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When Did I Get Old?




James Bredin



When did those three girls come down the road and steal all my sons?

How many granddaughters do I have now and how many grandsons?

When did CDs and DVDs take the place of 8-track tapes?

Whatever happened at the end of Tarzan of the Apes?


When did women start to have tattoos in various places?

And earrings hanging from different locations on their faces?

When did certain controversial men start to wear earrings too?

Some even with pony tails and they don’t seem to have a clue?


When did some fat old girls start to ride those fast mobile seats?

Sometimes speeding on the sidewalks or up and down the streets,

When did every second light bulb come all twisted and white?

They say it’s to save electricity though more dull than bright.


When did cell phones become attached to certain people’s ears?

Who are they talking to with gestures, laughs and sometimes even leers?

Why are naked bellybuttons almost everywhere I look?

When did traffic become gridlock amid all this gobbledygook?


When did I get old, the summers so hot and winters so cold?

Or should I just stop thinking about this and not be so bold,

And manage like a manikin and pretend that there’s no change,

And the sponsorship inquiry was not very strange.


When did political correctness became the religion of the left?

When were unmarked envelopes of money not considered theft?

Why referendums, recall and proportional representation

Why are we in such perilous political desperation?


Wednesday, August 24, 2005


A Canadian Politician


Old White Guys and You



James Bredin


Old white unilingual guys are now at the bottom of the pile,

Can’t get a job or be appointed to anything worthwhile,

And the governor-general job is definitely out of the question,

Could give the adscam chattering classes the wrong impression.



Under the umbrella of their multicultural façade,

Goody-two-shoe politically correct pompous parade,

Accommodate illegals and terrorists with Charter rights,

All the way to the Supreme Court with their prolonged legal fights.


Acceptance of their adscam; these envelopes-full-of-money types,

As they push their multiculturalism from their lofty heights,

Mixed with blatant anti Americanism day after day,

Trying to justify their existence to the same sex and gay.


And if you only speak English and you don’t live in Quebec,

That’s too bad or didn’t you know so don’t bother to check,

Our politicians down at the UN all trying to make a name,

Trying to avoid all controversy and never take the blame.


In their fog of multiculturalism where they feel secure,

And do-good Ottawa adscam policies always seem obscure,

Their holier than thou parade of the pompous and the prude,

And you guessed it, our own culture is getting royally screwed.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Toronto Harbor

Blatant Discrimination




James Bredin



They call it democracy but democracy it is not,

You can’t vote for appointees from this Adscam Liberal lot,

They might be governor generals, senators or judges,

You have long been conditioned to shut up and hold no grudges.


This is the system of government that’s been handed down,

Where we’re compelled more or less to be loyal to the crown,

Overruled by Liberal left wing daily media propaganda,

Pushing their politically correct socialist agenda.


Where bilingual minorities now appear to rule the roost,

Mysterious no-name brand bureaucrats seem to have us seduced,

And you, you old English-speaking unilingual white guy,

Make no waves if you don’t live in Quebec and don’t try to apply.


I should try to contact the Human Rights inquisition crowd,

Listen to a machine tell me how good I am and proud,

And complain to this machine about blatant discrimination,

And left wing stuff from a government corporation.


I know I will never make any secret appointee list,

Old white Conservative guys just fade away and are never missed,

Democracy, referendums and recall are not in our league,

Helpless like in the old Shawinigan shenanigans intrigue.


Monday, August 08, 2005




Judge Gomery Inquiry into Adscam Liberals


Michaëlle Jean




James Bredin


Mister Martin: did you pick her because she is female and black?

Or because she is an immigrant CBC left-wing hack?

Or because she speaks French and lives in Quebec near your friends?

Will she now like the others travel the world to keep up with trends?


Why are we forbidden to vote for her or other appointees?

Is this democracy or is it Quebec you want to appease?

Is it because of the Adscam Gomery inquiry?

Or is it best-before date and Liberal expiry?


Why is it impossible to change the system and are we stuck?

Democracy of cronyism, appointees and bad luck,

No referendums, recall or proportional representation,

No one voted you to be prime minister in this nation.


 Did I mention the five appointed senators you did last week?

Overwhelmed by the media GG appointment critique,

More exciting to write about appointee Michaëlle Jean,

Who will now, until the next appointee, represent the Queen.


