Chapter 6: Wedding Bells! The One Who Got Away!

The days before the wedding were gone before they knew it, suddenly taken up by the tailors that Hallas had commissioned to clothe them. Lina had to admit though, that Hallas had indeed spared no cost with regards to his wedding. He had wanted everything perfect for this day of days, and it was pretty obvious he was succeeding. Lina gazed at herself in the mirror, turning this way and that, liking how the sea green silk gown fell in gentle folds from her hips, staring in wonderment at how the tailor had been able to enhance her bust. I don't look as flat as I normally do… The silk clung to her, wrapping tightly around her torso and emphasizing her tiny waist, curved alluringly out to her chest and hips. Shoulder length gloves of the same hue sheathed her arms, though her shoulders were bare, exposing a swath of creamy skin. A choker of platinum-hued metal clasped a emerald that was the hue of a rainforest canopy. Matching earrings dangled from her earlobes, the gems tinkling as they clashed softly against each other whenever she moved her head.
Even her hair, which she normally left unbound save for her headband, was touched by the designer's elegant hand. It was done up, held in place by snowy ribbons and accented by tiny yellow rosebuds, peeping out of the soft, loose curls and waves as the fiery cascade spilled down her neck and back.
A soft knocking on the door interrupted her thoughts. Lina half-turned and called for the person to enter. The door swung open and Filia, Sylphiel and Amelia came in.
"Miss Lina, are you…" Amelia trailed off, her mouth opening into a pink little 'o'.
Sylphiel touched her fingertips to her cheek, her eyes softening with sisterly pride. "Lina-san…you look lovely." She murmured.
Filia nodded in enthusiastic agreement. "That dress really becomes you, Lina-san."
Lina blushed slightly at their compliments, momentarily lowering her ruby eyes to the carpeted floor. "Thanks…" she raised them and looked at her friends. "You guys look great too."
That was an understatement. Sylphiel was gowned in a purple sheath, a half-cloak of watery silk kept upon her shoulders by a flimsy gold chain stretched across her ample bosom. Lilies adorned her hair, which was caught twice down her back. It would have been called simple were it not slashed to the hip, revealing a comely leg and a high-heeled, sandaled foot. Filia wore a baby-pink gown that was adorned with white lace and pale pink silk rosettes. Pink silk cherry blossoms decorated her hair, and coral imitations of the blossom also adorned her ears, the jeweler having fashioned tiny chains that attached coral petals, so that it appeared that the flower had petals falling from it. Amelia wore a delicate tiara upon her head, decorated with amethysts carved into minute violets, their centers highlighted by glittering fragments of golden topaz. Matching earrings clasped her ears, and her gown was a rich cream, accented by purple and gold, alluding to her rank as Crown Princess of Saillune. Her house banner was nestled just above her generous bosom, a carved sapphire inlaid with gold dangling from a short, twisted gold chain.
A slightly teasing grin alighted upon Lina's lips as she appraised Sylphiel once again. "Has Gourry seen you in that dress yet, Sylphiel?"
Sylphiel blushed furiously. "Oh, no...he hasn't seen me this morning. I think the tailor that was assigned to work on him wanted to revise a few things to his outfit."
Amelia couldn't resist chuckling. "Well, let's hope he won't nosebleed too badly when he sees you, Sylphiel-san." she winked at her fellow shrine maiden.
"Or go mad with jealousy when other men start eyeing you." Filia added with a wicked little smirk. "Engaged or no, he might just worry some man might steal you away from him."
Lina laughed, a sharp single utterance of sarcasm and daring. "Let them try. They'll need to be carried away in boxes. Do try to keep him under control, Sylphiel... this is supposed to be a wedding, not a funeral."
Sylphiel giggled. "That's my job, isn't it, Lina? Keeping him under control?"
With that they all burst out into mischievous laughter. "Come on, let's go. The wedding's supposed to start any time now." Amelia told them, glancing at a clock standing atop a chest of drawers. "We shouldn't keep the bride waiting."
Sylphiel held out her hand toward Lina. "She's right you know. This is Mara's day. We should be nice to her...although I think you'll all be quite evil to me on my wedding day."
"Naturally." Lina said, taking Sylphiel's hand. "What are friends for?" They all laughed again as they exited the room as one.

Milgazia stood at the landing of the staircase, looking for all the world like a prime minister in his freshly tailored outfit. The tailor had chosen velvet brocade that was the hue of the deep seas, emphasizing it's depths with silver piping at the collar and at his cuffs. The loose, slightly rumpled sleeves recalled waves rippling toward the shore, while his stiff blue-gray trousers gave the image of unyielding sea cliffs. A blue-gray half-cloak that was like a stormy sky clasped his broad shoulders like mist, the hem of which touched his gloved fingertips. Low boots the color of wet stone hugged his feet, and as he stepped forward toward Lina and the others while they glided down the steps, he made no sound. His customary gold and ruby brooch was at his throat, combined with his golden hair and eyes, reminding them of the last flash of sunlight before a typhoon hit.
"Ladies…" he bowed at the waist. "You look like the goddesses of the seasons themselves."
"And you look like a stormy evening, Milgazia." Lina replied with a grin, looking him up and down appreciatively. "I see the tailors had a field day with you too."
"I daresay that they didn't have as much fun redecorating me as they did with you ladies. I barely recognize you." the Ryuzoku elder straightened, eyeing them all with such scrutiny he managed to make them blush. Oblivious to the embarrassment he was causing, he continued to speak. "The way that the fabric alternately clings and falls free, the colors and their complimentary hues; truly you wear works of art upon the perfect canvasses of your forms, with a result that is a feast for the eyes."
"I have to agree. I didn't think that the sight of so much beauty would result in the loosening of your tongue, Milgazia-san."
The golden-eyed Dragon Lord looked up and beyond the four ladies, his gaze finally catching upon the dark, slender figure standing there. "Merely admiring the view and telling the truth, Xelloss." he replied, his voice cooling noticably. "There was much artistry involved in making these gowns perfect, and I've ever been an admirer of art."
"Art, you say?" the Mazoku chuckled as he stepped out the shadows. "Again, I am left with no choice but to agree with you." Xelloss looked dashing in an elegant suit of black with silver trim and embroidery. He wore no cloak, and his white-gloved hands, folded across his midsection seemed much like the moon in the center of a night filled with stars.
"You don't sound like you mind agreeing with him too much, Xelloss." Zelgadiss was out of his usual tan attire, dressed like a lord in the hues of deep twilight, the colors stolen from a sky that the last rays of sunlight grasped for and lost. His vest and pants were deep midnight blue, touched with dark azure. Purple far darker than the ripest of plums were his tunic and cloak, the hem, collar and cuffs touched by lavender that bled into the indigo depths of his sleeves.
Gourry in contrast was dressed in white and sky blues, his long cascade of blond hair like sunlight across the brightest of summer skies, the poufy sleeves and frilled collar like cotton-candy clouds. "Well, seeing as we're the escorts of such lovely young ladies, it wouldn't look so nice if we didn't look as good as they did, Zel."
