Jim Radakovich

 headache                       nailhead        


                                                                                      27 1/2"H x 6 1/2"W x 6"D 1986                                                                24"H x 7"W x 5"D  1986     

                                                          tree                  Discourse                                 

                                                                        23" H x 16" W x 7" D  1988                                                         Discourse  Acrylic on Canvas  16" H x 20" W  1988

St Lucy

St. Lucy Oil on Linen   24' H x 28" W 1988

  Shut your eyes    

Acrylic on Canvas 18"H x18"W 1985

Make out

Make Out 24" x 18 Acrylic on Canvas 1984



  18"H x 5"W x 5"D  1986 




       22"H x 5"W x 5"D  1987




                                                                                                                                                           18"H x 7"W x 5"D  1986

Tree Spirits

Tree Spirits Oil on Linen 34" H x 26" W 1988


Vanity 34" x 28" Oil on Canvas 1988



Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek 34" x 26" Oil on Canvas 1987



22"H x 8"W x 4" D 1987