Sunday, August 07, 2005


Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada



A Canadian Constitution with Guts




James Bredin


We need a constitution with some good political guts,

For the people, democracy and to get us out of this rut,

So those lifetime politicians have to get another job,

Because it’s healthy to change away from this elite ruling mob.


We should change all politicians at least every five years,

No more lifelong lingerers who continue to give us the gears,

Though they will fight this idea all the way, tooth and nail,

Though I have no doubt that some of them should be in jail.


They act on the theory that we are brow beaten and polite,

Multicultural loyalists who always think we are right,

But Adscam should have taught us that we need another scheme,

To stop corruption, paybacks, envelopes and those in a dream.


No more political appointees without our questions or vote,

Lifetime judges and senators who seem to act on remote,

The prime minister clicks a button and gets what he likes,

Payback time from all his appointees who never have to strike.


A committee should question these secretly appointed judges,

In public on TV about vested interests and grudges,

We need to elect two senators from each and every province,

That’s real equalization – not ransom or benevolence.


Need proportional representation – not too much to ask,

Because first past the post leaves half the country off the track,

We need referendums and recall because some disappear,

Or as usual forget their constituents and have no fear.


Their propaganda and media hates this with a passion,

Claiming that they are the true leaders and they have compassion,

And we should behave ourselves and get back down on our knees,

And pray to them for forgiveness and don’t forget to say please.


Sunday, July 17, 2005




Are the Separatists Serious?




James Bredin


They say the separatists in Quebec can’t pull it off,

This from those Ottawa politicians dipping at the trough,

Say they can’t go without equalization ransom payments,

If they need more they can just ask like all the other claimants.


Equalization is not equal for those who qualify,

Those who vote the right way and Liberals can mollify,

Then they are expected to be docile, compliant and meek,

Equalization is not equal but Liberal technique.


This from the crowd that brought us the Adscam inquiry,

Without national referendums, recall or term expiry

While they tax and spend and travel the world and never react,

And everything they did is hidden inside the Access Act.


Their Access Act hides all their conspiracies and cash pay,

Their secret intrigues and kickbacks cannot see the light of day,

And no one can change the Access Act or do a thing about it,

And Liberals love it as it is and we just doubt it.


Pompously paralyzed within their status quo as we watch,

It’s enough to make a non drinker have another shot of scotch,

And wonder if it was kickbacks that got them to where the are,

Closing down parliament for this summer is not bizarre.


We don’t know where we’re going when and if Quebec pulls out,

While politicians lie, journalists deny and have no doubt,

They have the numbers, charts and the surveys that say it can’t occur,

As we bow our heads in unison and say that we concur.


Wednesday, June 01, 2005





Politically Correct Propaganda




James Bredin


The CBC garrison information comes in quite loud,

A crown corporation that can’t be shut down so they’re allowed,

Propaganda expressed with their proud anti American card,

Pompously proclaim that they are so Canadian and on guard.


Nationalist jingoism of absolute authority, 

Pushing a Liberal policy for each minority,

Organized mindset of entrenched loyalist elitist saints,

More proud but less truthful than Pravda and no complaints.


Manipulate the news with protection from competition,

CRTC connection – their fortification commission,

Bloated corporation with money coming out their ears,

Billion dollar budget so no need for profit or for fears.


Left-wing bias opposed to American culture invasion,

 With offensive Communist gobbledygook persuasion, 

Pompous paranoid pronouncements of their superiority,

And those who don’t believe are into inferiority.


Anti American sentiment is the name of the game,

And absolutely nobody can point the finger of blame,

It helps to whip up hatred when you want to increase your power,

It helps even more when you do it every hour.


Thursday, June 09, 2005



Goodbye Quebec




James Bredin


Goodbye Quebec; now we can get on with the rest of our lives,

In any new rearrangement, I hope everyone survives,

Was the equalization ransom not enough money?

Was Ottawa not Santa Clause enough or the Easter Bunny?


Did you not read all those Adscam advertisement jewels?

Were you not trained to think that Ottawa forever rules?

And you didn’t give Trudeau’s Charter your provincial John Doe,

Written for “everyone” in the world in case you didn’t know.


I never learned French, I’m sad to say -- I’d have to pay and pay,

Never heard it either except on TV – night and day,

 Maybe I should be more subservient to the federal cause,

Learn French and no need for instant translation in Adscam flaws.