"I'd like to disagree." Milgazia said softly, shaking his head. "If we ever looked as good as the ladies, I believe we would have cause to worry."
That little comment sent the girls into peals of laughter. "Oh, that was a good one, Milgazia-san!" Amelia exclaimed.
"Not funny!" Gourry groused. "You've dressed us up as girls once TOO often!"
Milgazia blinked in surprise. "You mean..." he faltered.
"You're the only guy in this group who hasn't been put into a dress, Milgazia-san." Xelloss informed him.
That made the Elder's ragged eyebrows disappear into his bangs. He stared at them for a moment, then shook his head again. "Then I hope I will never need to disguise myself as a female." he sounded distinctly horrified at the thought.
Lina chuckled and patted him on the arm. "Don't worry, Milgazia. You don't look like we could disguise you as a girl anyway. You're handsome not beautiful, unlike some other guys I could name..." she shot Xelloss a look filled with mischief. "It was Xelloss who had the killer legs, wasn't it?"
"Lina-chan!" Xelloss protested.
"Lina's right, Milgazia-san." Sylphiel assured the Ryuzoku. "You look too masculine to be put into a skirt. And you would most certainly look strange in make up." she turned to the other guys. "The others though…Hmm..." her brow furrowed as she looked Zelgadiss, Gourry and Xelloss over with a critical eye, her lips falling into a cute little pout.
"A bit of lipstick and eyeshadow..." Filia mused, rubbing her chin and eyeing Gourry, a similar expression on her face.
"Do you think he'd fit into your dress, Filia-san?" Amelia asked.
"Probably." the dragon maiden replied. "Now Zelgadiss-san would look good in lavender and white..."
Amelia laughed. "He does!"
"I think you're starting to scare the Dragon Elder, ladies." Zelgadiss said mildly.
"Never mind him!" Gourry hissed. "He's not the guy they're thinking about dressing up again."
"They're just thinking it. I don't think that they'd ruin Hallas' wedding by having us show up in girls' dresses." Zelgadiss reassured the swordsman.
"Still, just thinking about it gives me the chills."
Xelloss coughed theatrically. "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, but don't we have a wedding to attend, especially as you are part of the bride's entourage...?"
"You're no fun, Xelloss." Lina complained, shooting him with one of her irritated glares. She decided not to follow through with it though, and instead led the girls away to find the bride.

Mara was getting her veil arranged when they came in. The flame-haired shrine maiden turned and gasped, smiling in wonder. "Bless us all, you look so wonderful!"
"We aren't anything compared to you, Mara." Lina grinned, admiring the elegant gown. She looked like a fairy tale princess in pearlescent white, which only accented the deep red of her hair. Her veil was held in place by a red and yellow gold tiara that was spun into lacey designs. White gold sequins in the shape of tiny five-petaled flowers were sewn into the silk of the gown and the veil, and each blossom was set with a tiny, perfect pearl of a slightly pale bluish hue. Lina had never seen blue pearls before, and wondered where Hallas had gotten them…much less in such a number. There must have been hundreds on the gown alone, never mind the veil. The redheaded sorceress knew better than to ask if they were merely beads though: Why would Hallas cheapen the gown for his bride when the ones for her bridesmaids were made with literally royalty in mind? Lina felt a flash of friendly envy as Mara's mother, Lynneth, veiled her daughter's face. She looks perfect…When will I wear a veil and gown for my wedding too? Lina stomped on her thoughts. Stop it, Lina! You'll get your turn someday, you'll see!
Lynneth smiled at her daughter, touching her face with wistful pride and tenderness. "I think we're ready now, dear," she whispered huskily, her eyes rimmed with tears. "You are grown up!"
Mara laughed, hugging her mother impulsively. "I'll always be your baby girl, you know that, Mom!"
Lina heard a sniffle from behind her, and turned to see Amelia dabbing at her eyes. She smiled at her friend. "Hey, save the tears for later. We still need to make our grand entrance you know!" she picked up the bouquet of flowers that Mara was to hold. It was a veritable cascade of blood red roses and pale silk that reached almost to the floor when held at waist height. Who would have thought that flowers would be so heavy?
"Lina," Mara smiled as Lina held out the bouquet to her. "I think we're ready now."

Hallas tried not to fidget. He really did. But he still felt nervous, and it showed. Around him, the guests eagerly awaited the arrival of his bride, chattering and passing back and forth compliments about how fine they looked, and how wonderfully perfect everything was. The birds chirped and sang joyously, as though they too understood that this day was a special one. The sunlight danced with the leaves and breeze, weaving flickering steps upon the grass.
"Hey, Hallas, try to remember how to breathe," Gourry hissed from the front pews.
"He's right, Hal." The best man, Hallas' silver-haired friend Richmond, grinned. "It'd be really embarrassing if you passed out just as you were about to kiss your bride…" he grinned a little wider. "Don't worry. If that happens, I'll be glad to kiss Mara for you."
"Don't even joke about this! I'm scared that something will go wrong!" Hallas growled back.
"Why should it?" Zel asked softly, unable to resist teasing the already high-strung groom.
"You seem to forget the last time I tried to get married my house was blown to smithereens!" Hallas hissed, pacing, wringing his cloak in his hands.
"Relax, will you?" Richmond said, straightening Hallas' collar and cloak. "She'll be here any minute."
Milgazia cocked his head sideways as though listening to something. "They're coming already." He said helpfully.
"You can hear them through all this noise?" Richmond asked in astonishment.
"You simply need to know what you are listening for," the Dragon Lord replied modestly.
In the next instant, the orchestra struck up the traditional wedding march. Lina appeared in the rose-entwined archway that lead to the garden pagoda where the ceremony was to be held, holding a single red rose in her hands. On either side of her two little girls holding baskets filled with flower petals stood. They walked before her, scattering the flowers in her path.
Lina inwardly exulted. She was walking in this gown without falling down! She was glad that Mara had helped her practice walking in the gown, not laughing when she found out the little sorceress was not used to such attire. She walked up to Hallas and winked.
"Lina," he murmured, bowing slightly. "You look even more beautiful than you did before."
The red-headed sorceress blushed slightly, knowing that she could believe him. He was one of the few she knew that sincerely called her beautiful. "Thanks, Hallas." She awarded him one of her rare smiles, the kind that people rarely saw on Lina Inverse's face. Then her expression turned impish as she stood next to him to let Sylphiel and Amelia move past her and over to the right side of the altar, the shrine maiden and the princess drawing murmurs of appreciation. Gourry both puffed with pride and with menace as several young men tried to catch Sylphiel's eye. Instead she rested her eyes on the blond swordsman, proclaiming with that simple action whom her man was.
Lina winked up at Hallas. "You won't think me so beautiful in the next few moments though," she teased. "No matter how dazzling I might look right now. Maybe you should close your eyes; you might be blinded."
"What are you talking…a…bout…" Hallas trailed off, gasping as though someone had punched him in the stomach.
