J. Goard's Homepage

Last updated March 4, 2003

I'm a graduate student in linguistics at the University of California, Davis. My primary interests are in semantics/pragmatics, its relation to phrasal phonology, and cognitive approaches to traditional pragmatic concepts. I'm currently working on a Master's thesis which applies these interests to possessives. I recently spoke on "Definiteness and English Prenominal Possessives" at the workshop "Where Semantics Meets Pragmatics" for the LSA Summer Institute at Michigan State. One of my related interests is linguistic/cognitive theories of joke structure.

I'm a highly rated Scrabble player. I play online at MarlDOoM and ISC as Blacksilk.

I like to read poetry, and occasionally write some. I especially admire Rilke, Frost, (Bob) Browning, Auden, and in general formalists who address the individual psyche. Check out my favorite poet from my generation, A. E. Stallings.

I'm a supporter (and early adopter!) of e-gold, the online currency fully backed by precious metal. My account is #100592. Anyone who feels like donating to the noble cause of my education, take note. :-)



"The beyond outside us is indeed swept away, and the great undertaking of the Enlightenment complete. But the beyond inside us has become a new heaven, and calls us to renewed heaven-storming."
---Max Stirner, The Ego and its Own