I knew for years your referendum would get fifty percent plus,

I’m not a bought party politician forbidden to discuss,

Tied to their pompous policies or bent by Adscam lies,

As I watch displeased and transfixed at the country maybe dies.


We could “Fix Canada” but Ottawa would have to change,

They wouldn’t like that one little bit – isn’t that strange?

They’d have to turn honest and back to the community,

Where’s the leadership to rock the boat with this opportunity?


Wednesday, May 25, 2005


GW and Martin shaking hands

And We Are so Proud




James Bredin


Are Canadian voters a true trustworthy team?

Elected Liberals after scandals before as we have seen,

After Shawinigate and HRDC and much more,

So shady Adscam type conspiracies have happened before.


After the Krever and Somalia Inquiries too,

Voted back in by Canadians who didn’t have a clue,

Enormous propaganda onslaught by their media friends,

So that the puppet press and politicians meet their own ends.


By Liberal-friendly editors with similar concerns,

Vested interests that no one in the public can discern,

A blitzkrieg of lies and innuendos behind a firewall,

For you without referendums, term limits or recall.


And Adscam cases full of cash are heavy to lug about,

But they could convince anyone especially those in doubt,

Plus a paralyzed parliament that seems to be dead,

Dictatorships don’t need parliament, it’s long been said.


Parliament for the prime minister is only an annoyance,

Could cut into his UN agenda and flamboyance,

And those in the Sudan don’t want soldiers but send the money,

Millions to buy guns and ammunition which isn’t funny.


And who appointed the Governor General to her place?

No questions allowed and no answers given and in your face,

The same guy who appoints senators and the Supreme Court crowd,

Still no questions allowed nor answers given and we’re so proud.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Mr Brault told how the conspiracies worked





Charge the Bastille




James Bredin


Check the multiculturalism and bilingualism lot,

Then add unequal equalization and what have you got?

An Ottawa nightmare majority turned minority,

In a paralyzed parliament demanding seniority.


A sign of the times that maybe we’re all completely mad,

Accept money laundering Liberals who say they’re not bad,

And maybe at the next election we’ll give them another chance,

To amend their criminal ways so once more they do a dance.


Or maybe it’s just me and I need another drink and soon,

They seem to want an election maybe this coming June,

Should I volunteer to carry those suitcases full of money?

I hear they are very heavy so this is not funny.


And in Quebec they’re so mad they’ll have Referendum Three,

Maybe separate from Canada and that means you and me,

Just because of Adscam but not that equalization dough,

Which is many billions and which is neither equal nor low.


But don’t dare to change Canada or the Constitution,

Tax and spend on Kyoto and say it’s all for pollution,

Send soldiers and more millions to Africa for those who are ill,

If this was France, people would have long ago charged the Bastille.


Thursday, May 12, 2005




Liberal Gagliano



What is a Canadian?




James Bredin


A Canadian is a witness to the passing parade,

Of new arrivals now that hockey has been delayed,

Drive nice cars but have pious pompous politicians,

Bobbing and weaving in adscam inquiry conditions.


But few have the courage to point out colossal flaws,

In front of fierce propaganda and political applause,

As we heard how they paid and spend the adscam ransom fee,

Sponsorship money for fear of Referendum Three,


Because only Quebec can have a referendum vote,

The rest of the country is quiet reverend and remote,

And Quebec gets billions more called equalization,

No one can find the missing billions hidden in foundations.


As they scream we’re doing great at the United Nations,

Among tin pot dictators and American frustrations,

Where Kyoto is king and left wing activists score,

Where common sense is seldom allowed on the floor.


Canadians watch as their prime minister is selected,

Not by them but by a political party elected,

And then he selects his friends to be senators and judges,

And no questions are allowed and not even grudges.


The prime minister does not depend on the people to stay,

They are just remote distant and very far away,

He then travels the world – every country twice,

For no apparent reason regardless of the price.




Sunday, March 27, 2005



Are we in a mess or what?




James Bredin


The extortionate equalization ransom was paid,

And as Canadians, we thought we had it made in the shade,

Because referendums are forbidden except in Quebec,

But storm clouds are gathering in that province if you check.


Because unquestioned High Court appointees can change all the laws,

Their decisions can’t be questioned as though they have no flaws,

So why bother with politicians who make a lot of noise?

Who vote the party agenda and be one of the boys.