Lina grinned and gazed past the dumbstruck groom to see Mara, standing under the archway of roses, pausing to let everyone in the garden to bask in her perfection. Somehow, she looks even more beautiful than she did before…but she isn't any different, Lina thought as the bride, hand on her proud father's arm, slowly seemed to float forward, so smooth were her steps.
As Lina looked closer though, she admitted her mistake. She's so happy. That's why she looks so much more beautiful right now than she did before…it is her joy. Nothing can destroy it, and she knows that today is the happiest day of her life. For a moment though, Lina felt a twinge of envy. Will I ever find such happiness?
Lina glanced at Sylphiel. She saw in the shrine maiden's face a peacefulness that was greater than the expression of gentle serenity that Sylphiel usually wore. It was the face of a person who knew what lay in store for her, and had nothing to fear. Sylphiel knew that one day, she too would at last be wed to the one man she loved in all the world, and her eyes were filled with bliss. Amelia gazed in awe at the bride, dazzled, like everyone there, by Mara's glowing beauty. In her blue eyes though, shone a wistful yearning that Lina knew she herself must have had a moment ago. Lina hoped that she would love the man she would eventually marry, for as Saillune's crown princess, she was bound by duty to find a consort, marry, and as Queen produce heirs to the throne. Filia too, wore a similar expression, but her eyes were clouded with a slight melancholy. Lina knew she would not allow herself to love until she had redeemed herself in her eyes at the very least. Until then, the dragon maiden would not consider herself worthy of becoming a wife. Yeah, well, Cupid sure doesn't have the same schedule most people do…
On impulse, Lina glanced at her male companions, wondering what they were thinking. Xelloss wore his usual smile, although for some odd reason Lina thought that it was more sincere than the usual mask he wore. Zelgadiss too was smiling, and it softened his features. His was the relaxed smile of one who was amongst friends and did not care about what other people thought of his appearance. Gourry's eyes flicked from Mara to Sylphiel, and his expression changed from happy to thoughtful, to one of a person whose mind was far away. Finally they went back to Sylphiel, and his face changed again, to that of a man completely and utterly in love, his eyes shining with promise and his heart full of dreams. Lina felt a surge of reflected happiness. They will be so good for each other… she thought.
Finally, Lina looked at the only other blond guy in the group. She blinked and looked again. Yep, that was Milgazia.
The eyes are the windows of one's heart and one's soul, Luna had taught her little sister. Even though the lesson had been meant to teach her how to predict a foe's attack, Lina later learned that that particular maxim also held true for many other situations. A gentle, polite smile graced the Ryuzoku Lord's lips, taking some five years off his usually somber face. The smile was not reflected in his eyes however – instead, there was a deep sorrow and yearning that dimmed the normally bright golden shields of his irises, shattering the mirroring defenses that kept him from showing emotion. His normally regal pose seemed to make him more than merely aloof, but rather, alone and separate, as though a deep gulf distanced him from all the people around him. In his eyes was a loneliness so deep and sharp that Lina was hurt to the quick simply witnessing it. It spoke of a soul who simply stood by and saw the joy that other people shared in each other and together but he himself had not claimed for his own, for love had not deemed him worthy of it. In his gaze was the realization that he was alone, and the weight of a thousand years suddenly seemed that much heavier. Lina's heart shattered and she felt tears welling up in her own ruby eyes. Her own loneliness of before seemed such a trivial thing, almost childish…
He blinked once, and the moment passed. Realizing that she had caught the reserved Elder at an unguarded moment, Lina averted her gaze. I wonder what it is that pains him so? I've never seen him…she shook her head. Think about it later, Inverse…you've got something else to keep you busy right now. When Mara stepped up to the dais, her hand now in Hallas', she had to look up in order to get the bouquet from the bride. She glanced at Milgazia again and found him looking up at her. Oh come on, everyone's looking up here now… she berated herself. She met his gaze, noticing that now a wistful semblance of serenity cloaked his eyes. They warmed encouragingly at her, and his smile stretched wider by a fraction of an inch. She winked back in reply and turned to sit down, escorted by the best man.

Milgazia watched the wedding ceremony with the vast interest. The bride look radiantly beautiful, almost shining with an inner glow that he could not put his finger on. At first he thought it might be some trick of the light, but the sunlight that dappled over them all was no brighter than usual. A glance at the bridegroom's face showed a similar expression, but perhaps because it was because Hallas was a man that Milgazia read the joy in his countenance with greater understanding. It revealed his thoughts and his heart. 'I am going to marry the most wonderful and beautiful woman in the world, and I am falling in love with her all over again.'
Milgazia watched them, and suddenly felt very alone. He realized then that he had never had anyone that he held special regard for. He had a fond friend when he was younger - it was often believed that they would become mates when they went into Cycle, but she had died in the Kouma War. He missed his friend terribly, and realized wistfully that they might indeed have become mates had both of them reached maturity at the same time. He had loved her in his own quiet way and they had been very close. Their closeness never had a chance to develop into love, but he missed and remembered her all the same.
A mate. I never thought of taking a mate before. Milgazia thought. I've never felt the need to…or wanted to.
That train of thought suddenly brought some facts that he had failed to notice to the fore. The need to mate, to seek love, amongst Ryuzoku was not so different from that of other races, save for one fact – this need was brought on by a Ryuzoku's entering into sexual maturity, a Ryuzoku's body being ready to sire or bear young. It was little different from human adolescence, but the differences of human and dragon psyche were markedly different. Dragons mated for life, and should the other half of the union suddenly perish, would never take another spouse. Hence, a Ryuzoku did not mate unless he or she loved the other with a totality that the shorter-lived races could not and would never comprehend. Ryuzoku, especially the Golden Dragons and their Black cousins were immortal unless slain. They did not die of old age, although Milgazia remembered tales of those who slid into the Sleep of Ceiphied, weary of the burdens of time and living. They did not have the luxury or the capacity to fall in and out of love as humans or elves did, for being eternal beings, such bonds were not easily formed nor discarded. When Ryuzoku spoke of love, they meant it with the entirety of their being, and rarely did a Ryuzoku love another unless the loved one was certain to respond in kind. It was one of the peculiarities of the race that they were capable of infatuation, but to mate meant to find the other half of one's heart and soul. Once it was found…they were inevitably joined. Rare was the Ryuzoku who did not mate, for an eternity alone, the depths of time stretching out before even the deathless would find maddening if there was no one there to share it with, and such Ryuzoku chose to end their loneliness when it became unbearable. Such Ryuzoku, never having felt the need to mate felt the solitude of spirit, and never knew completion. They were rare, but the recorded few sought violent deaths.
Milgazia knew he had not gone into Cycle as the others of his age did. Jannia, her brother Janus, Milgazia's only surviving kin; his cousin Inelo…all of them went into Cycle and found mates. Jannia was blessed with unusual fertility and had lain several clutches of eggs, rare for the Golden Dragons. Even Inelo had gifted him with nephews and nieces, and they in turn promised grand-nephews and grand-nieces…
But hatchlings of his own? A mate of his own… Milgazia's heart sank. I've never felt the need to have them. Was he one of them? One of the ones who never sought a mate yet yearned for one all the same? Would he in the end be driven mad by longing for the love he wished to give but could not…?
