Rants ‘n’ Raves

The views expressed here are strictly my own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management or staff of: Tripod, Grace Community Church, my wife, God, or anyone else.


Beth is the best wife, ever. Really.

Is it really necessary for a church whose pastor has obtained a Ph.D. to display that information on the sign? I mean, anyone who would choose to attend a church because they see that the pastor has earned a doctorate is attending for the wrong reasons. And from the pastor's point of view, isn't it kind of self-serving to have that up there? Or even to have his name up there? And what's with this "Reverend" title? What verse does that come from?

Pecan pie is the best stuff.

Can someone please explain to me why it should be against the rules to end a sentence with a preposition? I mean, what harm does it cause?

Those folks who are proponents of unions, welfare, affirmative action, public financing of sports stadiums, and raising the minimum wage have one thing in common: they don't realize that in order to give something to someone, it has to be taken from someone else. It doesn't just appear from out of nowhere.

Now that I've offended the liberals, let me step on the toes of conservatives. Death penalty proponents tend to cite Old Testament Law as one reason we should put murderers to death. Without arguing about the death penalty itself, doesn't Deuteronomy 17:6 say that you cannot put anyone to death for murder unless there were a minimum of two witnesses to the murder? Golly, that kind of lets Timothy McVeigh, Darlie Routier, and Henry Lee Lucas off the hook, doesn't it? I'm not defending these murderers, by the way; I'm defending the Word of God, and I'm defending the principal that we should use it correctly. Remember, if you cite the Law, you better be prepared to go with the whole thing, and not pick out only the verses you like.

Stop falling for urban legends, people! There is no prune juice in Dr. Pepper, and rice thrown at weddings is not harmful to birds. Quit being so gullible!

If someone will invent a keyboard where the "Caps Lock" button is off in a corner somewhere, where I'm not likely to accidentally touch it, I'll buy one.


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