Where cabinet members can be bought by offering them a job,

Someone in Ottawa, an MP or any passing slob,

As High Court judges just decide what is right and what is wrong,

Where party politicians go through the motions and feel strong.


Then Adscam came and showed us what politicians were about,

Gave the separatist in Quebec an awful lot of clout,

They say they’re going to conduct wide-ranging dialogues,

Eventually they might write it in French in their blogs.



Because separatist are on their way to Referendum Three,

Will they get their fifty percent plus and then all agree?

Or will Ottawa make a deal and try to buy them all off?

Double the equalization ransom from those at the trough.



Saturday, June 18, 2005





How to fix Canada


This site is not suitable for committed socialists or union types, Liberals, communists, priests, bishops, nuns, fags, fairies, refugees, feminists, terrorists, special-interest groups or social workers. If you fall into one of the above categories, send an e-mail to james_bredin@msn.com for permission to continue.

Because the Charter was not written for Canadians, but "everyone" in the world, Canada has to support the incoming 40,000 refugees annually. They are not kept in custody. They are given a cheque for $1200 and the banks are obliged to cash it. These phony refugees are not tested for an unknown number of tropical diseases or AIDS but instead are given generous medical treatment while Canadians line up at Emergency rooms and even die waiting for treatment. Yes, Canadians have died for these incoming refugees.

Government supported immigration lawyers line up to represent these incoming refugees and bring their cases all the way to the appointed-for-life Supreme Court.

How to Fix Canada


George W, Powell and O'Neill are going to help us get Benny

Fix Canada

The Liberals know that they have to contain this entire hullabaloo about terrorists and refugees and illegal immigrants in Canada. Because this is where they get many of their votes. Investigations and questions about terrorists will have to be contained, delayed, curtailed, abandoned and overpowered with propaganda about democracy, values of free expression, pluralism, diversity and the Charter. The Liberals know they will just brazen it out in parliament with their majority or they will close parliament down for various periods. It is question period, not answer period. They did it last year with the questions about the missing billion dollars at HRDC. They never answered and no one found the missing billion dollars and even the 22 police investigations have disappeared.


After a visit to George Bush on September 25th,2001, Prime Minister Chretien finally admitted there may have been terrorists in Canada.

The silent but politically correct virus in the Canadian Charter of Rights has caused, directly or indirectly, almost all Canadian political and immigration problems. If "everyone" in the world has rights according to the Trudeau-Chretien Charter, where does that leave normal Canadians -- the obligation to support "everyone" in the world as they arrive in Canada. Indeed incoming terrorists arriving in Canada have more rights than Canadians. This Charter, written by Chretien who was Trudeau's justice minister in 1982, has been touted by all government propaganda for 20 years as the best thing since sliced bread.

Few Canadians have read it. Fewer still have analyzed it. Fewer still realize it is the cause of our problems and no one knows what to do about changing it.


Canadian Foreign Policy




James Bredin


Do we have a foreign policy that they can explain?

Why do politicians hold Americans with distain?

Pomp and circumstances on the international stage,

Added to Adscam affairs that are difficult to gauge.


Am I missing something here as I hear people groan?

Pompous party politicians pandering to their own,

As they brag and they lie and then lie about the lies,

Do we deserve what we get from these girls and guys?


Announcements in China or the international stage,

About same-sex stuff in the Charter and it’s all the rage,

And everything made legal by their appointed friends,

Unquestioned judges with suggestions and trends.


UN agenda as they strut their stuff with foreign aid,

Plus equalization and adscam and they’re got it made,

Can’t tell fantasy from reality and never revealed,

Say no to George Bush and his ballistic missile shield.


And if an incoming missile is coming their way,

Will George phone Paul to see if he’s there or where?

As usually Paul is off in Europe or the Far East,

Will George try to get through to him at the very least?


Saturday, February 26, 2005



Imperial Bilingual Bureaucracy




James Bredin


Their imperial bilingual bureaucracy lied,

From behind their covert curtain where they really reside,

Modern mandarins managed multicultural flanks,

And if anything went wrong just blamed it on the Yanks.


Adolf Hitler used hatred to put Europe in reverse,

Different times in different places it was a curse,

The Blacks, the Jews, the Catholics all got their share,

Now it’s the Americans who might be aware.


Why do our politicians always leave us ashamed?

And at the Adscam inquiry look shocked at being named,

Where are the missing millions and billions that went to friends?