Suddenly Milgazia did not want to be here. He did not want to witness once more a joy that he himself could never share. It hurt too much, this sudden tearing pain in his heart…
Cease this nonsense, he thought. Perhaps you have gone into Cycle but you simply have not found someone to love. That thought gave him hope and a grasp on his discipline. He banished his despair with most of his practiced ease. He would consider these thoughts some other time, but not now. He closed his eyes briefly to regain his composure, then opened them, in control of his emotions once more.
He turned his eyes to the altar as Hallas moved to receive his bride. Lina stood next to Richmond, her face pale and her eyes filled with consternation. She bit her lip slightly in the way she did only when something troubled her deeply. Perhaps she is nervous, standing up there. I know she is not used to being the center of attention… he thought.
Lina seemed to sigh, then straightened, painting a joyful expression on her face and stepped forward to take the bouquet from the bride. As she stepped back her gaze met his. He noticed her holding the skirts of her gown gingerly. Ah. She is not used to such attire…she must feel awkward in them, though she carries herself with regal grace. She should not worry so. He smiled encouragingly at her, trying to convey comfort in his gaze. It will be all right. He told her silently.
His heart lifted when she grinned quickly and winked at him in reply. Richmond offered his arm and together he and Lina walked as one to where they would sit off to one side of the altar for the duration of the ceremony. Milgazia turned back to the priest, determined to forget his cares for one day and simply enjoy it. He listened to the priest's somewhat teasing talk about the sanctity of marriage and concluded that the priest was a longtime family friend of either the bride or the groom. Finally, the priest began his litany of "Will you…" and Richmond stepped forward to offer the rings. Lina took the bouquet from the bride, her expression unusually soft.
"You may kiss the bride," the priest declared. Hallas smiled and lifted the veil to reveal Mara's radiantly beautiful face. He bent and took her into his arms, kissing her with infinite tenderness. Mara melted into his embrace, her eyes fluttering shut.
Feeling a blush rise to his cheeks for some reason, Milgazia averted his gaze. He saw Lina do the same, and her eyes caught his. She grinned sheepishly, a smile he returned.
Then Hallas and Mara Raizu turned to receive the congratulations of the people around them.

Lina reminded herself not to gorge on the food. She somehow felt she shouldn't, not dressed the way she was. Besides, she thought, Hallas made sure that the banquet won't run out, even with us here. She did allow her eyes to roam voraciously over the buffet and tried with great difficulty to decide what to sample first.
Oh, that pot roast looks so delicious… I think I'll start with that…and the salad…and the stewed vegetable pot luck…eee! Are those stuffed shrimps I see? And oysters in creamy dill sauce?
Zelgadiss bumped into her, smiling. "You looked good up there. I was worried you'd trip or something."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Zel," she replied, affecting mock hurt. Then she laughed. "I was scared too. I hope I don't have to wear a gown again for a very long time."
Zel's grin became filled with mischief. "You could get Amelia to dress you up now and then so you'd get used to walking in- I'm kidding!"
Lina put down the mashed potato scoop. "You're not so nervous about being around so many people for a change," she noted.
"Oh, it's something Sylphiel suggested to me. She said if I act like I don't care about my appearance, then perhaps people won't mind it as much. It seems to be working…no one's bothered me about it. That, or they're being too polite to." Zelgadiss sighed in relief as he got slices of pot roast. "Hmmm… I wonder if it's as good as Milgazia's pot roast."
Lina stopped spooning vegetables into her plate. "Hey, yeah…he does cook this, doesn't he?" her eyes narrowed. "Where is he? I hope he's not going to skip on eating again simply because he doesn't need to…"
Zelgadiss chuckled at the petite sorceress' efforts to make sure that the Dragon Lord ate three square meals a day. "Don't worry. I saw him pass the buffet and leave with some of the dishes earlier. He had a cloud of pretty young girls trailing after him too."
Lina groaned. That was one area of human society that they weren't too sure Milgazia could handle himself in. It didn't help at all that his cool and distant mannerisms posed only as a challenge to determined young women. Worse yet, Lina had been listening to some of the women here – not all of them were as nice as Mara. Some were hoping to ensnare some of the men – not necessarily unattached – for a trophy tryst. Milgazia, with his regal bearing and good looks –and cluelessness- was prime game for the hunt. I don't know…but I'm worried about him. That look he had during the ceremony…It's so unlike Milgazia.
"Is something wrong, Lina?" Zelgadiss asked. "Can't make up your mind between the cheese-stuffed celery and the carrots and dip?"
Lina hesitated, unsure if she should tell Zelgadiss what she saw of Milgazia's emotions. But then she realized that of all of them, Zelgadiss might be the one best able to relate to the distant Ryuzoku, being somewhat of a loner himself. "No…though I want that celery…I'm worried about Milgazia." She used a pair of delicate serving tongs to fish out some judiciously chosen stalks of the vegetable.
Teasing glints vanished from Zelgadiss' blue-green eyes. "Why? Is it those predatory female sharks?" he placed one last slice of mold-cultured cheese on his plate.
Shaking her head, Lina lead him to one of the scattered tables where one could sit and eat at their leisure. A waiter poured them some sparkling golden champagne and retreated. When the waiter had left, Lina told him.
The chimera considered in silence while they ate. "You know… Milgazia's much older than Filia is. Perhaps…" Zelgadiss frowned. "The wedding might have reminded him of some painful memories. A lost love, perhaps?"
Lina blinked. That Milgazia might have had someone in his life never occurred to her. With a pang of remorse, she realized that none of them truly knew the Dragon Elder. The idea that he might be lonely or worse, grieving, had never crossed her mind. Who knew what burdens he carried on his broad shoulders, what troubles weighted his soul down?
Zelgadiss sipped his drink, raised one stony eyebrow in appreciation, then set it aside. "You know… maybe one of those girls could make him forget whatever troubles he has for a while." He murmured, half to himself.
"Zelgadiss!" Lina exclaimed, shocked to her very core. "I can't believe you said that! I don't think that Milgazia's that kind of a person, do you?"
Zelgadiss shrugged. "Not really… but isn't it said that love can soothe all hurts?" he chased some peas around his plate. "Besides, I'm just tossing out ideas as they come to me, Lina…" he demurred.
Lina blushed. "Yeah… I've heard that, but I don't think that's what you would call love, do you? If Milgazia is as lonely as you think he is, then he'll need more than simply…rolling around with those fluffbrains in their perfumed silk-covered beds to ease his heart." she shook her head, not even considering it. "Zelgadiss Greywords, you and I both know that those girls would devour him alive if they got the chance. They'll break his heart, and pass him around like some trinket to play with."
Zelgadiss nodded grimly. "That's probably true. I've heard some of the more vicious tales that bored rich women engage in such…pastimes. Perhaps one of his own kind…?"
