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Delphi 3.0 Tips
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Delphi Tips

Below are some of the best ideas I had when creating Delphi applications. You may have to customize my code some to fit your application. My explanations are sparse, so e-mail me at reumuth@rocketmail.com if there's any confusion about what I've done--or if you've found something wrong with what I've done.

Creating menus at run time
Handing invalid drives with a DriveComboBox
Makeing a "Goto Line Number" dialog for a Memo
Turning a Label into a "hyperlink"
Turning a Memo into a "hyperlink"
Cutting and Deleteing lines in a Memo
Allowing a Memo to overwright
Updating a ListBox as one changes an Edit
Conversion between a Bitmap and a JPEG
Flipping an Image or rotating it 90°
How to ensure the text pasted into a RichEdit is the same font as all the other text
Conversion between Long and Short File Names
A ShowMessage Dialog with Pictures like MessageDlg
Great Solution for Labels that are too long
Syntax Highlighting with a Rich Edit
Prevent Flickering in a RichEdit
Make a ListBox's Hint the Item the Mouse is Over