It’s not the Americans; it’s corruption and trends.


We are not a little European principality,

Depending on history, hope and sentimentality,

We are interlocked with the US, like it or not,

Though this is something our politicians have forgot.


As they bob and they weave with pompous equalization,

Not equal and no proportional representation,

Hid Adscam ransom money that went to Quebec,

To stop the third referendum that they can’t check.


And friendly foundations where they hid other dough,

And they seldom tell the truth so no one can know,

The Auditor General is not allowed to see those books,

No referendums or recall as they deny they’re crooks.


Sunday, February 27, 2005



Are Constitutional Changes Forbidden?




James Bredin


Canadians cannot vote to elect their prime minister,

Though he selects judges and senators to administer,

And questions to his appointees can never be asked,

Answers about their vested interest remain hidden and masked.


And without set election dates, he gets to decide,

If or when we’ll have one and his party will provide,

And no one can run unless he signs their party paper,

And without term limits it’s often a life-time caper.


And of course less than half the people bother to vote,

For politicians locked into the party-policy remote,

And this party policy trumps what the people really need,

Plus in parliament they vote strictly as the party agreed.


No referendums, recall or Charter property rights,

Bilingualism and equalization from the heights,

Pluralism and tolerance they say is the way to go,

It will keep us united, over taxed and kept down below.


While the Quebecois have Referendum Three in their sights,

The reverse of what the adscam guy thought was his right,

But still they can’t see anything wrong with the status quo,

And constitutional changes they refuse to bestow.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005



Where Are We Going on this Continent?




James Bredin


Why not a formal customs union together?

We have so much in common including the weather,

And it’s a toss up whose politicians are worse,

Which idiot will speak first or last or even curse?


The right and the left on both sides have their friends,

Waiting to see what their own party recommends,

Trying to breathe fire and draw attention to themselves,

With time worn ideas they found on old shelves.


Media, unions and bureaucrats have agenda,

Pumped out of course in their status quo propaganda,

Pompous politicians scream sovereignty and stall,

What they really mean is they want no changes at all.


It’s just that they want to stay in Ottawa for life,

With their friends and companions enjoying the highlife,

We need a spokesperson for this continent of ours,

Disregard the screamers protecting their powers.


We need a visionary to lead us out of this mess,

As politics of protectionism puts us in distress,

Someone not blind who can see the way out,

Because where we’re going we can do without.


Saturday, March 05, 2005





Never Change Nothing




James Bredin


Titled appointees seek so much more refinement,

Maintain and sustain the status quo is their assignment,

Claim that the Charter is great without property rights,

But so few people know that they don’t dare shine no lights.


Because nothing can be changed so leave it that way,

Concentrate on same-sex marriage for those who are gay,

Claim that it’s in the Charter and everyone says okay,

They know it’s useless to say no, so they just obey.


Deep into UN international human rights,

Plus some shady slush funds sanctimonious delights,

Funds ferried away inside favored foundations,

Out of reach of the Auditor General these donations.


Travel the world to check out all that foreign aid,

Junket to every tropical land while getting paid,

Tax and spend and travel and never never stop,

Claim they’re different by changing the man at the top.


And at their national convention draw up a plan,

Release many more prisoners and close down Adscam,

And lenient sentences for those who might belong,

Freed prisoners can vote and they’re big and they’re strong.


And allow lots of rogue refugees to arrive and stay,

It’s their Charter rights which those lawyers will display,

In front of an immigration appointee judge,

And those red-neck types should shut up and not begrudge.


Friday, March 11, 2005




Change the Constitution Before it gets Rough




James Bredin


The Adscam Inquiry should scream that we need to change,

Soon like tomorrow, as quickly as we can arrange,

To avoid the pitfalls caused by our life-long politicians,

Who wait and delay and claim it’s all caused by conditions.


These reoccurring scandals have long become the norm,

Though every year they claim they’ll get ethics and transform,

And an election will restore all their resolution,

But they always refuse to change the constitution,


Discredited and derailed expectations that have failed,

Free fall opinion polls though no politicians have been jailed,

The writing in the media and on the wall says it all,

It mentions their lack of ethics in a very large scrawl.


They need seven provinces plus half the population,

And Ottawa too wants in, in desperation,

Therefore constitutional changes will never occur,

Because they’ll conceal this and that and fail to concur.


Provinces should be equal with Ottawa now,

Why wait for the next Quebec referendum somehow?