Lina shook her head. "I don't think so. He would have found a mate in his own clan by now, and Filia's too deferential to him. From what I understand, he's also too old for her, and she's too young. I haven't heard anything about the other Dragon Clans…"
"Well," Zelgadiss leaned back in his chair, swirling his drink in his glass. "We're forgetting something here. Who a person falls for is up to that person, and Milgazia, despite being a Golden Dragon, still qualifies as a person, doesn't he?"
Lina laughed shortly. "More than some people we've met…"
Zelgadiss favored her with a flash of a grin. "Since he doesn't have anyone 'special' in his life, then friends will just have to fill the gap, don't you think?" he repeated the lesson she had so firmly hammered into him for the past few years. She rewarded him with a wink.
Lina chewed on her lower lip briefly. "You're right. At the very least, he needs someone to talk to." Her chin firmed in a way that told the chimera shamanist that she intended to take on the job without knowing she had decided that she would.
Still, it would help to confirm his suspicions. "So…what do you plan to do about it?"
"I'll look for him after this meal. Maybe talk to him, get him to loosen up…"
Zelgadiss stood. "Well, if you get a chance to talk to him, ask him if this pot roast is better than his. I'm going to go and get myself some more food."
"Oh, I will." Lina said, polishing off the last of her food. "Wait up! I want some more too!"
Zelgadiss chuckled. Lina Inverse had her priorities.

"Here, Milgazia-sama! Try this one!" another tidbit of food was offered to him for the sampling. Quietly, Milgazia took the fork on which the bit of fish was speared and ate it. The Dragon Elder had been fed various samples of an even greater variety of dishes by a bevy of young maidens, each one lovelier than the next and all equally eager to spoonfeed him. He commented on the dish' flavor (piquant) and the young lady who had given it to him thanked him as though she had been the one to prepare the dish herself.
The chances of that were fairly remote, Lina decided, looking at the girl's artfully curled hair and pale complexion. She was beautiful, the kind of girl that was bathed in perfumed rose-water baths and toweled off in silk, then dressed in satins and pearls daily. Lina wondered if Milgazia found her attractive, and also wondered what the Ryuzoku, who probably was used to bathing in mountain streams whose sources stemmed from the icy mountains themselves, would think of perfumed baths. But, Lina thought, she was noble, and certainly Milgazia deserved nobility.
The girl's airy titter made Lina sweatdrop. Maybe some brains would be good too…but…Remembering Zelgadiss' earlier comment, Lina's lip curled in derision. Then again, brains might not be necessary at all, if a no-strings one-night stand is what would do him good. When a fifth girl had offered him a spoonful of strawberry ice cream, Lina decided she'd waited long enough. Stepping out of the protective curtain of some ornamental flowering vines, she glided forward with unconscious grace, pasting a smile on her face to conceal her annoyance at having to wait at all. "There you are, Milgazia! I've been looking all over for you."
Milgazia looked up, forgetting the proffered sweet, smiling pleasantly. "Hello, Lina." He greeted her with genuine pleasure. "I trust that you have eaten…"
"I know I have… I wanted to make sure that you haven't forgotten to eat again." Lina glanced at the startled group of young noblewomen. "Your new friends here seem to have taken you very well at hand. Good job, girls." A chorus of wary you're welcomes and no problems answered her.
Milgazia's smile twisted into a slight smirk at her teasing. "I did eat on my own without any prompting, Lina…" he protested mildly.
"I'm teasing! I know you did." Lina winked. The other girls looked at her warily, not sure what to make of this usurper of Milgazia's attention who just popped outta nowhere and was familiar with him to boot! Lina rolled her eyes mentally. Great. They see me as competition for his affections. Oh well, I can't really disabuse them of the notion, and if I want to be able to protect Mil from them should things turn ugly, I don't think I will anyway. "Hey, Milgazia… when you're free, I'd like to talk to you." She looked around his adoring public. "Well, later, anyway."
"I shall." Milgazia replied, wondering to himself what it might be about. "I also wish to speak to you later." He was still a little worried about her from before. Something was bothering her, he knew, and he wanted to help her if he could.
Lina smiled brightly at him, winked and chirped "It's a date then. Don't keep me waiting too long!" with a jaunty wave that seemed out of place with her elegant attire, Lina left the rose-filled bower that Milgazia had thought he would find a bit of privacy in.
When she had gone, one of the young women sitting closest to him looked up, her eyes filled with innocence. "Who is she, Milgazia-sama? Do you know her?"
"A friend of yours, perhaps?" another girl suggested, curiosity masking her face.
Milgazia smiled. "I name her a friend. She calls me a friend in return, and I am honored that she numbers me amongst her friends. She is Lina Inverse, and she is also one of the most powerful sorceresses I know."
If Milgazia thought that mentioning her name would elicit reactions of recognition, he was quite right. The reaction that it did bring about, however, was far from anything he thought it would be.
"WHAT?!" the first girl gasped in horror. "You mean that was Lina Inverse?"
"The Enemy of All Who Live?"
"The Poster Child of Chaos and Destruction?!"
"Lina Inverse the Dragon Spooker?!"
"The…what?" Milgazia asked softly.
"You know…" one of the girls next to him began to recite. " 'Little girl, little breasts, scares the dragon from his nest.' "
Milgazia blinked slowly. Twice. While it is true that Lina may be intimidating, I hardly think that she inspires …terror. He frowned, wondering how she obtained such unflattering names amongst the humans.
The girls saw him frown, and realized to their dismay that to insult his friend was to insult him. Obviously, he thought highly of the living disaster known as Lina Inverse, and they had upset him with their reaction. Quickly, they sought to make amends.
"But that's only what we've heard, Milgazia-sama!" one girl blurted out.
"Yes, yes… we don't know if they're lies or truth!" another agreed.
Milgazia's frown only deepened. "I am a little perturbed, as amongst my people she is thought of as a very courageous and heroic, and our young ones think of her as a legend."
The young ladies surrounding the Dragon Lord looked at each other in confusion. The people of Milgazia's land considered the Bandit Killer a hero? In honest curiosity, one of their number piped up. "Why is that, Milgazia-sama?"
Another nodded, equally wondering. "Did she destroy an entire army of bandits and dark knights all by herself?"
"Did she rid your homeland of an evil tyrant?"
"Did she rid of your people of an ancient curse?"
Milgazia shook his head.
One of the girls sitting closest to him leaned forward. "Oh please tell us! We don't have the privilege of knowing Lina Inverse personally, and you do!"
"Perrikka is right! Please tell us the legend of Lina Inverse, as it's told amongst your people!" another maiden pleaded, clasping her hands in supplication.
Milgazia sweatdropped. Hmmm… maybe if I modify one of the stories… "Very well." He cleared his throat. "It was not so long ago when a dark threat loomed over the realm. It was whispered of in tones of greatest fear, and in dread, my people awaited its outcome, for it was to affect the world.
"We believed, for my homeland was a place of remote character, that this danger would pass us by. Instead, it came to us, and it was there that the path of this adventure of Lina Inverse lead to darker ways.
