Civil War Pension Abstract from film at National Archives, taken Oct. 1981

Ira Kitch, Widow Martha J  Co. G 100 Pa. Vol. Inf.,
22 Nov. 1864 Cert. 56180              Pa.

Ira died at Fredericksburg, Va. on May 24, 1864 of wounds.
Pensioner Martha J. Kitch was dropped 4 Jan., 1900 because of death.
Residence, P. O. New Lebanon, Mercer Co., Pa.
        George W., born Jan. 22, 1857, sixteen Jan. 21, 1873
        William N. born July 12, 1859
        Mary C., born Feb. 14, 1862
        Ira E. (Etta) born May 13, 1864
Enlisted Aug. 28, 1861. Claimant married to soldier Feb. 1, 1855.
Her application says she was married under the name of Martha J. Fitch to Ira C. Kitch on 21st of Feb, 1855 by Esq. Divans, New Vernon, Mercer Co.
    Two children under 16 at father's death, George and Mary; she is guardian of Mary. Said children not named in her original application through error of person presenting.
    On 5 Sept. 1865 appeared Martha Jane Kitch, age 29 years, a resident of French Creek in Mercer Co.
        George Washington
        William Henderson
        Mary Genetta
        Ira Etta
George and Mary have been adopted by other persons for their own children. Martha in poor health and confined to bed for 4 months at this time.

Affidavit of George W. Kitch, dated Feb. 19, 1878 from Shelby Co., Ill., stating that he is the child of Ira A. and Martha J. and that no money was ever obtained on the pension on his account and he is claiming it.

On 27 Jan. 1880, George is resident of New Lebanon, Mercer Co., aged 23 years. Martha was age 27 and a resident of Worth Twp. in 1864.
Affidavit of Mary M. Kitch and Elizabeth Kitch who are well acquainted with Martha J. Kitch. They were present on 12 July 1859 when she gave birth to male child since named William Henderson.
Also Hettie Henderson and Rachel Carry who testified they were present at birth of Ira Etta Kitch (female.)
Dr. Sagnall delivered George W. Kitch on 22 Jan. 1857, born at Mill Brook, Mercer Co. Mary G. was born 14 Feb. 1862 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co.

Ira died in hospital near Fredericksburg, Va., from wounds secured in battle near Spotsylvania on May 12, 1864.

This information taken in order of papers in file folder. Not all information that is available, but seemingly most of that with genealogical value. Originals should be consulted or ordered from National Archives for confirmation as source.