Are we too blind and dumb to see what’s coming down the road?

Can’t read the writing on the wall because it’s in code.


It’s the nature of politicians to never act,

They are programmed to linger and wait and then to react,

But we’ve been tormented by these politicians long enough,

Change the constitution now before it gets rough.


Saturday, April 16, 2005


Click here for Web Poetry Corner


Hatred Haunts




James Bredin


Hatred can unite us against those others,

It doesn’t matter that they were once brothers,

Or that they could be brothers again if things changed,

Not if special-interest types have things arranged.


Those with hatred in their hearts and hidden agenda,

Point the finger and pump out pious propaganda,

They want more power so use hatred a lot,

Hitler did it to the Jews and look what he got.


While those who should unite us remain silent,

Indifferent pretending this is not violent,

And the left wing socialists have a field day,

Claim the Bush Administration has gone astray.


Pompous politicians make innuendos and remarks,

Like hidden agenda of Lenin, Stalin or Marx,

But of course you say this could never happen here,

We have a Charter for same-sex crowd and the queer.


And that Adscam stuff is all just a passing phase,

As the dozy status-quo crowd walk around in a daze,

And farmers whose land is turned into green belt,

With no property rights just love where they dwelt.




Sunday, March 13, 2005




For You Unilingual Eunuch Bunch




James Bredin


We need seven provinces to change the constitution,

Plus we need half the population in this execution,

Plus Ottawa has to get in on the deal that afternoon,

So no changes coming to this status quo real soon.


We’re stuck between this status quo and a real hard place,

They say this is not dictatorship and there is no disgrace,

But he appoints senators and high-court lady judges,

And no questions about feminism nor shady grudges.



Individual Indians on reserves can’t own their land,

And can’t sell their property and told to understand,

But the rest of us don’t have property rights either,

Nor the nerdy nerds who wrote the Charter neither.


It’s hard to believe that this was not all well planned,

Like little communists doing everything on command,

No set election dates, no referendums or recall,

Judicial dictatorship from unquestioned appointees on call.


And you unilingual eunuch better show some respect,

Because multicultural bilingualism is perfect,

Because these adscam socialists might be here to stay,

Better bow towards Ottawa and say “zev ou play.”



Monday, April 11, 2005


Ms. Fraser who brought about the Adscam Scandal



Have we Gone Mentally Ill?




James Bredin


Can’t be asked if they are gay or fascist activists

Can’t be asked about fierce feminist abortionists,

Nothing will be debated or questioned or asked,

In the shrouded secret world where all appointments are masked.


You can’t have an independent thought that you might regret,

A status quo politician might think of you as a threat,

Transparency and accountability is not debated,

The media will keep the public semi sedated.


The weekly political scandal has just arrived,

Taxpayers just discovered again that they’ve been deprived,

And they’re going to enforce and impose same-sex stuff soon,

Teach it in the schools by tomorrow or Friday afternoon.


These crazy decisions that come down from up above,

You are forbidden to be disgusted so just think of love,

And if the country is not completely mentally ill,

If you too stick around long enough, you too certainly will.


And referendums and recall have been forever banned,

Except in Quebec where they have a Francophonie band,

And soon they are going to have Referendum Three,

To flee from Ottawa mad bourgeoisie that they see.


Sunday, April 17, 2005




How Important Can Charter Rights Be?




James Bredin


How important are Charter rights to all these terrorist types?

Impressed again and again by politically-correct hype,

With a bomb strapped to his belly trying to get on a plane,

And when they caught him he started to scream and complain.


Just because he looked like a terrorist carrying a knapsack,

He might have changed his mind and refused his planned attack,

Charter rights are supreme so you can only stand and watch,

It might help a little though if you have a large drink of Scotch.


The Immigration Board ordered him deported last year,

Such a move could have interfered with his terrorist career,

So left wing multicultural lawyers helped pull all the strings,

Not in the least worried about what these decisions could bring.


So though he was ordered deported, he was told that he could stay,

A terrorist on welfare and no need to send him away,

For politically correct proletariat, that Charter,

Gave him permission to be a terrorist martyr.


The political reaction was downright small and mean,

Multicultural voters could now change the political scene,

Therefore Charter rights were seen as very essential,

By pompous politicians not worried about potential.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005







Last updated on 1/17/2006, 10:58:55 PM