"She came to our remote valley, seeking information, for my people protected an item of great power and history, locked in a place to which only our Elder knew the way." It is strange to speak of myself in third person, but then, the matrons are telling this to their young ones… Milgazia thought. "Indeed, it was our Elder himself who met Lina's group of adventurers upon their entry into the Valley, and it was discovered that it was the servant of the Mazoku Lord, The Beastmaster, the Beast Priest himself who had led Lina Inverse to the valley from which I hail."
Several eyes widened and murmur of fear rippled through his audience as Milgazia spoke of the Beastmaster. Likely none of them had heard of her before now, but everyone knew what a Mazoku was…and to say that the Beastmaster was a Mazoku Lord…
"Fearing for our lives, but not his own, the Elder agreed to lead Lina to our artifact, for the Beast Priest's presence ensured that disaster would occur should he refuse. As they went to that secret place to where we kept our artifact hidden, the Elder spoke to Lina and questioned her as to why she was accepting the Beast Priest's aid. Her answer was true, for since she knew nothing else of what was happening, she only had the Beast Priest's aid to go by. Certainly, she was a tool in a complex Mazoku plot, but she had no desire to die so easily, for she was hunted. The Elder agreed with her that one who lives desires to keep on living, and did not blame her for that natural desire. The Elder saw too, that she desired to break free of the hold the Mazoku had over her and thwart their plans, and so he chose to aid her in that endeavor as subtly as he could."
A soft cheer was raised at this. Milgazia let it continue a moment, remembering that time himself, and of his decision to aid her in any possible way he could. He had admired her courage then, and her determination, glimpsing her inner strength of will. She was like him in that respect… none would hold her against her will. "Thus did he advise her to see the truth with her own eyes, and then to take the path she believed in. Then, since he could not say what he wished to say openly, he told her that 'what you wish for will come true' and hoped that she would understand what he meant. She did, and he rejoiced that she had understood his riddle. He chose then to aid her as much as he was able, for he understood that she, Lina Inverse, was their hope in working against any plot made by the Mazoku. Perhaps by showing her their precious artifact, she would gain the knowledge that she needed to defeat the demons that plagued her. However, just as the Elder sought to lead Lina into the magical labyrinth where the artifact was kept, another Mazoku attacked them, seeking to kill her."
Gasps of horror and echoes of "Oh no!" wafted from the tensely listening bevy of young women. Like an expert storyteller, Milgazia raised his voice slightly. "The Mazoku struck with surprise on his side, just as Lina was about to put her hand in the Elder's so that he may guide her through the labyrinth. He rained his dark power upon them, and a cloud of dust sprang up as the ground exploded." A girl near him screamed in alarm and hid her face, as though she could see it happening.
"But lo, when the dust cleared, none were harmed, for the Mazoku, in his haste, had aimed badly. Dust and falling debris obscuring their vision, they turned to face their attacker, and thus did the Elder of my people learn his identity, as Lina spoke his name: Zeigram.
"Zeigram! A Mazoku whose form was like a mummified specter, a single sinister glowing red eye visible from beneath his black shroud, he spoke, and his voice sounded as though it came from the very depths of the Abyss itself. 'I won't let you go! You will all die here!' he cried, and unleashed another deadly, and certainly more prepared attack."
Several young women huddled together, moaning in fear. Milgazia was pleased that his storytelling abilities had not slipped, and paused, letting the tension grow.
"W-what happened next?" one noble lady asked, her eyes wide as a schoolgirl's.
"If they got hurt, I shall cry!" another whispered tremulously, as though she would burst into tears any moment anyway.
"He was thwarted!" Milgazia declared, somehow making his voice soft and at the same time it seemed to crack like two stones being struck together. "One of Lina's companions, ever alert to another attack, raised a magical shield and bravely fended off many of the Mazoku's black sorcery. The others as well, wielding enchanted blades rose to aid her, and blocked the rest. Filled with outrage that the Mazoku had dared to attack, and seeking only to protect, the Elder completely discarded his neutrality and drew upon magics long unused to attack Zeigram. The sly Mazoku retreated into the Astral plane, evading his magics, and reappeared only a moment later, descending for the kill.
"But once again Zeigram was foiled. The Beast Priest himself challenged him, and called for Lina to hurry and escape. The Elder lost no time and reached for her, and pulled her to the relative safety of the magical labyrinth where our Artifact was kept. Even as they entered the sorcerous dimension, Lina balked at leaving her friends behind, worrying for their safety."
Milgazia's audience sighed in relief and anticipation, caught up in the web of his words. Eagerly, they waited for him to resume his tale, and leaned forward when he did.

Zelgadiss blinked, freeing himself from the Dragon Lord's hypnotic descriptions. Certainly, he hadn't meant to eavesdrop, only meaning to ask Milgazia if he knew where Lina had gone. Upon hearing the Elder's voice however, he had paused, and was ensnared in Milgazia's retelling of those fateful events that led to the death of Chaos Dragon Gaav at the hands of Hellmaster Phibrizo. Remaining where he was hidden by a thick stand of roses, he listened to Milgazia as he described Lina's slicing Gaav into two with the Ragna Blade. Zelgadiss listened, and remembered how the Elder had left to determine if Gaav was really dead, found no body and returned just in time to share in the discovery of the Hellmaster as the ultimate puller of strings. Milgazia described in near dramatic detail how Hellmaster stole Gourry away, by over-riding the magic of the Sword of Light with his own, and Zelgadiss' and Amelia's attempt to free the swordsman from the spell. Zel quietly applauded Milgazia's tale-spinning abilities and promised himself that he would leave when the Ryuzoku's story drew to a close.
"…and so did the Elder of my people bid Lina Inverse farewell, wishing her luck and success against the Hellmaster. Since she is here today, it is safe to say that she did win against the most powerful of the Mazoku Lords, and thwarted his dark designs upon the world." Smiling, Milgazia stood. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have kept her waiting long enough, and certainly, it is impolite for me to let Lina Inverse waiting for too long." He bowed to them.
Not to mention unhealthy, Zelgadiss thought as the girls bade him farewell and thanks for undoing the rumors about "Lina-sama." Lina-sama? Zel thought, deciding to linger. After a few moments of further eavesdropping, he left, grinning from ear to ear. Whether Milgazia had meant to do it or not, Lina now had a following, judging from the excited chatter the young noblewomen had over their new idol. Lina-sama indeed…

Lina stood, watching people dancing past her, entranced. It looked so wonderful and fun to her, but it was something she'd never done. With a twinge of wistful envy, she watched a young woman nearby as a young man walked up to her, bowed, and invited her to dance. Oh, come on, Lina… you don't even know how to really dance…
"Forgive my presumption, but would my lady grant me the honor of a dance?"
Lina turned and looked up surprised that anyone would ask her. She was even more surprised when she saw who it was. "Milgazia?" her eyebrows disappeared into her bangs. "Where are your friends?"
Milgazia shrugged. "You wished to speak to me, did you not?" he answered her question with one of his own. "It's quite easy to talk and dance at the same time...or so the Crown Prince taught me while his sister taught me how to dance."
