Feb. 8, 1941) and Homer.

Homer Kitch, married Emma Rolen at Louisville, Ky. Apr. 20, 1897. Emma was born in Olney, Ill., Sept. 1878. They had 5 girls. Homer’s address, 2841 Cass St., St. Louis.

                    Mary Emma Ethel, June 13, 1898
                 Irma Rachel, Oct. 31, 1900
                    Helen Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1904
                    Marie Ruth, Nov. 13, 1905
                    Margaret Louise, Aug. 11, 1908 – Aug. 30, 1908

                    Ethel married E. A. Tidd – July 1917 – no children
                    Irma married Wm. Dickerson – Dec. 1917 – 4 girls
                    Helen married James Stinson – July 1921 – 1 boy, 1 girl
                    Marie married Edward Alden – Mar. 1924 – 3 boys, 1 girl

                    All live in St. Louis. Homer has been a painter and paper hanger and some railroading.


Willie V. Kitch (Uncle Eph’s 2nd boy) was married to Ellen Cannon in Chautauqua County, Kansas in 1886. He was a painter and decorator.

Willie V. Kitch – born Nov. 14, 1865 – Dec. 31, 1934
Ellen May C. Kitch – May 1867 – Oct. 28, 1935


Eula R. Born - June 12, 1887
Marcus Hugh Aug. 2, 1889
Bessie L. Dec. 10, 1891
Nellie Fay Apr. 12, 1894
Miriam Gwendolin July 5, 1896
Eva Viola June 27, 1900–Aug. 31, 1931
Ellen Cannon Dec. 25, 1906-March 1913
William Junior Aug. 5, 1908 – Dec. 1910

                     Eula married Trimble, of Trimble, Ill. He works for Central Illinois Public Service. 1 boy, 1 girl


        Hugh married Ruby Sechler of Buckner, MO. Nov. 14, 1912. Has lived at Lee’s Summit, MO. for 25 years; works for MO. Public Service.


Dorothy May, Aug. 28, 1913 – Sec. To manager of Public Service
Maxine Ellen, Feb. 14, 1916 – Married Donald Kelly and lives in Independence, MO. Works at Pendleton Drug Co.
William Grant Apr. 8, 1919 – Works at Western Auto        Supply Offices in Kansas City, MO.
Marcus Hugh Apr. 29, 1928 – in 4th grade


Bessie married "Arnold" at Atchison, Kansas. Floor maintenance service. 2 boys.


Nellie married "Wright." Lives in Pensacola, FL. Wright is a carpenter. 1 boy.