to help Kasumi but a creaking of the floor above my head makes me realize that whoever did this could still be in the house. A question pops into my head. "Where the hell is Ranma?"

I creep up the stairs as quietly as I can, of course that ment that the stairs creaked horribly at every step but when I made it to the top I still had not heard the sounds of retreat.

I continued moving stealthfully down the hall and as I drew closer to my room I begin to hear sounds, sounds of sex? My friends talked about it often enough, how could I not know.

I stop at my door. Yep, whoever is having sex they're doing it in my room. I have to stifle and growl of anger so as not to alert the lovers to my presence.

I grab hold of the door knob and silently twist. With nothing to hold the door closed I slowly open the door. Kasumi must oil the hinges everyday, they make no sound as the door opens.

"Oh God, Ranma. RANMA!" moans someone from inside the room.

"My God that sounds like Shampoo!" I think to myself. I stand and throw open the door but it is a useless gesture, I'm already to late.

They lay on me bed, Ranma on his back with Shampoo bouncing up and down on Ranma's waist, they haven't noticed me. They continue what they are doing. "I think I'm gonna hurl." My mind has gone blank and the anger starts to take over.

I notice something and my anger fades. Ranma isn't participating, his arms lay along his side and his eye's are glazed over. "He's drugged, I'm sure of it. Now only to get Shampoo off of him."

I reach deep into my dimensional pocket and pull out the biggest hammer I can find, I call it 'the Ranmanizer.' I pull back the metal hammer for a horizontal swing intended to send Shampoo into L.E.O. I don't care that she's naked.

Before I could begin the swing Shampoo's back arched and she screamed something in her native chinese. "She's wide open," I think.

"Uhhhhhnnnnn," groans the drugged Ranma.

I almost drop Ranmanizer. He came, inside her. Why that ...that... pervert. Hold it Akane, think, he's drugged right. I mean he has no control over himself," rational control returns as that little voice speaks to me. However that feeling of wanting to be mad at Ranma and blame him for everything is still there.

I pull back Ranmanizer again and scream "DIE SHAMPOO!!!!"

Shampoo jerks upright as she notices me for the first time since I entered the room. She may be quick but her reflexes are lagging because of her recent activities.

The hammer connects with Shampoo in the chest and she flies naked through the roof and over the town. Some soft mumbling brings my attention back to Ranma. As Ranma comes into my field of view I remember his state of dress.

trying to keep my eyes off Ranma's body I walk closer. The blanket that had collected at the bottom of my bed I pulled it up to tuck it under Ranma's chin.


I jerk when Ranma says my name. "Does he know I'm here. What's going through his mind," I think. "Yes Ranma," I answer.

"That was great," Ranma mumbles.

I start to get angry again. "He wasn't drugged That ... that PERVERTED LITTLE-"

"That was even better than my fantasies. You screaming in ecstasy, it was great."

"His unconsious mumblings are going to get him killed. Wait a sec. I'm screaming? Wha?"

"I love you Akane. You are my hopes and dreams," Ranma's voice fades as he falls asleep.

My knees go weak from shock and I colapse onto my but facing the sleeping Ranma. "Fantasies? He fantasizes about me? He was thinking about me the whole time? Too many questions, too little-Oh my God Kasumi."

I race downstairs to the kitchen as I hit myself in the head for forgetting my older sister. When I got to the kitchen Kasumi is still in the same postion as I left her.

I pick her up and carry her to her room. When I enter Kasumi's room I am shocked and appaled to find it in shambles. A hole in the outside wall screamed Shampoo and from that I could quess what happened.

"My guess is, is that Shampoo broke through the wall and attacked Kasumi. Shampoo must have been really desprite to attack Kasumi. But how did Kasumi end up in the kitchen? And how did Ranma end up drugged?"

While thoughts run rampant through my brain I place my sister in a comfortable position in her bed with the blanket tucked under her chin. I sit down in a near by chair and take the classic position of head in hands with the fingers covering the eyes. I call this a classic position of an internal soul searcher.

"Shampoo has just made the entire fiance issue more volitile. Ranma will not be happy when he finds out what happened. What am I going to do? What am I gonna do?"

"Mmmmmmmmmm," groans Kasumi.

"Kasumi!" I cry and I am instantly by my sisters side. "Kasumi, are you awake?"

Kasumi groans again and opens her eyes, blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust to the bright light in the room. Kasumi looks at me for a few seconds before she registers I am here. "Akane? Your home? What time is it? What happened?" Kasumi is full of questions today isn't she.

"Yes. Yes. Around five o'clock. I was hoping you could shed some light on this subject." I answer each question.

Kasumi sits up in bed and places a hand on her head. She feels her scalp for a while, when she feels the back of her head she winces and pulls air though her teeth.

"What?" I ask.

"It hurts on the back of my head. I don't know why."

"Let me look," I move closer to Kasumi as she turns her head so that I can have a look. What I see is not good and I wonder why I didn't notice it before, blood caked the back of Kasumi's head.

"Kasumi ae you sure you are all right?" I ask as I gently probed Kasumi's blood coated hair.

"A little numbness now," Kasumi said before jerking forward, away from Akane's probing fingers and hisses in pain again. "It hurts right there, do be more careful Akane."

"Sorry Kasumi. I can't see much back here but you recieved a cut on the head and there is some blood."