Lina flushed, though the idea of Milgazia being taught how to dance by Amelia's ancestors made her head spin. "Uh, ah… thanks, Milgazia…but…" her voice dipped low in embarrassment. "I don't know how to dance and I'll just step on your feet."
"My feet are quite sturdy, Lina-san." He bent a little closer and took her hand. "However, I must beg your forgiveness beforehand as it has been a millenium since I've danced, so I too, might be clumsy or forced to improvise." He whispered, smiling in apology. Before Lina could come up with another excuse not to dance, he had pulled her out to the middle of the dance floor. He began to lead her in an elegantly slow and stately dance, and after a few moment of nervousness, Lina looked up at him with a wondering smile.
"Hey… I'm dancing!" she giggled, giddy with amazement. "This isn't so hard after all!"
Milgazia raised one bushy eyebrow. "You've never danced before?" he asked.
Lina shook her head no. "I never did dances like this… kid dances during the Grape Festival and dancing on the grapes when I was little, yeah, but not…ballroom."
"Then I am doubly honored that I have this first dance." Milgazia said softly.
"Oh stop it…" she murmured, then shook her head, knowing it was like asking the tides to stop flowing. Milgazia talked that way all the time, with his slightly archaic mode of speech. She smiled inwardly – no wonder those girls were all over him if he talked like this! It sounded romantic, and he seemed to breathe compliments. But to him, he was simply telling it as he saw it.
"Stop dancing? Certainly not. Not when I'm just remembering how to dance once again!" he sounded faintly indignant, though his expression hadn't changed at all.
"Never mind, it was a silly thought anyway." Lina paused. "You said that the old Crown Prince of Saillune and his sister taught you how to dance? How come?"
"Well…" Milgazia actually smiled in memory. "Prince Sparhawk Kai ap Saillune and I became good friends after that incident with my cloak, and he would invite me to many social occasions. His sister Silmeria took it upon herself to educate me in social matters, something I've ever been grateful about. I had no wish to be rude after all…Especially around women. We Ryuzoku believe firmly in proper behavior."
Lina hid a smile. No wonder he sounds the way he does. If royalty – and a princess!- taught him how to act in social matters, it's small surprise he sounds so formal and polite all the time. Thank goodness Amelia's ancestor isn't flowery-mouthed, if I'm to judge from how Milgazia talks…At least, she taught him how to talk to a girl! She congratulated the long-dead princess. The lessons had stuck through a thousand and more years.
Milgazia lead her into a slow spin and twirled her out before drawing her back again. Lina enjoyed being twirled out, laughing, the skirts of her gown flaring out around her legs, the tiny yellow roses adorning her hair filling the air with their perfume.
When she was back in his arms and within soft speaking range, she looked up at him, wondering how to pose the question she wanted to ask in the back of her mind. "Well, she did a great job, I'd say. You certainly know how to treat a girl well." She winked at him and grinned.
"I hope so. The Princess Silmeria said it was of utmost importance." He smiled slightly. "Though I now understand the reasons why, I was a child when she taught me such things, so I could not fully appreciate them."
Lina lost the grin and stared at him. "A child?!" she gaped.
Milgazia chuckled. "It is easy for most humans to mistake a Ryuzoku in human form to be young adult." He nodded toward Filia, who was trying her best to ignore Xelloss nearby while he loudly chatted to a small group of adoring young women. "I was a little younger than Filia when I met Prince Sparhawk and Princess Silmeria. When the Kouma War broke out, I was a little older than she is now, but amongst my people I was barely adolescent." He explained. His brow knitted as he did a few mental calculations. "I was roughly… Eighteen then, if I translated my age equivalent to human time."
Lina gazed at him, mind reeling at many sudden conclusions, but she stuffed them into a mental trunk to give her more time to examine them later. "Did you have plenty of friends then, Milgazia?"
Milgazia nodded readily. "I did. However, few of us survived the Kouma War and Xelloss."
Lina mentally trounced herself. Idiot. There's a reason why he's called the Eldest of Dragon's Peak! She began to apologize, but Milgazia continued to talk. "My entire family perished as well, save for myself, and my cousin, Inelo. We were the youngest children in our respective families."
The red-headed sorceress stared at him, not having expected this sudden volunteering of personal information. "At least you still have family left." She mentally gulped, then asked it. "Did you lose anyone…special? What I mean is… did you lose some special friend?"
Milgazia's eyes, which had been warm and friendly before, immediately shuttered, and Lina knew she'd hit a nerve. It took him such a long time to answer that Lina felt like a complete and utter heel for ruining the enjoyment of the afternoon. But he answered her question. "I believe you are asking me if I lost… a girlfriend, is that the term? Someone I cared for differently than I would care for a friend."
"Uh, yeah, that's the right term. Look, Milgazia, you don't have to answer such a personal question. It's just that you looked so lonely earlier during the ceremony and well, considering that you hardly show anything on your face, I got worried that maybe this wedding day bought bad memories…" she trailed off and paled, realizing that she'd shot her mouth off and told him more than she had originally intended to say. Lina Inverse, you've picked up all of Gourry's tact today. No, you've eaten it and absorbed it. Even he's not as bad as you are right now!
Milgazia smiled pleasantly and his eyes filled with sincere warmth; confusing poor Lina all over again. "I am honored…and touched that I am such a friend to you, that you care enough to worry."
Lina blinked, got a hold of herself and stared up at him indignantly. "Hell yes I worry, and of course I care! We're friends, aren't we?" she snapped, miffed.
Milgazia laughed. "Yes, we are, and friends, as the saying goes, look out for each other. Hence, it entitles them to worrying." He seemed genuinely pleased as Lina bobbed her head up and down in her patented 'of course I'm right and I'm so glad you agree with me' nod. "To answer your question, no. I did not have a girlfriend, or …a romantic interest in the female gender then. I was simply too young…and certainly other things preoccupied me during the War. I was melancholy – a rare thing, I assure you – because I realized that I have no mate."
"What about now though? Oh, don't answer that, you'll find the right girl when you find her!" Lina waved her question away. "But until you do, you do have your friends! Us especially!"
"Of course." Milgazia agreed unconditionally. Lina cheered, just as he twirled her around again. Her cheer turned into a laugh, and she caught a glimpse of his answering grin of simple enjoyment. As she twirled back toward him, she saw the group of girls that the Dragon Lord had been talking to before, their hands clasped together in delight, cooing in glee. Gee, talk about groupie worship! They're so glad to see him enjoying himself they're not envious anymore that they're not in the picture! Of course, Lina couldn't have known that the object of their groupie worship was herself, and not Milgazia this time.
"And what of you, Lina-san?" Milgazia asked as he caught her in his arms again, as the music changed and he led her into a faster minuet. "What dark thoughts clouded your eyes during the ceremony?"
Lina flushed. "You did see?!"
"I did, since we were supposed to turn our eyes toward the dais after all. I do not think anyone else did, however. Unburden the weights of your soul, I beg." Milgazia nodded over her shoulder at Hallas and Mara as they danced passed. The newlywed couple grinned back, glad that they were enjoying the day.
Lina paused, she herself unused to unloading her own worries. She berated herself, saying it was very unfair that she persuaded Milgazia to tell her his problems when she wouldn't tell him hers. Where's the trust in that? She shrugged and turned to look at Mara and Hallas as the happy couple spun away from them. "It's just that they looked so happy. Heck, they still look happy, and they look like they'll be happy the rest of their lives." A wistful longing colored her voice as it dropped, but it was not envious. "I was just wondering if I'll also know what that kind of happiness and love is like."
Milgazia's expression was back to its default seriousness, but there was an underlying earnestness to it as well. "As you said to me: love will surely find you when the right time, and certainly the right man, comes along. Until then, you have your friends."
"Yeah!" Lina grinned, feeling the lingering ache in her chest disappear. I've got all my friends with me. We're all there for each other, and that's what counts.
Zelgadiss stepped up then, tapping on Milgazia's shoulder. "May I cut in?" he asked.
"Hey, Zel! I didn't know you knew how to dance…" Lina said.
"Like you should be one to talk." Zelgadiss' soft but teasing smirk took the edge off his words. Lina made a face at him.
Milgazia placed Lina's hand in the Chimera's. "Of course you may, Zelgadiss-san." He bowed to Lina. "Thank you, Lina, for granting me the matchless honor of being the first to dance with you." He bent and took her hand, but only brushed his lips against the back of her glove.
Lina smiled in perfect imitation of a young noblewoman. If he can speak like that, then I can too! "The pleasure was all mine, Milord Milgazia…" and she discreetly trod on Zel's foot as he chuckled.
Lina danced and talked with Zelgadiss for a while, then Xelloss took his place. After a few dances, Lina found herself talking to Gourry, and she spotted Milgazia dancing with Amelia. From the look on her face, he was telling her stories about her …illustrious ancestors. A few young men she didn't know cut in too and Richmond gave her a spin, and while she danced with them, Zel danced with Filia and Amelia found another dance partner in Gourry. Sylphiel and Milgazia were dancing, and from the serious look on Sylphiel's face, it appeared that the two were resuming the conversation that had been interrupted when Gourry had proposed marriage to the former shrine maiden. Xelloss had quit the dance floor and nursed a glass of fine Zefirian Black, resisting the efforts of several pretty girls to draw him back out there with them. Then Gourry danced another dance with Sylphiel, and Hallas danced with Lina, while his wife graciously took Zel for a spin around the floor and Milgazia talked with Filia while they sat at one of the tables. When Lina and Hallas passed them, they were speaking in a soft whistling tongue that Lina supposed was Ryuzoku.
"You look beautiful, Miss Lina," Hallas said, pleased at the work his tailors had done. "But then, you always have."
Lina blushed. "Oh, come on, Hallas… you're married now. Can't let a pretty girl turn your head any more, even though you are telling the truth."
"There's nothing wrong in paying a completely honest compliment, Miss Lina, and I'm certain that Mara won't mind, since in a strange way, we both have you to thank for this beautiful day." Hallas told her seriously. Already he seemed more like a man, and less like the victimized rich boy she'd known. Marriage is doing him lots of good, Lina decided. He chuckled. "If I hadn't mistaken her for you, we would never have met! You've done so much for me, Miss Lina, first by ridding me of Cali and her dreadful daughter, and helped me find the woman of my dreams."
"Hey, it's no problem… I mean, you already compensated me for the work I did before, and your inviting all of us to your wedding AND accommodating us all at such short notice is a gift too!" Lina protested. Sometimes, Hallas was generous to the point of embarrassing.
"Still, I have one last gift to give you: I'll loan you not one, but two carriages, with instructions to bring you where ever you wish to go." He smiled. "I still owe you the carriage, you know."
"We took one from you!" Lina protested.
"You took a cart, not a carriage, which is what we agreed on." Hallas told her, a twinkle in his eye showing that a protesting Lina would not be able to dissuade him from his course of action.
Lina sighed. Her feet hurt from all the dancing she'd been doing, and she was hungry again. "Fine. But we'll take them only until the end of the border. We're going too far away for your carriages to be convenient. But the time you're helping us shave off is good though." She grinned as the dance ended. "I think I'll have one last pass at the buffet before I turn in. Do you mind?"
Hallas smiled. "No… not at all. I'm glad you and your friends had fun today."
Lina laughed. "We rarely get chances to have fun like this!" she said and left him on the dance floor while Mara's partner brought her back to her husband.

The carriage dropped them off at the border of the kingdom, as per Lina's instructions, nearly three weeks later. They'd bid Hallas and his new wife Mara goodbye only a few days after the wedding, keeping as gifts the clothing that had been sewn for them. Amelia had the gown she wore sent back to Saillune. Xelloss had his outfit somewhere, and everyone else had put the clothes in their packs. Milgazia alone carried no baggage save the supplies packs that he volunteered to carry.
They'd also been seen off by a large group of young noblewomen, who sighed over their 'Lina-sama' and given her various little going-away presents, ranging from pretty little feminine items, to packets of sweets and chocolate and special travelling rations("To give bursts of walking energy while on the road," the girl said), and delicately scented and expensive perfumes, carefully wrapped in fur-lined velvet pouches to keep them from shattering. One of them gave her a book of maxims and quotes, approaching her most timidly and after having given her gift, retreated like a startled fawn. Lina eventually stood there with her arms filled with little scented packages, looking completely and utterly surprised.
While they were in the carriage, Lina repacked her things, wondering why the girls had given her the gifts, but not able to throw any of them away because they all were very carefully chosen and certainly useful. She glared at Zelgadiss, who seemed to be hiding an extremely amused expression, but she simply couldn't catch him smiling.
When the carriages had left, Lina looked up at the late morning sun and decided that they could probably make it to one of the villages further into the kingdom for lunchtime.
The red-headed sorceress turned to face her motley band of friends and grinned. "Okay guys, holiday's over. Let's see if we can still beat feet after lazing in those coaches all this time!"
Amid Amelia's cheers and a declaration that nothing could slow down the justice of their task, the crew that bandits would fear to waylay continued their journey southward.

Unnoticed and quiet, a shadow lit out from under the darker shades underneath the trees and with preternatural grace flew away.

AN: I mixed what happened in the Anime with what happened in the manga, hence the confusion. Don't be confused, because in the manga, Mil does come back and helps Lina and Co after Gourry is stolen away (he doesn't fly off after Gaav is defeated). Amelia didn't get hurt there either. Sparhawk is a name I borrowed from David Eddings' Elenium/Tamuli series. I'm re-reading it so it popped to mind… Silmeria is from the PS-One game Valkyrie Profile. Knowing me, I'll eventually work Lezard Valeth in somewhere. Truth be told, conversations between Milgazia and Lina are invitations to schizophrenia. His mode of speech is so different from hers I have to go back and make sure Lina doesn't sound stiff. They're fun though.
Now go and review, people who want me to finish this story!